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Google Compute Engine Puppet Module

Puppet Forge

Table of Contents

  1. Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
  2. Setup - The basics of getting started with Google Compute Engine
  3. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  4. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  5. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  6. Development - Guide for contributing to the module

Module Description

This Puppet module manages the resource of Google Compute Engine. You can manage its resources using standard Puppet DSL and the module will, under the hood, ensure the state described will be reflected in the Google Cloud Platform resources.


To install this module on your Puppet Master (or Puppet Client/Agent), use the Puppet module installer:

puppet module install google-gcompute

Optionally you can install support to all Google Cloud Platform products at once by installing our "bundle" google-cloud module:

puppet module install google-cloud



All Google Cloud Platform modules use an unified authentication mechanism, provided by the google-gauth module. Don't worry, it is automatically installed when you install this module.

gauth_credential { 'mycred':
  path     => $cred_path, # e.g. '/home/nelsonjr/my_account.json'
  provider => serviceaccount,
  scopes   => [

Please refer to the google-gauth module for further requirements, i.e. required gems.



gcompute_region { 'some-region':
  name       => 'us-west1',
  project    => '',
  credential => 'mycred',

gcompute_address { 'test1':
  ensure     => present,
  region     => 'some-region',
  project    => '',
  credential => 'mycred',


gcompute_backend_bucket { 'be-bucket-connection':
  ensure      => present,
  bucket_name => 'backend-bucket-test',
  description => 'A BackendBucket to connect LNB w/ Storage Bucket',
  enable_cdn  => true,
  project     => '',
  credential  => 'mycred',


# Backend Service requires various other services to be setup beforehand. Please
# make sure they are defined as well:
#   - gcompute_instance_group { ... }
#   - Health check
gcompute_backend_service { 'my-app-backend':
  ensure        => present,
  backends      => [
    { group => 'my-puppet-masters' },
  enable_cdn    => true,
  health_checks => [
    gcompute_health_check_ref('another-hc', ''),
  project       => '',
  credential    => 'mycred',


gcompute_disk_type { 'pd-standard':
  default_disk_size_gb => 500,
  deprecated_deleted   => undef, # undef = not deprecated
  zone                 => 'us-central1-a',
  project              => '',
  credential           => 'mycred',


gcompute_disk { 'data-disk-1':
  ensure              => present,
  size_gb             => 50,
  disk_encryption_key => {
    raw_key => 'SGVsbG8gZnJvbSBHb29nbGUgQ2xvdWQgUGxhdGZvcm0=',
  zone                => 'us-central1-a',
  project             => '',
  credential          => 'mycred',


gcompute_firewall { 'test-fw-allow-ssh':
  ensure      => present,
  allowed     => [
      ip_protocol => 'tcp',
      ports       => [
  target_tags => [
  source_tags => [
  project     => '',
  credential  => 'mycred',


gcompute_forwarding_rule { 'test1':
  ensure      => present,
  ip_address  => gcompute_address_ref(
    'us-west1', ''
  ip_protocol => 'TCP',
  port_range  => '80',
  target      => 'target-pool',
  region      => 'some-region',
  project     => '',
  credential  => 'mycred',


gcompute_global_address { 'my-app-lb-address':
  ensure     => present,
  project    => '',
  credential => 'mycred',


gcompute_global_forwarding_rule { 'test1':
  ensure      => present,
  ip_address  => gcompute_global_address_ref(
  ip_protocol => 'TCP',
  port_range  => '80',
  target      => gcompute_target_http_proxy_ref(
  project     => '',
  credential  => 'mycred',


gcompute_http_health_check { 'my-app-http-hc':
  ensure              => present,
  healthy_threshold   => 10,
  port                => 8080,
  timeout_sec         => 2,
  unhealthy_threshold => 5,
  project             => '',
  credential          => 'mycred',


gcompute_https_health_check { 'my-app-https-hc':
  ensure              => present,
  healthy_threshold   => 10,
  port                => 8080,
  timeout_sec         => 2,
  unhealthy_threshold => 5,
  project             => '',
  credential          => 'mycred',


gcompute_health_check { 'my-app-tcp-hc':
  ensure              => present,
  type                => 'TCP',
  tcp_health_check    => {
    port_name => 'service-health',
    request   => 'ping',
    response  => 'pong',
  healthy_threshold   => 10,
  timeout_sec         => 2,
  unhealthy_threshold => 5,
  project             => '',
  credential          => 'mycred',


