A dashboard for wedding planners to view invitation responses. Planners can view attendance, diet restrictions, and guest commments at a glance. Data is supplied through an API and presented using React and material UI.
View the site at: This Link
- To run the app, first fork and clone down this repo to your local device.
- npm install to download dependencies
- npm start to start app
- app opens at http://localhost:3000/
- Note there is an api key needed to access the backend data. The code needed to create your own backend can be found here:
- Javascript
- React.js
- Material UI
* react
* react-router-dom
* react-scripts
* @mui/material
* @mui/styled-engine-sc
* styled-components
* recharts
- Implement auth to protect data
- Add edit pages or modals
- Rethink comments and allergies tabs to make info more clear
- Match color scheme of main wedding website
- Michael Bonini- Github