Releases: mingsongli/acycle
Acycle v2.8: time-series analysis software for paleoclimate research and education
Acycle v2.8: time-series analysis software for paleoclimate research and education
Acycle v2.7
Version: Acycle_v2.7
Date : Jun 17, 2023 - Oct 10, 2023
By : Mingsong Li (Peking University)
1. COCO: Save the correct COCO figure; use the invpretile function to calculate percentiles;
2. eCOCO: Save data in an Excel file;
3. Curve Fitting: estimate the optimal span using the Generalized Cross-Validation (GCV) method;
4. Japanese version is ready (Thank Prof. Masayuki Ikeda);
5. CENOGRID (Westerhold et al., 2020, Science, doi: 10.1126/science.aba6853);
6. Dynamic filter: bug-free;
7. Insolation/astronomical solutions: debug. Start from 0. Thanks, Lucas Lourens!
8. Undatable: Age-depth modeling in Matlab.
Thank Lougheed, B. C. and Obrochta, S. P. for permission.
Lougheed, B. C. and Obrochta, S. P. (2019), A rapid, deterministic
age‐depth modelling routine for geological sequences with inherent
depth uncertainty. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology. Accepted
Author Manuscript. doi:10.1029/2018PA003457
9. Prof. Graham Weedon's SWA method included! Thank Graham!
The spectrum is derived from a periodogram based on the Lomb-Scargle algorithm - allowing analysis of data with varying sample intervals in time_ml/distance or data with a fixed sample interval but data missing. Weedon et al. (2019) introduced the use of SWA as a non-parametric method for locating the spectral background. false_ml Discovery rates (FDR) are designed to control type I errors (false_ml positive detection of significant spectral peaks) while minimizing type II errors (false_ml rejection of spectral peaks as significant). Weedon (2020) illustrated multiple cases from cyclostratigraphy using SWA and FDR. Weedon (2022) investigated the associated false_ml detection rates.
10. MTM + SWA method (NEW);
11. Principal Component: language debug.
Acycle 2.6 Matlab
Acycle software has been upgraded to version 2.6 (
The most important upgrade is that the graphic user interface of Acycle 2.6 can be displayed using multiple languages.
In addition, lots of fantastic tools have been added/updated:
- Newly designed Plot Pro GUI: easy to plot multi-panel, publish-quality figures.
- Recurrence plot (NEW).
- Main Window - Unit Listbox: add more options for unit selection.
- Image profile to extract color series: allows more than two control points, and supports grayscale, CIE Lab, and RGB images.
- Multiple languages are available: now Simpled Chinese and traditional Chinese versions are included to celebrate the Spring Festival, the most important festival in China and several other Asian countries. More languages are coming.
Thank you very much for providing codes, bug reports, and suggestions. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you find any bugs or need further information.
Acycle v2.4.1 MatLab
Version : Acycle_v2.4.1
Date : Dec 1, 2021 - Dec. 12, 2021
By : Mingsong Li (Peking University)
1. Interpolation Pro (New!)
2. Wavelet coherence & wavelet
Rectified Wavelet Power Spectrum (Liu et al., 2007 doi:10.1175/2007JTECHO511.1)
Thank you, Jaume Dinarès-Turell!
Bug report: Prof. Zhengtang Guo.
3. Wavelet cross spectrum
Code by Aslak Grinsted
4. Plot - Convert to sound: hear your data
Acycle v2.4 MatLab
users guide v2.4 Merge branch 'dev'
acycle v2.3 Runtime R2020b
released 2021-05-30. Runtime 2020b is needed.
v2.2.1 for doi-issuing
v2.2.1 for doi-issuing
Acycle v2.2
acycle 2.2
Acycle v1.2 released!
What's new
Getting Started:;
Acycle v1.2 has new stuff:
Date: May 20, 2019
Signal/Noise generator: a GUI to replace old tools generating "sine wave", "red noise" and "white noise";
Evolutionary spectral analysis: add one option for zero-padding both top and bottom of series, this is to add back the missed half-window due to the sliding window methods.
- [Thank Dr. Nicolas R. Thibault (University of Copenhagen, Denmark) for this wonderful suggestion.]
Evolutionary spectral analysis: add sub-panels showing 2-pi-MTM power spectrum and data-series
- [Thank Daniel R. Franco (Department of Geophysics, National Observatory, Brazil) for this wonderful suggestion.]
Support SPACE in file name and folder name;
- [Thank Dr. Feng Cheng (Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Rochester) for this suggestion.]
COCO: detect test limits of sedimentation rate automatically.
Acycle v1.1 has new stuff:
eCOCO: save optimal sed. rate as a text file: "*.ECOCO.Optimal.txt";
eTimeOpt: save optimal sed. rate as a text file: "*.eTimeOpt.txt";
TimeOpt and eTimeOpt use Taner roll-off rate of 1012 ;
Put back lost smoothci.m and smoothciML.m files;
Icons in the main window: remove borders of each button;
Fix a bug in Plot Digitizer;
Add a Mini-robot GUI.
Please cite:
Mingsong Li, Linda A. Hinnov, Lee R. Kump, 2019. Acycle: Time-series analysis software for paleoclimate research and education. Computers & Geosciences. 127: 12-22.
Acycle v1.0: Time-series analysis software for paleoclimate research and education
Acycle v1.0: Time-series analysis software for paleoclimate research and education
This is the first formal release of Acycle software package (MatLab version).
Mac and Windows standalone versions can be downloaded
(DROPBOX) here or
A very preliminary Wiki and User's Guide can be found here:
Please cite this paper if you find it useful:
Mingsong Li, Linda A. Hinnov, Lee R. Kump, 2019. Acycle: Time-series analysis software for paleoclimate research and education. Computers & Geosciences.