This document describe how to run a fully working Apache Guacamole (incubating) ECS instance build on docker (docker-compose) in Flexible Engine with SSH and RDP session pre configured all in a box.
Image is build on Ubuntu 20.04 with the following packages :
- docker
- ubuntu desktop
- xrdp
Apache Guacamole (incubating) is a clientless remote desktop gateway. It supports standard protocols like VNC, RDP, and SSH. It is called clientless because no plugins or client software are required. Thanks to HTML5, once Guacamole is installed on a server, all you need to access your desktops is a web browser.
It supports RDP, SSH, Telnet and VNC and is the fastest HTML5 gateway I know. Checkout the projects homepage for more information.
This image is based on the following project :
From Image Management Service (IMS) :
- Go to Image share with me
- Select : guacamole
- in Operation section choose : Apply for Server
- Configure the ECS with your preferred configuration
- 1 vCPUs and 2GiB of RAM is enough to run the Remote Desktop
- Assign an EIP if you are not using an ELB (10 Mbit/s is recommended)
Finally open TCP port 8443 and 4444 in your security group associated to the ECS
Once your ECS is up and running, in your favorite browser go to :
Replace x.x.x.x by the EIP assign to your ECS
user / password is :
guacadmin / guacadmin
I strongly recommend to create a new user :
In the top right menu (guacadmin)
- go to Settings
- User
- Create a new user with all right
- User
- Log out
- Log in with your new user
- in the user configuration deactivate the guacadmin account
In the Settings
- Connections
- Edit the ssh-local template and replace :
- name
- ip by yours ECS IP
- password
- private key
- Save
- Edit the rdp-local template and replace
- ip by yours ECS IP
- Save
- Edit the ssh-local template and replace :