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A terminal user interface for the MLB stats API. Watch a baseball game in your terminal! ⚾


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A terminal user interface for the MLB Statcast API, written in Rust.

Check scores, standings, and stats. Even watch a live game using Gameday!

Demo showing schedule view, Gameday, and standings.

This project is under active development! See the v0.1.0 Milestone for more information, planned features, and known bugs.

Table of Contents


The MLB Statcast API is a publicly available (see its license information below) REST API that you can query to get back almost any information about a baseball game, past or present. If you've ever watched a baseball game on TV you've seen the data the API passes around in action. Two prime examples are the pitch/strike zone overlay, and home run stats (like distance and launch angle). This is accomplished by MLB's sophisticated Statcast vision system, which is implemented in every Major League ballpark.

This TUI is an interface for the API, with the intention of providing a light weight way to consume baseball data. See the features listed below for more details.

A TUI and baseball data make a pretty natural combination, at least compared to other sports. The Gameday view allows you to "watch" a live game by polling the API every 10 seconds. This matches the poll rate at which the official Gameday, found here, operates at. The goal with the TUI version is to mimic the official version as closely as possible.


WIP - more platform support


brew tap mlb-rs/mlbt
brew install mlbt


macOS, Linux, and Windows binaries are available on the releases page.


After cloning or downloading the source:

cargo install mlbt --path .

TODO - add to


  • scoreboard and box score

    • selectable date
  • gameday

  • standings

    • team information
  • stats

    • player stats
    • team stats
    • stat search (store in sqlite or an embedded db?)
  • CLI

  • configuration:

    • favorite team
    • time zone
    • colors
    • keymap


There are four main tabs:

  • Scoreboard
  • Gameday
  • Stats
  • Standings

f - full screen (hide tabs)


Press 1 to activate this tab.

  • j: move down
  • k: move up
  • :: activate date picker

With the date picker active, input a date in the form of YYYY-MM-DD, or use the left/right arrow keys, and press Enter. This will display the schedule for that day. To view games for the current day, input today.

To switch the team displayed in the box score:

  • h: home team
  • a: away team


Press 2 to activate this tab.

By default, the info and pitches panes are shown. However, each pane can be toggled on and off using:

  • i: info pane
  • p: pitches pane
  • b: box score pane

To switch the team displayed in the box score:

  • h: home team
  • a: away team


Press 3 to activate this tab.

You can switch between pitching and hitting stats and filter based on team or player using:

  • p: pitching
  • h: hitting
  • t: team
  • l: player

Within each stat group (pitching or hitting) you can toggle the display of individual stat columns by selecting the stat with Enter. This selection pane can be turned on/off with o.

  • j: move down
  • k: move up
  • Enter: toggle stat column
  • o: toggle stat selection pane

If your terminal is too small to display all columns, they will be turned off starting from the left side.


Press 4 to activate this tab.

  • j: move down
  • k: move up
  • Enter: display a teams roster TODO


  • ?: display help box
  • Esc: close help box

If your terminal is too small to display the full help box, the border will be displayed red.


You can configure the TUI with the toml file located at your users' home directory. For a user named Alice this would be:

  • Linux: /home/alice/.config/mlbt/mlbt.toml
  • Windows: C:\Users\Alice\AppData\Roaming\mlbt\mlbt.toml
  • macOS: /Users/Alice/Library/Application Support/mlbt/mlbt.toml

you can see the path for your user in the Help page.

Available settings

  • favorite_team: This will make that team always show up first in the schedule if they have a game that day. See here for options (note: use the full name and not the short name).

Example config

# See for options
favorite_team = "Chicago Cubs"

Shout out

This is built with the wonderful tui-rs.

These TUIs were extremely helpful: spotify-tui, tickrs, bottom.

A reference MLB stats API client by toddrob99 helped make up for the lack of API documentation.

Copyright Notice

The data used in this application is supplied by the MLB's Stats API. Use of this data is subject to the license posted here:

This application and its author are not affiliated with the MLB.


This project is under the MIT License.


A terminal user interface for the MLB stats API. Watch a baseball game in your terminal! ⚾