# Power Tips:
#   1) Remember to define the resources needed to allocate the VM:
#      a) gcompute_disk_type (to be used in 'diskType' property)
#      b) gcompute_machine_type (to be used in 'machine_type' property)
#      c) gcompute_network (to be used in 'network_interfaces' property)
#      d) gcompute_subnetwork (to be used in the 'subnetwork' property)
#      e) gcompute_disk (to be used in the 'sourceDisk' property)
#   2) Don't forget to define a source_image for the OS of the boot disk
#      a) You can use the provided gcompute_image_family function to specify the
#         latest version of an operating system of a given family
#         e.g. Ubuntu 16.04
gcompute_instance_template { 'instance-template':
  ensure     => present,
  properties => {
    machine_type       => 'n1-standard-1',
    disks              => [
        # Tip: Auto delete will prevent disks from being left behind on
        # deletion.
        auto_delete       => true,
        boot              => true,
        initialize_params => {
          source_image =>
            gcompute_image_family('ubuntu-1604-lts', 'ubuntu-os-cloud'),
    metadata           => {
      'startup-script-url' => 'gs://graphite-playground/',
      'cost-center'        => '12345',
    network_interfaces => [
        access_configs => {
          name => 'test-config',
          type => 'ONE_TO_ONE_NAT',
        network        => 'mynetwork-test',
  project    => '',
  credential => 'mycred',


gcompute_license { 'test-license':
  project    => '',
  credential => 'mycred',


# Tip: Be sure to include a valid gcompute_disk object
gcompute_image { 'test-image':
  ensure      => present,
  source_disk => 'data-disk-1',
  project     => '',
  credential  => 'mycred'


# Power Tips:
#   1) Remember to define the resources needed to allocate the VM:
#      a) gcompute_disk_type (to be used in 'diskType' property)
#      b) gcompute_machine_type (to be used in 'machine_type' property)
#      c) gcompute_network (to be used in 'network_interfaces' property)
#      d) gcompute_subnetwork (to be used in the 'subnetwork' property)
#      e) gcompute_disk (to be used in the 'sourceDisk' property)
#      f) gcompute_address (to be used in 'access_configs', if your machine
#         needs external ingress access)
#   2) Don't forget to define a source_image for the OS of the boot disk
#      a) You can use the provided gcompute_image_family function to specify the
#         latest version of an operating system of a given family
#         e.g. Ubuntu 16.04
gcompute_instance { 'instance-test':
  ensure             => present,
  machine_type       => 'n1-standard-1',
  disks              => [
      auto_delete => true,
      boot        => true,
      source      => 'instance-test-os-1'
  metadata           => {
    'startup-script-url' => 'gs://graphite-playground/',
    'cost-center'        => '12345',
  network_interfaces => [
      network        => 'default',
      access_configs => [
          name   => 'External NAT',
          nat_ip => 'instance-test-ip',
          type   => 'ONE_TO_ONE_NAT',
  zone               => 'us-central1-a',
  project            => '',
  credential         => 'mycred',


# Instance group requires a network, so define them in your manifest:
#   - gcompute_network { 'my-network': ensure => present }
gcompute_instance_group { 'my-puppet-masters':
  ensure      => present,
  named_ports => [
      name => 'puppet',
      port => 8140,
  network     => 'my-network',
  zone        => 'us-central1-a',
  project     => '',
  credential  => 'mycred',


gcompute_instance_group_manager { 'test1':
  ensure             => present,
  base_instance_name => 'test1-child',
  instance_template  => 'instance-template',
  target_size        => 3,
  zone               => 'us-west1-a',
  project            => '',
  credential         => 'mycred',


gcompute_machine_type { 'n1-standard-1':
  zone       => 'us-central1-a',
  project    => '',
  credential => 'mycred',


# Automatically allocated network
gcompute_network { "mynetwork-${network_id}":
  auto_create_subnetworks => true,
  project                 => '',
  credential              => 'mycred',

