Here are some of the projects I have worked on:
Blood Donation website, connects Blood Donors and Receivers. Complete Full-Stack Web Application and a group task for Web Programming Lab course in University. I've contributed on fixing some bugs in Front-End and Complete Backend part.
Tech Stack: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, PHP, MySQL
Database Management System For Metropolitan University Library. Complete CRUD Application and a group task for Database Management System course in University. I've contributed on development part.
Tech Stack: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, PHP, MySQL
Simple dynamic To-Do list CRUD, console application for practice Algorithm Design And Analysis Course.
Tech Stack: C++, C++ Libraries and VS Code
Tech Stack: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript
Online news portal landing page practice project.
E-commerce Landing Page Practice Project. Clone and Idea from Themeforest, Templetemonster.
Legal Solutions website landing page.
Crypto Currency Landing Page Practice Project. Clone and Idea from Themeforest, Templetemonster.
Brand New Group of Architects website landing page.
Digital Professional Agency website landing page.
- Programming Languages: C, C++, Java, PHP, Dart, Python
- Dev & Design Tools: Git, Figma, VS Code, Android Studio, IntelliJIDEA
- Web Development: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, JQuery
- App Development: Flutter
- Database: MySQL
I occasionally share my study, experiences and knowledge in productivity, study-insights and technology:
- What happens if you don’t set tasks for the next day before going to sleep?
- How to prepare a well-organized Presentation?
- The 7 Cs of an Effective Business Communication in a nutshell
- LinkedIn: Md. Yasin Ahmed Mahi
Feel free to explore my repositories and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or collaboration ideas!