Industrial Artificial Intelligence (IAI) Group belongs to the Mobile Life and New Media Lab (MINElab), Engineering Research Center for Information Network of MoE (MEERCIN), Beijing Univ. of Post and Telecommunications (BUPT).
The group focuses on AI for Industrial 4.0, especially on data-driven Prognostics and Health Management (PHM), industrial big data, AIops and predictive maintenance, as well as advanced machine learning algorithms.
Principle Investigator
Dr. Zhenyu Wu (吴振宇), Associate Professor
Master Students
2019: Juchuan Guo (郭聚川), Xiaomeng Lv (吕潇萌)
2020: Yicheng Liu (刘奕辰), Lixin Hou (侯力新), Hao Chen (陈浩)
2021: Longfei Chen (陈龙飞), Linjie Li (李麟杰), Zhuoxin Chen(陈卓新), Zhongbao Ma(马忠宝), Zhichun Zhang(张智淳), Jialin Guo(郭珈麟)
2022: Banghao Xu(徐邦豪)
2018: Hongkui Zhang (张洪魁/招商银行), Binghao Fu (付炳豪/读博), Chang Shi (施畅/阿里), Menglei Zang (臧梦磊/头条), Danyang Jiao (焦丹阳/中国电信)
2017: Shuyang Yu (于舒扬/搜狐-Sohu)
2016: Wenfang Lin (林文芳/阿里-Alibaba), Peng Lv (吕鹏/头条-Toutiao)
2015: Yunong Yang (杨雨浓/阿里-Alibaba), Hao Luo (罗昊/美团-Meituan), Yang Guo (郭洋/头条-Tou tiao)
- 《Introduction to Information and Communication Engineering》, Autumn Semester
- 《Mobile Internet Application Development Circulum》, Spring Semester
OpenPdM: An Open Platform for Predictive Maintenance
DGTL-Net: A Deep Generative Transfer Learning Network for Zero-Fault Diagnostics
Intelligent Fault Diagnostics for 5G Bearing Network
To be appear soon
Industrial AI Optimization System for Indusitral Internet
To be appear soon
5G+Intelligent Manufacture
To be appear soon
Intelligent Fault Diagnosis Method for Imbalance Industrial Big Data under Variant Working Conditions
To be appear soon
Assessment and Prediction of Microservice Health Based on Call Chain and Machine Learning
Intro: sponsored by Huawei HIRP
Intro: sponsored by MOST of China
Web of Things Framework
Intro: sponsored by MOST of China
Sino-Finland Livinglab Platform for Smart Design
Intro: sponsored by MOST of China
- Zhenyu Wu*; Hongkui Zhang; Juchuan Guo; Yang Ji; Michael Pecht, Imbalanced Bearing Fault Diagnosis under Variant Working Conditions using Cost-Sensitive Deep Domain Adaptation Network, Expert Systems with Applications, 2022.5
- Chang Shi; Zhenyu Wu*; Xiaomeng Lv; Yang Ji, DGTL-Net: A Deep Generative Transfer Learning Network for Fault Diagnostics on New Hard Disks, Expert Systems with Applications, 2021.6
- 吴振宇; 施畅*, 敏捷化AIOps框架及运维数据质量评估方法,北京邮电大学学报, 2021.6
- Zhenyu Wu*; Wenfang Lin; Yang Ji; Michael Pecht, “A Local Adaptive Minority Selection and Oversampling Method for Class-Imbalanced Fault Diagnostics in Industrial Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 2020.12.
- Zhenyu Wu*; Shuyang Yu; Xinning Zhu; Yang Ji; Michael Pecht, A Weighted Deep Domain Adaptation Method for Industrial Fault Prognostics according to Prior Distribution of Complex Working Conditions, IEEE Access, 2019.9.
- Z. Wu et al., K-PdM: KPI-oriented Machinery Deterioration Estimation Framework for Predictive Maintenance using Cluster-based Hidden Markov Model,"in IEEE ACCESS, 2018.7.
