- Quickly position and order sprites according to spine json exported with an art program.
- This script will reposition the nodes on the stage and reorder the nodes within the scene tree to match the layer order in the design file.
- This function will work for any node matching the names. So you could reparent the sprites to other nodes of a matching name and the script can still re-order everything.
- If your art program does not have a json export, you can potentially save it into a format for another program that does. In this example I am using Affinity Designer.
- If your exported json does not match the format below, you can modify the script to adjust for the changes.
Export directly or bring your images into your project folder.
The exported json file should look something like this:
This will typically create nodes in alphabetical order.
This script will reposition the nodes on the stage and reorder the nodes within the scene tree to match the layer order in the design file.
Godot y coordinates go down which is the opposite of most design programs, so you need to offset the distance.
Start like this:
End like this:
This function will work for any node matching the names. So you could reparent the sprites to other nodes of a matching name and the script can still re-order everything.