A web deployment tool, Easy for configuration, Fully functional, Smooth interface, Out of the box. support git/svn Version control system, no matter what language you are, php/java/ruby/python, just as jenkins. you can deploy the code or output to multiple servers easily by walle.
Home Page | 官方主页 | 中文说明 | 文档手册.
Now, there are more than ten companies hosted walle for deployment, star walle if you like : )
- Support git/svn Version control system.
- User signup by admin/develop identity.
- Developer submit a task, deploy task.
- Admin audit task.
- Multiple project.
- Multiple Task Parallel.
- Quick rollback.
- Group relation of project.
- Task of pre-deploy(e.g: test ENV var).
- Task of post-deploy(e.g: mvn/ant, composer install for vendor).
- Task of pre-release(e.g: stop service).
- Task of post-release(e.g: restart service).
- Check up file md5.
- Bash(git、ssh)
- LNMP/LAMP(php5.4+)
- Composer
That's all. It's base package of PHP environment!
git clone git@github.com:meolu/walle-web.git
cd walle-web
vi config/web.php # set up module db mysql connection info
composer install # error cause by bower-asset, install:composer global require "fxp/composer-asset-plugin:*"
./yii run/setup # init walle
Or The Most Detailed Installation Guide, any questions refer to FAQ
- Signup a admin user(
exists), then configure a project, add member to the project, detect it. - Signup a develop user(
exists), submit a deployment. - Project admin audit the deployment.
- Developer deploy the deployment.
you would like to adjust some params to make walle suited for your company.
Set suffix of email while signing in
vi config/params.php 'mail-suffix' => [ // specify the suffix of email, multiple suffixes are allow. 'huamanshu.com', // e.g: allow xyz@huamanshu.com only ]
Configure email smtp
vi config/local.php 'host' => 'smtp.huamanshu.com', # smtp host 'username' => 'service@huamanshu.com', # smtp username 'password' => 'password', # smtp password 'port' => 25, # smtp port 'encryption' => 'tls', # smtp protocol vi config/params.php 'support.email' => 'service@huamanshu.com', // the same with username of mail module in config/web.php
Configure the path for log
vi config/params.php 'log.dir' => '/tmp/walle/',
Configure language
vi config/web.php +73 'language' => 'en', # zh => 中文, en => English
- Travis CI integration
- Mail events:specify kinds of events
- Gray released:specify servers
- Websocket instead of poll
- A manager of static source
- Configure variables
- Support Docker
- Open api
- Command line
git pull
./yii migrate # update db