# Manually allocated network
gcompute_network { "mynetwork-${network_id}":
  auto_create_subnetworks => false,
  project                 => '',
  credential              => 'mycred',

# Legacy network
gcompute_network { "mynetwork-${network_id}":
  # On a legacy network you cannot specify the auto_create_subnetworks
  # parameter.
  # | auto_create_subnetworks => false,
  ipv4_range   => '',
  gateway_ipv4 => '',
  project      => '',
  credential   => 'mycred',

# Converting automatic to custom network
gcompute_network { "mynetwork-${network_id}":
  auto_create_subnetworks => false,
  project                 => '',
  credential              => 'mycred',


gcompute_region { 'us-west1':
  project    => '',
  credential => 'mycred',


# Route requires a network, so define them in your manifest:
#   - gcompute_network { 'my-network': ensure => presnet }
gcompute_route { 'corp-route':
  ensure           => present,
  dest_range       => '',
  next_hop_gateway => 'global/gateways/default-internet-gateway',
  network          => 'my-network',
  tags             => ['backends', 'databases'],
  project          => '',
  credential       => 'mycred',


# *******
# WARNING: This manifest is for example purposes only. It is *not* advisable to
# have the key embedded like this because if you check this file into source
# control you are publishing the private key to whomever can access the source
# code. Instead you should protect the key, and for example, use the file()
# function to read it from disk without writing it verbatim to the manifest:
# gcompute_ssl_certificate { ...
#   ...
#   private_key => file('/path/to/my/private/key.pem'),
#   ...
# }
# *******

gcompute_ssl_certificate { 'sample-certificate':
  ensure      => present,
  description => 'A certificate for test purposes only.',
  project     => '',
  credential  => 'mycred',
  certificate => '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
  private_key => '-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----
-----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----',


# Subnetwork requires a network and a region, so define them in your manifest:
#   - gcompute_network { 'my-network': ensure => present, ... }
#   - gcompute_region { 'some-region': ... }
gcompute_subnetwork { 'servers':
  ensure        => present,
  ip_cidr_range => '',
  network       => 'mynetwork-subnetwork',
  region        => 'some-region',
  project       => '',
  credential    => 'mycred',


gcompute_target_http_proxy { 'my-http-proxy':
  ensure     => present,
  url_map    => 'my-url-map',
  project    => '',
  credential => 'mycred',


gcompute_target_https_proxy { 'my-https-proxy':
  ensure           => present,
  ssl_certificates => [
  url_map          => 'my-url-map',
  project          => '',
  credential       => 'mycred',


gcompute_region { 'some-region':
  name       => 'us-west1',
  project    => '',
  credential => 'mycred',

gcompute_target_pool { 'test1':
  ensure     => present,
  region     => 'some-region',
  project    => '',
  credential => 'mycred',


gcompute_target_ssl_proxy { 'my-ssl-proxy':
  ensure           => present,
  proxy_header     => 'PROXY_V1',
  service          => 'my-ssl-backend',
  ssl_certificates => [
  project          => '',
  credential       => 'mycred',


gcompute_target_tcp_proxy { 'my-tcp-proxy':
  ensure       => present,
  proxy_header => 'PROXY_V1',
  service      => 'my-tcp-backend',
  project      => '',
  credential   => 'mycred',


gcompute_url_map { 'my-url-map':
  ensure          => present,
  default_service => 'my-app-backend',
  project         => '',
  credential      => 'mycred',


