Graphical representation of the data model in the gramps genealogy program. I did not understand the of relation in gramps-data, until I exploring by creating a diagram - CC0 - Shared under Creative Commons Zero terms. I don't claim any rights if it helps anyone, I just wanted to share it in case it might help someone.
The graphs of the data model were created in the free yEd programme of the yWorks. yEd - live, yEd - downloads.
Gramps (Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming System) – is one of the most advanced genealogy programs, surpassing others in terms of complexity. Moreover, it is available for free.
- []
- 👁️ The official website of the Gramps program (
- 👁️ Manual for Gramps (
- 👁️ Reporting bugs and technical support (
- 👁️ Release history of Gramps (
- 👁️ Official description of the Gramps-XML format (
- []
- 👁️ The repository for Gramps (
- 👁️ Repository gramps-web (
- 👁️ Repository gramps-web-api (
- 👁️ Documentation for file format Gramps XML (
- 👁️ Documentation for file format Gramps XML (
- 👁️ Discourse group (
- 👁️ Discourse group (
- 👁️ gramps-web (
- 👁️ gramps-hub (
- 👁️ There are also various tutorials on YouTube. (eg.
- [not offical]
Gramps Data Model Diagram (lang: english; v.2025-02-27)
diagram available in format:
: 📥💾 gramps-6.0.0_MODEL_(eng).graphml - - - - - - - The free programyEd
is required to open the original.graphml
: 📥💾 gramps-6.0.0_MODEL_(eng).svg.png
: 📥💾 gramps-6.0.0_MODEL_(eng).png.jpg
: 📥💾 gramps-6.0.0_MODEL_(eng).jpg.pdf (text plain)
: 📥💾 gramps-6.0.0_MODEL_(eng)_text-plain.pdf.pdf (text vectorized)
: 📥💾 gramps-6.0.0_MODEL_(eng)_text-vectorized.pdf
Gramps Data Model Diagram (lang: polish; v.2025-02-27)
diagram available in format:
: 📥💾 gramps-6.0.0_MODEL_(pol).graphml - - - - - - - The free programyEd
is required to open the original.graphml
: 📥💾 gramps-6.0.0_MODEL_(pol).svg.png
: 📥💾 gramps-6.0.0_MODEL_(pol).png.jpg
: 📥💾 gramps-6.0.0_MODEL_(pol).jpg.pdf (text plain)
: 📥💾 gramps-6.0.0_MODEL_(pol)_text-plain.pdf.pdf (text vectorized)
: 📥💾 gramps-6.0.0_MODEL_(pol)_text-vectorized.pdf
Gramps Data Model Diagram (lang: polish; v.2018-10-21)
diagram available in format:
: 📥💾 gramps-5.0.0_MODEL_(pol).graphml - - - - - - - The free programyEd
is required to open the original.graphml
: 📥💾 gramps-5.0.0_MODEL_(pol).png.pdf (text vectorized)
: 📥💾 gramps-5.0.0_MODEL_(pol).pdf