This is a mini social network web application built using MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node) stack. It allows users to sign up, create a profile, search for other users, view their profiles, and add or remove friends. The application also has a feature to show the list of mutual friends between users.
*User authentication (sign up, sign in, sign out)
*User profile creation
*User search functionality
*Add or remove friends
*View mutual friends
1.Clone the repository to your local machine
2.Install dependencies by running npm install in the project server directory and the client directory
3.Create a .env file in the server directory of the project with the following variables:
4.MONGO_URI - your MongoDB connection string
5.JWT_SECRET - your JSON Web Token secret key
6.nodemon ./index.js from server directory to start the server
7.npm start from client directory to start client
*MongoDB - a document-oriented NoSQL database
*Express - a Node.js web application framework
*React - a JavaScript library for building user interfaces
*Node.js - a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine
*JSON Web Token (JWT) - a standard for securely transmitting information between parties as a JSON object Contributing