Markdown renderer for Dear ImGui using MD4C parser.
C++11 or above
imgui_md currently supports the following markdown functionality:
- Wrapped text
- Headers
- Emphasis
- Ordered and unordered list, sub-lists
- Link
- Image
- Horizontal rule
- Table
- Underline
- Strikethrough
- HTML elements: <br> <hr> <u> <div>
- Backslash Escapes
Most format tags can be mixed!
Current tables limitations:
- Width of the columns are defined by header
- Cells are always left aligned
Add imgui_md.h imgui_md.cpp md4c.h md4c.c to your project and use the following code:
#include "imgui_md.h"
//Fonts and images (ImTextureID) must be loaded in other place
extern ImFont* g_font_regular;
extern ImFont* g_font_bold;
extern ImFont* g_font_bold_large;
extern ImTextureID g_texture1;
struct my_markdown : public imgui_md
ImFont* get_font() const override
if (m_is_table_header) {
return g_font_bold;
switch (m_hlevel)
case 0:
return m_is_strong ? g_font_bold : g_font_regular;
case 1:
return g_font_bold_large;
return g_font_bold;
void open_url() const override
//platform dependent code
bool get_image(image_info& nfo) const override
//use m_href to identify images
nfo.texture_id = g_texture1;
nfo.size = {40,20};
nfo.uv0 = { 0,0 };
nfo.uv1 = {1,1};
nfo.col_tint = { 1,1,1,1 };
nfo.col_border = { 0,0,0,0 };
return true;
void html_div(const std::string& dclass, bool e) override
if (dclass == "red") {
if (e) {
m_table_border = false;
ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, IM_COL32(255, 0, 0, 255));
} else {
m_table_border = true;
//call this function to render your markdown
void markdown(const char* str, const char* str_end)
static my_markdown s_printer;
s_printer.print(str, str_end);
# Table
Name | Multiline <br>header | [Link ](#link1)
Value-One | Long <br>explanation <br>with \<br\>\'s|1
~~Value-Two~~ | __text auto wrapped__\: long explanation here |25 37 43 56 78 90
**etc** | [~~Some **link**~~](|3
# List
1. First ordered list item
2. Another item
* Unordered sub-list 1.
* Unordered sub-list 2.
1. Actual numbers don't matter, just that it's a number
1. **Ordered** sub-list 1
2. **Ordered** sub-list 2
4. And another item with minuses.
- __sub-list with underline__
- sub-list with escapes: \[looks like\]\(a link\)
5. ~~Item with pluses and strikethrough~~.
+ sub-list 1
+ sub-list 2
+ [Just a link](
* Item with [link1](#link1)
* Item with bold [**link2**](#link1)
<div class = "red">
This table | is inside an | HTML div
--- | --- | ---
Still | ~~renders~~ | __nicely__
Border | **is not** | visible