- Zhenyu Wu*; Wenfang Lin; Yang Ji, An Integrated Ensemble Learning Model for Imbalanced Fault Diagnostics and Prognostics, IEEE ACCESS, 2018.2.19, PP(99): 1~1
- Wu, Z.*; Guo, Y.; Lin, W.; Yu, S.; Ji, Y. A Weighted Deep Representation Learning Model for Imbalanced Fault Diagnosis in Cyber-Physical Systems. Sensors 2018, 18, 1096.
- Zhenyu Wu*; Yuan Xu; Yunong Yang; Chunhong Zhang; Xinning Zhu; Yang Ji, Towards a Semantic Web of Things: A Hybrid Semantic Annotation, Extraction, and Reasoning Framework for Cyber-Physical System, Sensors, 2017.2 .20, 2017(2)
- Wu, Zhenyu*; Itala, Timo; Tang, Tingan; Zhang, Chunhong; Ji, Yang; Hamalainen, Matti; Liu, Yunjie, A web-based two-layered integration framework for smart devices , EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2012
- 吴振宇*; 杨雨浓; 朱新宁, 面向智能诊断的语义物联网知识标注与推理框架, 北京邮电大学学报, 2017.10.13, (04): 1~6
- Juchuang Guo; Yichen Liu; Zhenyu Wu, Decoupling Deep Domain Adaptation Method for Class-Imbalanced Learning with Domain Discrepancy, In proceedings of 2021 IC-NIDC, 2021.11
- Binghao Fu; Zhenyu Wu; Juchuan Guo, Remaining Useful Life Prediction under Multiple Operation Conditions based on Domain Adaptive Sparse Auto-Encoder, 2020 ICPHM, 2020.6.
- Shuyang Yu; Zhenyu Wu; Xinning Zhu; Michael Pecht, A Domain Adaptive Convolutional LSTM Model for Prognostic Remaining Useful Life Estimation under Variant Conditions, 2019 Prognostics and System Health Management Conference, 2019.5.2-2019.5.4
- Zhenyu Wu; Hao Luo; Yunong Yang; Xinning Zhu; Xiaofeng Qiu, An Unsupervised Degradation Estimation Framework for Diagnostics and Prognostics in Cyber-Physical System, 2018 IEEE WF-IoT, 2018.2.5-2018.2.8
- Hao Luo; Zhenyu Wu; Xinning Zhu, A Cluster-Based Hidden Markov Model for High-level State Discovery from Time Series, 2017 International Conference on Big Data Computing and Communications, 2017.8.10-2017.8.11
- Yang Guo; Zhenyu Wu; Yang Ji, A Hybrid Deep Representation Learning Model for Time Series Classification and Prediction, 2017 International Conference on Big Data Computing and Communications , 2017.8.10-2017.8.11
- Zhenyu Wu ; Yuan Xu; Yunong Yang; Chunhong Zhang; Yang Ji, Towards Semantic Web of Things: From Manual to Semi-automatic Semantic Annotation on Web of Things, The 2nd International Conference on Big Data Computing and Communication, 2016.7.29-2016.7.31
- Yang, Yunong, Z. Wu, and X. Zhu. "Semi-automatic metadata annotation of Web of Things with knowledge base." IEEE International Conference on Network Infrastructure and Digital Content IEEE, 2017:124-129.
- Zhenyu Wu ; Timo Itälä; Tingan Tang; Chunhong Zhang; Yang Ji; Matti Hämäläinen; Yunjie Liu, Gateway as a service: A cloud computing framework for web of things, 2012 19th International Conference on Telecommunications, ICT 2012, 2012.4.23-2012.4.25
- Zhenyu Wu ; Chunhong Zhang; Yang Ji; Yunjie Liu, Web of X Service Environment for Ubiquitous Network and Computing, Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Internet of Things and 4th International Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing, 2011.10.19-2011.10.22