gcompute_zone { 'us-central1-a':
  project    => '',
  credential => 'mycred',


Public classes

  • gcompute_address: Represents an Address resource. Each virtual machine instance has an ephemeral internal IP address and, optionally, an external IP address. To communicate between instances on the same network, you can use an instance's internal IP address. To communicate with the Internet and instances outside of the same network, you must specify the instance's external IP address. Internal IP addresses are ephemeral and only belong to an instance for the lifetime of the instance; if the instance is deleted and recreated, the instance is assigned a new internal IP address, either by Compute Engine or by you. External IP addresses can be either ephemeral or static.
  • gcompute_backend_bucket: Backend buckets allow you to use Google Cloud Storage buckets with HTTP(S) load balancing. An HTTP(S) load balancing can direct traffic to specified URLs to a backend bucket rather than a backend service. It can send requests for static content to a Cloud Storage bucket and requests for dynamic content a virtual machine instance.
  • gcompute_backend_service: Creates a BackendService resource in the specified project using the data included in the request.
  • gcompute_disk_type: Represents a DiskType resource. A DiskType resource represents the type of disk to use, such as a pd-ssd or pd-standard. To reference a disk type, use the disk type's full or partial URL.
  • gcompute_disk: Persistent disks are durable storage devices that function similarly to the physical disks in a desktop or a server. Compute Engine manages the hardware behind these devices to ensure data redundancy and optimize performance for you. Persistent disks are available as either standard hard disk drives (HDD) or solid-state drives (SSD). Persistent disks are located independently from your virtual machine instances, so you can detach or move persistent disks to keep your data even after you delete your instances. Persistent disk performance scales automatically with size, so you can resize your existing persistent disks or add more persistent disks to an instance to meet your performance and storage space requirements. Add a persistent disk to your instance when you need reliable and affordable storage with consistent performance characteristics.
  • gcompute_firewall: Each network has its own firewall controlling access to and from the instances. All traffic to instances, even from other instances, is blocked by the firewall unless firewall rules are created to allow it. The default network has automatically created firewall rules that are shown in default firewall rules. No manually created network has automatically created firewall rules except for a default "allow" rule for outgoing traffic and a default "deny" for incoming traffic. For all networks except the default network, you must create any firewall rules you need.
  • gcompute_forwarding_rule: A ForwardingRule resource. A ForwardingRule resource specifies which pool of target virtual machines to forward a packet to if it matches the given [IPAddress, IPProtocol, portRange] tuple.
  • gcompute_global_address: Represents a Global Address resource. Global addresses are used for HTTP(S) load balancing.
  • gcompute_global_forwarding_rule: Represents a GlobalForwardingRule resource. Global forwarding rules are used to forward traffic to the correct load balancer for HTTP load balancing. Global forwarding rules can only be used for HTTP load balancing. For more information, see
  • gcompute_http_health_check: An HttpHealthCheck resource. This resource defines a template for how individual VMs should be checked for health, via HTTP.
  • gcompute_https_health_check: An HttpsHealthCheck resource. This resource defines a template for how individual VMs should be checked for health, via HTTPS.
  • gcompute_health_check: An HealthCheck resource. This resource defines a template for how individual virtual machines should be checked for health, via one of the supported protocols.
  • gcompute_instance_template: Defines an Instance Template resource that provides configuration settings for your virtual machine instances. Instance templates are not tied to the lifetime of an instance and can be used and reused as to deploy virtual machines. You can also use different templates to create different virtual machine configurations. Instance templates are required when you create a managed instance group. Tip: Disks should be set to autoDelete=true so that leftover disks are not left behind on machine deletion.
  • gcompute_license: A License resource represents a software license. Licenses are used to track software usage in images, persistent disks, snapshots, and virtual machine instances.
  • gcompute_image: Represents an Image resource. Google Compute Engine uses operating system images to create the root persistent disks for your instances. You specify an image when you create an instance. Images contain a boot loader, an operating system, and a root file system. Linux operating system images are also capable of running containers on Compute Engine. Images can be either public or custom. Public images are provided and maintained by Google, open-source communities, and third-party vendors. By default, all projects have access to these images and can use them to create instances. Custom images are available only to your project. You can create a custom image from root persistent disks and other images. Then, use the custom image to create an instance.
  • gcompute_instance: An instance is a virtual machine (VM) hosted on Google's infrastructure.
