Heroku buildpack for Stack. Based on the excellent heroku-buildpack-ghc
Create an app with this buildpack:
$ heroku create --buildpack https://github.com/mfine/heroku-buildpack-stack.git
Set this buildpack on an existing app:
$ heroku buildpacks:set https://github.com/mfine/heroku-buildpack-stack
Binary executables are placed in /app/.local/bin/
after compilation, a directory which Heroku includes in your $PATH
, so assuming that your application is binding to $PORT
, you can serve your app by creating a Procfile
at your project root that defines a web
process type for the executable
defined in your .cabal
$ cat *.cabal | grep executable
executable YOURAPPNAME-exe
$ echo "web: YOURAPPNAME-exe" >> Procfile
To avoid committing secrets into stack.yaml
for access to private
repos, an app's config vars values can be substituted for tags
enclosed in double brackets. For example, given a stack.yaml
git: https://mfine:{{GITPASS}}@github.com/mfine/heroku-buildpack-stack.git
and an application with config vars:
$ heroku config -app calm-storm-51595
=== murmuring-beyond-51595 Config Vars
GITPASS: abc123
before compilation, the stack.yaml
will be substituted as follows:
git: https://mfine:abc123@github.com/mfine/heroku-buildpack-stack.git
This buildpack now supports an optional Makefile, in case you need to coordinate
other build steps with Stack. It assumes that the Makefile includes a make install
target that uses the Stack build command with the flag --copy-bins
For example, a possible install
target configuration in the Makefile could be:
stack build --copy-bins