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GoTestLabels is a a Go package that enables the selection of test cases by labels within the comments of testing functions.

Key Features

It is a tiny package consisting of approximately 300 lines of code and has no third party dependencies. In the testing code, you can use this package with just one line of anonymous import code.

Add one line of anonymous import code in the *_test.go source file:

import (
    _ ""

Add labels to the test case code comment in your *_test.go file:

// @group=demo
// @env=dev
func TestExample(t *testing.T) {

Run the test with label selector, multiple label conditions are combined with logical AND:

go test -v -labels="group=demo" -count=1 ./examples/simple/...


Filter the tests with labels

Three ways are supported to use the package to filter tests, one is just to import the package in anonymous, which has an automatically init function to do the filtering. The other way is to explicitly import the package and call the gotestlabels.MutateTestFuncsByLabels() function in your testing package's init function or TestMain function. If the parent package refers to a sub package underneath, adding the invocation of gotestlabels.MutateTestFuncsByLabels() in TestMain() function is the required safe way.

Use the simple way, only one line of anonymous import is needed:

_ ""

With the explicit way, one line of actual code is needed in the targeted testing package's init function:

import ""

func init() {
    _ = gotest_labels.MutateTestFilterByLabels()

Or, if the parent package refers to a sub package underneath, here's the safe way:

// It's usually okay to import tooling package without identifier to simplify tests.
import . ""

func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
    // The returned test case lists can be used to estimate the test costs or other tasks.
    _ = MutateTestFilterByLabels()

Users can refer to the examples to see how to use the package with one line importing code or an explicit function call.

Add labels to your test cases

To add labels to your test cases, add a comment to the test function in @key=value format. Double slash or slash start are both supported.

Run Go Test with labels

Using env variable TEST_LABELS to specify the labels to run.

TEST_LABELS="group=demo" go test -v ./examples/simple/...

Or, if all the packages under test are equipted with the gotestlabels, the labels can be passed in CLI:

go test -v -labels="group=demo" ./examples/simple/...


If there's no TEST_LABELS var or -labels flag passed in, the package will do nothing and go test runs normally.

If there are regex selectors like -run or -list, the labels will be applied after the regex selectors.

Due to go package loading mechanism, each involved package still needs to equip with the gotestlabels via one of the provided three ways even the wildcard your_package/... is used in CLI.


Here is an example of how to use GoTestLabels:

package yourpackage

import (
    _ ""

// @group=demo
func TestExample(t *testing.T) {
    t.Log("Testing yourpackage.TestExample")
    // Your test code here

To run the above example, the CLI could be:

TEST_LABELS="group=demo" go test -v ./yourpackage


go test -v -labels="group=demo" ./yourpackage

Given the tests in examples folder, the below CLI runs tests with label group=demo. In this sample CLI, only the TestSimpleAlpha and TestSimpleGamma cases are run and the TestSimpleBeta has no such label and will be skipped.

❯ TEST_LABELS="group=demo" go test -v ./examples/simple
=== RUN   TestSimpleAlpha
    demo_test.go:13: Testing examples.simple.TestSimpleAlpha
--- PASS: TestSimpleAlpha (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestSimpleGamma
    demo_test.go:25: Testing examples.simple.TestSimpleGamma
--- PASS: TestSimpleGamma (0.00s)
ok  	gotestlabels/examples/simple	0.267s

Or, users can list the test cases with labels.

❯ go test -v ./examples/simple -list . -labels "group=demo"
ok  	gotestlabels/examples/simple	0.268s
# Or, use the CLI flag
❯ TEST_LABELS="group=demo" go test -v ./examples/simple -list .
ok  	gotestlabels/examples/simple	0.268s

To run the tests with label env=dev, the CLI could be:

❯ TEST_LABELS="env=dev" go test -v ./examples/simple -count=1
=== RUN   TestSimpleBeta
    demo_test.go:20: Testing examples.simple.TestSimpleBeta
--- PASS: TestSimpleBeta (0.00s)
ok  	gotestlabels/examples/simple	0.270s

Readers are kindly reminded to add -count=1 to the CLI since there's only env var changes so the tests shall be forced to rerun. Actually the test codes are rebuilt to new temporary binary file but the objective of this package is to offload readers from golang testing package internal details.


The test running args are mutated by updating or adding a regex to matching test function names. Which means if two test functions share the same name in different packages, they are either both selected or both skipped. This is due to the go testing package regex filter mechanism. To mitigate it, the two packages with duplicated test name shall be launched separately. Reader could refer to below example to select package and its sub packages in CLI.

❯ go test -v .{,/pkg1,/pkg2}

The above CLI will run the tests in current path and its sub paths "./pkg1" and "./pkg2" only. The other sub packages are skipped.

Another limitation is that multiple labels are selected with logical AND operator. If more complicated label conditions are needed, the users can add a new label to preconfig the test cases explicitly. For example, if the conditions are (group=demo AND env=dev) OR (group=demo AND env=sit), users can add a new label group=demo-non-prod to include the demo cases in both dev and sit envs.


  • Add -count=1 if only env vars are changed and the go test CLI still runs the same cases. It's due to go test internal mechanism that the same built binary is used since there's no code change in between.


This package attempts to offload users from the golang testing package internal implementation details and the the ASK parsing process steps and enable readers to filter test cases with labels. The go testing CLI provided the -run and -list flags to filter tests via regex against the test function names. However, sometimes it's not convenient to keep long function names as the convention or only selec tests via the linear matching mechanism. For example, if the tests are cataloged in multiple dimensions like TestAddByClickInDevForIntegration and TestAddByClickInProdForRegression. This package is designed to provide a multiple dimension test case selector with no actual coding maintenance efforts.

This small project is part of the approach to verify the generic idea that devops information could be injected without functional code change in all the devops stages. The gotest-labels inject testing control information into the go testing CLI running sessions. The author is working on other approaches to inject information to compilation steps as well.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue.


This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. See the LICENSE file for details.


Go pkg for go test to select cases by labels







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