Releases: minvws/nl-covid19-coronacheck-app-ios
Releases · minvws/nl-covid19-coronacheck-app-ios
CoronaCheck 5.1.0
- Always show the app is deactivated, regardless of config state
- Removed obsolete and excess code
- Removed the existing database
- Removed obsolete code
CoronaCheck 5.0.1
Fixed a crash which occurred when saving a pdf file on iPad.
CoronaCheck 5.0.0
- Implemented a feature flag for archive mod. When turned on it will do the following:
- Show a different ‘what’s new’ for users
- Show an archive mode end state if there are no contents or the app is opened for the first time
- The strippen refresh is disabled
- Implemented three feature flags for the menu which toggle the visibility of the migration, add event, and scan certificate buttons
- Removed UI entries for adding events
- Events and credentials are now kept and valid for 1 year, data can no longer be deleted
- Added an option to store/share a PDF of all certificates
- Updated the privacy statement
- Updated the copy and added translations
- Removed the CTB logic from the code as CTB is inactive and will not return
- Improved parental control by creating a WKWebView that opens allowed domains in an inline browser and all other domains in an external browser
- Security: HTML is now stripped from all data points to prevent an XSS vulnerability
- Accessibility:
- Fixed a crash in the app when putting focus on VoiceOver on the second onboarding screen
- Fixed the accessibility trait for headers and texts
CoronaCheck 4.12.1
Show dynamic text when opening the app
CoronaCheck 4.12.0
- Adjusted the helpdesk opening hours
- Added "gegevens opgehaald bij:" to positive and negative tests
- Implemented dark mode to make sure the app is fully accessible
CoronaCheck 4.11.0
- Added an error state in case the app cannot be launched
- The phone number and operating times of the Helpdesk are now dynamic elements
- The app version and config details are visible on the ‘About this app’ page again
- Made a number of small changes to the ‘Are the details correct’ page for consistency with the Android app
- The user can now copy text from the app
- Reduced component entanglement
- Further modularisation
- The app reset button is now positioned a bit lower so it doesn’t hide text
CoronaCheck Scanner 3.0.3
- Changed the config handler so the Verifier no longer depends on the expired PKIOverheid certificate
- Changed the menu structure and added some info pages
- The app is now optimised for use on iPad
CoronaCheck 4.10.0
- Aligned the details of events and certificates between the iOS and Android apps
- Changed the menu structure and added some pages to offer more helpful info to users
- In the events overview of the vaccination flow, more than two identical events will now be combined
- Reduced complexity
- Corrected some inconsistencies in the notation of the vaccines - 'Pfizer (Comirnaty)' vs 'Comirnaty (Pfizer)'
- Bug fix: fixed an issue which caused random crashes in OpenSSL
CoronaCheck 4.9.0
- The vaccine version has been added to the vaccination details
- Aborting the fuzzy matching flow no longer leads to stored events
- The user is now always able to escape the fuzzy matching flow
- The text for ‘About this app’ was updated to reflect the current corona situation
- Modules (all modules can be found in and
- Extracted the Luhn checker to a separate reusable module
- Extracted the QR code generator to a separate reusable module
- Extracted the DigiD/TVS connection (OpenIDConnect implementation) to a separate reusable module
- Extracted the HTTP client security extension to a separate reusable module
- Extracted Lokalise scripts so they can be used for other Lokalise based projects
- Created/updated ‘as built’ documentation for CoronaCheck
- Made the Go library build as part of the iOS CI pipeline
- Port local frameworks to use Swift Package Manager instead
- Cleaned up Swiftlint rules for the extracted modules
CoronaCheck 4.8.0
- Fuzzy matching: If a user’s name is written in several different ways, the user needs to indicate which spelling is correct. Data connected to that spelling will be kept. Incorrect data should be corrected by the provider.
- Removed the CoronaMelder information at the bottom
- Updated the design with copy for scanning in multitasking mode on iPad
- The app now shows an appropriate error message if iOS is low on disk space
- Fixed Xcode 14 warnings
- Replace al the .left and .right with .leading and .trailing constraints
- Changed an incorrect CTA on the third step of the onboarding
- Technical debt:
- Removed AnyCodable from networkManager
- Removed AnyCodable from domesticCredential
- Made a POC exploring how we can use Promises/Futures in the codebase
- Bug fix: Fixed crashes that occurred because the reason field was missing on PROD in version 4.7.0