Can your organization's security posture be strengthened by monitoring WiFi Probe Requests? What about Bluetooth Low Energy Beacons? Can identifying names and device information sent in cleartext help you authenticate who you’re talking to? Location data of wireless networks people have previously connected to combined with current location can be used to validate identity.
Insecure wireless settings can leak information such as names, travel patterns, places of work, language preferences and even types of cars driven. Imagine a potential candidate at a job fair beaconing in the language of a nation-state threat actor, or a potential business partner with probe requests correlating to a competitor’s office, or even being notified of a flipper zero close enough to clone your RFID badge.
A real time application of intelligence gained from passively monitoring wireless transmissions from common mobile devices. An unobtrusive method of collecting and displaying this information. New acquaintances can be vetted instantly by confirming who they say they are matches the information coming from their devices. Findings from analyzing large data sets will be presented, demonstrating that this method can be applied to enumerate potential threat actors within a given proximity.
- bettercap
- curl
- aircrack-ng (suite)
- tcpdump
- jq
- python
- geopy.geocoders import Nominatim
- bash
- screen
- tmux
- Wigle API key
- GNU bash, version 5.2.15
- tshark
- sqlite3
- mysql/mariadb
put wireless interface in monitor mode build database with run
Randomized Mac does not coincide with a known Vendor OUI
BLE MAC's are not randomized
Devices burst equally on each channel
apt-get install git tshark sqlite3 iftop wavemon screen jq curl firmware-realtek firmware-misc-nonfree aircrack-ng hostapd fbi toilet fbterm ntpdate mariadb-server python3-mysqldb xxd bc
git clone git clone
systemctl disable NetworkManager systemctl disable wpa_supplicant systemctl disable avahi-daemon systemctl disable mariadb systemctl disable ModemManager sudo systemctl unmask hostapd sudo systemctl enable hostapd sudo systemctl start hostapd
add folloing to boot/config.txt dtoverlay=disable-bt
Configure hosapd.conf
add to /home/pi/