A truffle project to simplify using and testing of the ENS registrar described here: ethereum/EIPs#162
For this purpose, you'll likely want to change the Registrar contract's auctionLength and revealPeriod variables to something shorter (ie. 10 and 5 minutes).
To deploy and interact with the Registrar as a web3js object:
$ truffle migrate
$ truffle console
truffle(default)> Registrar.deployed().abi // we have a Registrar
[ { constant: false,
inputs: [ [Object] ],
name: 'releaseDeed',
outputs: [],
payable: false,
type: 'function' },
{ constant: false,
inputs: [ [Object] ],
name: 'invalidateName',
truffle(default)> Registrar.deployed().startAuction(.... //
Suggestion: Try playing opening an auction for your own name, and playing through the timeline in the "Auctioning names" section of the ERC.
Join the discussion and ask questions here: https://gitter.im/ethereum/go-ethereum/name-registry