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meta-d edited this page Mar 14, 2024 · 2 revisions


  • Clone repo git clone
  • Change directory cd ocap

With Docker Compose

  • Make sure you have Docker Compose installed locally.
  • Copy .env.compose file into .env file in the root of mono-repo (the file contains default env variables definitions).
  • Run docker-compose -f docker-compose.demo.yml up, if you want to run the platform using our prebuild Docker images. (Note: it uses latest images pre-build automatically from head of develop branch using GitHub CI/CD.)
  • Run docker-compose up, if you want to build everything (code and Docker images) locally. (Note: this is extremely long process, option above is much faster.)
  • Open http://localhost:4200 in your browser.
  • The first time you will enter the onborading page. Follow the prompts to complete the initial settings ( organization, samples and connect your data source), and then you can start using it.
  • Enjoy!

If you are in China, you can use the following command to speed up the download of Docker images: docker-compose -f docker-compose.demo_cn.yml up


If you want to run the platform manually, you can follow the steps below.

  • Install NodeJs LTS version or later, e.g. 18.x.
  • Install Yarn (if you don't have it) with npm i -g yarn.
  • Install NPM packages and bootstrap solution using the command yarn bootstrap.
  • Copy .env.local file into .env and adjust settings in the file which is used in local runs.
  • Run command docker-compose -f up -d to start PostgreSQL database and redis services.
  • Run both API, UI and OLAP engine with a single command: yarn start, or run them separately with yarn start:api, yarn start:cloud and yarn start:olap.
  • Open Metad UI on http://localhost:4200 in your browser (API runs on http://localhost:3000/api).
  • Onboarding...
  • Enjoy!

With Doris

docker-compose -f docker-compose-doris.yml up -d
docker-compose -f up -d


Before commit/push the code, please ensure the project is built correctly, execute the following command:

yarn build

Build Docker Images

docker build -f ./.deploy/webapp/Dockerfile -t metadc/ocap-webapp-demo:latest .

For Metad OCAP adopters

For Metad OCAP developers

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