  • gcompute_instance_group: Represents an Instance Group resource. Instance groups are self-managed and can contain identical or different instances. Instance groups do not use an instance template. Unlike managed instance groups, you must create and add instances to an instance group manually.
  • gcompute_instance_group_manager: Creates a managed instance group using the information that you specify in the request. After the group is created, it schedules an action to create instances in the group using the specified instance template. This operation is marked as DONE when the group is created even if the instances in the group have not yet been created. You must separately verify the status of the individual instances. A managed instance group can have up to 1000 VM instances per group.
  • gcompute_machine_type: Represents a MachineType resource. Machine types determine the virtualized hardware specifications of your virtual machine instances, such as the amount of memory or number of virtual CPUs.
  • gcompute_network: Represents a Network resource. Your Cloud Platform Console project can contain multiple networks, and each network can have multiple instances attached to it. A network allows you to define a gateway IP and the network range for the instances attached to that network. Every project is provided with a default network with preset configurations and firewall rules. You can choose to customize the default network by adding or removing rules, or you can create new networks in that project. Generally, most users only need one network, although you can have up to five networks per project by default. A network belongs to only one project, and each instance can only belong to one network. All Compute Engine networks use the IPv4 protocol. Compute Engine currently does not support IPv6. However, Google is a major advocate of IPv6 and it is an important future direction.
  • gcompute_region: Represents a Region resource. A region is a specific geographical location where you can run your resources. Each region has one or more zones
  • gcompute_route: Represents a Route resource. A route is a rule that specifies how certain packets should be handled by the virtual network. Routes are associated with virtual machines by tag, and the set of routes for a particular virtual machine is called its routing table. For each packet leaving a virtual machine, the system searches that virtual machine's routing table for a single best matching route. Routes match packets by destination IP address, preferring smaller or more specific ranges over larger ones. If there is a tie, the system selects the route with the smallest priority value. If there is still a tie, it uses the layer three and four packet headers to select just one of the remaining matching routes. The packet is then forwarded as specified by the next_hop field of the winning route -- either to another virtual machine destination, a virtual machine gateway or a Compute Engine-operated gateway. Packets that do not match any route in the sending virtual machine's routing table will be dropped. A Routes resources must have exactly one specification of either nextHopGateway, nextHopInstance, nextHopIp, or nextHopVpnTunnel.
  • gcompute_ssl_certificate: An SslCertificate resource. This resource provides a mechanism to upload an SSL key and certificate to the load balancer to serve secure connections from the user.
  • gcompute_subnetwork: A VPC network is a virtual version of the traditional physical networks that exist within and between physical data centers. A VPC network provides connectivity for your Compute Engine virtual machine (VM) instances, Container Engine containers, App Engine Flex services, and other network-related resources. Each GCP project contains one or more VPC networks. Each VPC network is a global entity spanning all GCP regions. This global VPC network allows VM instances and other resources to communicate with each other via internal, private IP addresses. Each VPC network is subdivided into subnets, and each subnet is contained within a single region. You can have more than one subnet in a region for a given VPC network. Each subnet has a contiguous private RFC1918 IP space. You create instances, containers, and the like in these subnets. When you create an instance, you must create it in a subnet, and the instance draws its internal IP address from that subnet. Virtual machine (VM) instances in a VPC network can communicate with instances in all other subnets of the same VPC network, regardless of region, using their RFC1918 private IP addresses. You can isolate portions of the network, even entire subnets, using firewall rules.
  • gcompute_target_http_proxy: Represents a TargetHttpProxy resource, which is used by one or more global forwarding rule to route incoming HTTP requests to a URL map.
  • gcompute_target_https_proxy: Represents a TargetHttpsProxy resource, which is used by one or more global forwarding rule to route incoming HTTPS requests to a URL map.
  • gcompute_target_pool: Represents a TargetPool resource, used for Load Balancing.
  • gcompute_target_ssl_proxy: Represents a TargetSslProxy resource, which is used by one or more global forwarding rule to route incoming SSL requests to a backend service.
  • gcompute_target_tcp_proxy: Represents a TargetTcpProxy resource, which is used by one or more global forwarding rule to route incoming TCP requests to a Backend service.
  • gcompute_url_map: UrlMaps are used to route requests to a backend service based on rules that you define for the host and path of an incoming URL.
  • gcompute_zone: Represents a Zone resource.

