This is the implementation in Go for Facebook Ads APIs Business SDK
- GNU Make
- Golang ~= 1.12.4
- Docker ~= 19.03.1
- Docker Compose ~= 1.24.1
1. Installing Go with Homebrew
brew install go
Note: You can install Go by whichever mean you see fit. Homebrew is just our choice of preference.
2. Setup your GOPATH
# Source this in your favorite shell .rc (.bashrc, .zshrc, etc...)
# or just export it on the shell you're currently working on
export GOPATH=$HOME/place/to/put/my/go/code
Note: If you're using IDE embedded test runners like Goland configure this as an environment variable
# Make sure GO111MODULE=on is set on your working shell
# The process should be the same as how you setup your GOPATH (See section 2.)
export GO111MODULE=on
# You can use go built-in tool to clone the code
go get -d -v
# Or man-handling it
mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
git clone $GOPATH/src/
We love localizing project level dependencies so now we're going to download them using a go module utility.
# Make sure you're inside of the project directory first
go mod vendor
go test ./...