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Folder Injection

matyalatte edited this page Feb 18, 2023 · 1 revision

You can use folder paths as arguments.
The tool will search the folders recursively, and run the operations for the found assets.


  1. Put assets you want to mod in a folder.

  2. Put texture files you want to inject in another folder.

  3. Rename texture files to the same name as the assets.
    e.g. If you want to inject into abc.uasset, rename to

  4. Run GUI.exe.

  5. Drop the asset folder onto the first textbox in GUI.

  6. Drop the texture folder onto the second textbox in GUI.

  7. Select UE version from the dropdown.

  8. Click on the Inject button.

If you will use batch files, use _2_set_asset_path.bat for the step 5, and _3_inject.bat for the step 6.


Here is an example.

There are 4 texture assets (man_skin, man_eye, woman_skin, and photo) with the following folder structure.

├── man
│   ├── man_skin.uasset
│   ├── man_skin.uexp
│   ├── man_skin.ubulk
│   ├── man_eye.uasset
│   └── man_eye.uexp
├── woman
│   ├── woman_skin.uasset
│   └── woman_skin.uexp
├── photo.uasset
├── photo.uexp
└── photo.ubulk

If you want to mod them, you should make a folder like this.

├── man
│   ├── man_skin.png
│   └── man_eye.tga
├── woman
│   └── woman_skin.jpg
└── photo.png
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