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matthewgoral edited this page Mar 30, 2016 · 21 revisions


  • Videos + Book Chapters, Examples for Week 6: Physics Libraries

Autonomous Agents!

  • Add some element of "steering" to a previous sketch that models forces.
  • Create a world where creatures pursue good things (e.g. Prey) and run away from bad things (e.g. Predators)
  • Interfere with steering behavior with noise, probability, or oscillation.
  • Design your own crazy Flowfield. Use a sound file or image to build your Flowfield.
  • Introduce gusts of wind that break up a Flocking System.
  • Steer towards color, pitch, something non-spatial.
  • Create a Flocking System of colors or sound.

Please create a web page to document your homework. Make sure it include some visual documentation of your work as well as the source code. To the extent possible, please post your link before 10am on Wed morning, Mar 2.

Post your work