About output only properties

Some fields are output-only. It means you cannot set them because they are provided by the Google Cloud Platform. Yet they are still useful to ensure the value the API is assigning (or has assigned in the past) is still the value you expect.

For example in a DNS the name servers are assigned by the Google Cloud DNS service. Checking these values once created is useful to make sure your upstream and/or root DNS masters are in sync. Or if you decide to use the object ID, e.g. the VM unique ID, for billing purposes. If the VM gets deleted and recreated it will have a different ID, despite the name being the same. If that detail is important to you you can verify that the ID of the object did not change by asserting it in the manifest.



Represents an Address resource.

Each virtual machine instance has an ephemeral internal IP address and, optionally, an external IP address. To communicate between instances on the same network, you can use an instance's internal IP address. To communicate with the Internet and instances outside of the same network, you must specify the instance's external IP address.

Internal IP addresses are ephemeral and only belong to an instance for the lifetime of the instance; if the instance is deleted and recreated, the instance is assigned a new internal IP address, either by Compute Engine or by you. External IP addresses can be either ephemeral or static.


gcompute_region { 'some-region':
  name       => 'us-west1',
  project    => '',
  credential => 'mycred',

gcompute_address { 'test1':
  ensure     => present,
  region     => 'some-region',
  project    => '',
  credential => 'mycred',


gcompute_address { 'id-of-resource':
  address            => string,
  creation_timestamp => time,
  description        => string,
  id                 => integer,
  name               => string,
  region             => reference to gcompute_region,
  users              => [
  project            => string,
  credential         => reference to gauth_credential,

The static external IP address represented by this resource. Only IPv4 is supported.


An optional description of this resource.


Name of the resource.


Required. A reference to Region resource

Output-only properties
  • creation_timestamp: Output only. Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.

  • id: Output only. The unique identifier for the resource.

  • users: Output only. The URLs of the resources that are using this address.


Backend buckets allow you to use Google Cloud Storage buckets with HTTP(S) load balancing.

An HTTP(S) load balancing can direct traffic to specified URLs to a backend bucket rather than a backend service. It can send requests for static content to a Cloud Storage bucket and requests for dynamic content a virtual machine instance.


gcompute_backend_bucket { 'be-bucket-connection':
  ensure      => present,
  bucket_name => 'backend-bucket-test',
  description => 'A BackendBucket to connect LNB w/ Storage Bucket',
  enable_cdn  => true,
  project     => '',
  credential  => 'mycred',


gcompute_backend_bucket { 'id-of-resource':
  bucket_name        => string,
  creation_timestamp => time,
  description        => string,
  enable_cdn         => boolean,
  id                 => integer,
  name               => string,
  project            => string,
  credential         => reference to gauth_credential,

Cloud Storage bucket name.


An optional textual description of the resource; provided by the client when the resource is created.


If true, enable Cloud CDN for this BackendBucket.


Unique identifier for the resource.


Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression a-z? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash.

Output-only properties
  • creation_timestamp: Output only. Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.


Creates a BackendService resource in the specified project using the data included in the request.


# Backend Service requires various other services to be setup beforehand. Please
# make sure they are defined as well:
#   - gcompute_instance_group { ... }
#   - Health check
gcompute_backend_service { 'my-app-backend':
  ensure        => present,
  backends      => [
    { group => 'my-puppet-masters' },
  enable_cdn    => true,
  health_checks => [
    gcompute_health_check_ref('another-hc', ''),
  project       => '',
  credential    => 'mycred',


gcompute_backend_service { 'id-of-resource':
  affinity_cookie_ttl_sec => integer,
  backends                => [
      balancing_mode               => 'UTILIZATION', 'RATE' or 'CONNECTION',
      capacity_scaler              => double,
      description                  => string,
      group                        => reference to gcompute_instance_group,
      max_connections              => integer,
      max_connections_per_instance => integer,
      max_rate                     => integer,
      max_rate_per_instance        => double,
      max_utilization              => double,
  cdn_policy              => {
    cache_key_policy => {
      include_host           => boolean,
      include_protocol       => boolean,
      include_query_string   => boolean,
      query_string_blacklist => [
      query_string_whitelist => [
  connection_draining     => {
    draining_timeout_sec => integer,
  creation_timestamp      => time,
  description             => string,
  enable_cdn              => boolean,
  health_checks           => [
  id                      => integer,
  name                    => string,
  port_name               => string,
  protocol                => 'HTTP', 'HTTPS', 'TCP' or 'SSL',
  region                  => reference to gcompute_region,
  session_affinity        => 'NONE', 'CLIENT_IP', 'GENERATED_COOKIE', 'CLIENT_IP_PROTO' or 'CLIENT_IP_PORT_PROTO',
  timeout_sec             => integer,
  project                 => string,
  credential              => reference to gauth_credential,

Lifetime of cookies in seconds if session_affinity is GENERATED_COOKIE. If set to 0, the cookie is non-persistent and lasts only until the end of the browser session (or equivalent). The maximum allowed value for TTL is one day. When the load balancing scheme is INTERNAL, this field is not used.


