Play now at
I am the care taker who
tries to keep the dying world alive
as long as possible
by traveling to cities,
redistributing goods among cities,
and building factories to produce more goods
Big Hairy Audacious Goal Number 1.
A phaser3 survival trading game in TypeScript.
Assumes you have globally installed
- git
- node.js
# Clone the git repository
git clone
# install and start dev server
npm run sanity-check
# setup git hooks via husky (prettify and check commit message format on commit)
npm run prepare
Perform a quick build (bundle.js) and start server:
npm run dev
# Assumes local installation of Docker.
npm run build && docker-compose up
In your browser, navigate to localhost:8080.
npm run dev
# STEP: you can close the window that opens automatically
# STEP: Set a breakpoint in VS CODE
# STEP: Start 'Chrome' debug config in VS Code
# STEP: Maybe reload the window
# STEP: Trigger the breakpoint
Check out this cool how-to.
Continuous deployment to github pages is performed on each push to master
At the same time, a new Docker image is published to Fursorger's Docker Hub repository.
Every branch is automatically deployed to
See .travis.yml.
- Phaser 3 Framework
- Phaser 3 Docs with TypeScript Definition File
- Phaser 3 Online Docs
- Phaser 3 Examples
- Phaser 3 Examples Lab
- Phaser 3 Examples Lab Github
- Cheat sheets
- Template Project - Phaser3 with TypeScript
- RexRainbow Github Phaser 3 plugins and more
- Ease Cheat Sheet
- Pixel Art Maker
- Leshy SpriteSheet Tool
- Littera
- MagicTools
- Tiled
- Favicon Generator
- Aseprite
- Aseprite - How to
- Awesome Github Actions
- tl;dr legal summary of licenses
- dat.GUI.js Dynamically change game object props and more
- Audacity Audio software
- CutMp3 Audacity sometimes leaves a few milliseconds of silence at the end of an mp3 file. To make those files usable for looping, use this to cut. E.g.
cutmp3 -i wind.mp3 -o no_silence -a 00:00 -b 00:17
- Phaser3 Particle Editor
- jessholland Maps
- Phaser3 Path Builder Plugin (not working with newest Phaser3 version)
- GMXR2 - audio generation tool