The list of backends that serve this BackendService.


Specifies the balancing mode for this backend. For global HTTP(S) or TCP/SSL load balancing, the default is UTILIZATION. Valid values are UTILIZATION, RATE (for HTTP(S)) and CONNECTION (for TCP/SSL). This cannot be used for internal load balancing.


A multiplier applied to the group's maximum servicing capacity (based on UTILIZATION, RATE or CONNECTION). Default value is 1, which means the group will serve up to 100% of its configured capacity (depending on balancingMode). A setting of 0 means the group is completely drained, offering 0% of its available Capacity. Valid range is [0.0,1.0]. This cannot be used for internal load balancing.


An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource.


A reference to InstanceGroup resource


The max number of simultaneous connections for the group. Can be used with either CONNECTION or UTILIZATION balancing modes. For CONNECTION mode, either maxConnections or maxConnectionsPerInstance must be set. This cannot be used for internal load balancing.


The max number of simultaneous connections that a single backend instance can handle. This is used to calculate the capacity of the group. Can be used in either CONNECTION or UTILIZATION balancing modes. For CONNECTION mode, either maxConnections or maxConnectionsPerInstance must be set. This cannot be used for internal load balancing.


The max requests per second (RPS) of the group. Can be used with either RATE or UTILIZATION balancing modes, but required if RATE mode. For RATE mode, either maxRate or maxRatePerInstance must be set. This cannot be used for internal load balancing.


The max requests per second (RPS) that a single backend instance can handle. This is used to calculate the capacity of the group. Can be used in either balancing mode. For RATE mode, either maxRate or maxRatePerInstance must be set. This cannot be used for internal load balancing.


Used when balancingMode is UTILIZATION. This ratio defines the CPU utilization target for the group. The default is 0.8. Valid range is [0.0, 1.0]. This cannot be used for internal load balancing.


Cloud CDN configuration for this BackendService.


The CacheKeyPolicy for this CdnPolicy.


If true requests to different hosts will be cached separately.


If true, http and https requests will be cached separately.


If true, include query string parameters in the cache key according to query_string_whitelist and query_string_blacklist. If neither is set, the entire query string will be included. If false, the query string will be excluded from the cache key entirely.


Names of query string parameters to exclude in cache keys. All other parameters will be included. Either specify query_string_whitelist or query_string_blacklist, not both. '&' and '=' will be percent encoded and not treated as delimiters.


Names of query string parameters to include in cache keys. All other parameters will be excluded. Either specify query_string_whitelist or query_string_blacklist, not both. '&' and '=' will be percent encoded and not treated as delimiters.


Settings for connection draining


Time for which instance will be drained (not accept new connections, but still work to finish started).


An optional description of this resource.


If true, enable Cloud CDN for this BackendService. When the load balancing scheme is INTERNAL, this field is not used.


The list of URLs to the HttpHealthCheck or HttpsHealthCheck resource for health checking this BackendService. Currently at most one health check can be specified, and a health check is required. For internal load balancing, a URL to a HealthCheck resource must be specified instead.


Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression a-z? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash.


Name of backend port. The same name should appear in the instance groups referenced by this service. Required when the load balancing scheme is EXTERNAL. When the load balancing scheme is INTERNAL, this field is not used.


The protocol this BackendService uses to communicate with backends. Possible values are HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, and SSL. The default is HTTP. For internal load balancing, the possible values are TCP and UDP, and the default is TCP.


A reference to Region resource


Type of session affinity to use. The default is NONE. When the load balancing scheme is EXTERNAL, can be NONE, CLIENT_IP, or GENERATED_COOKIE. When the load balancing scheme is INTERNAL, can be NONE, CLIENT_IP, CLIENT_IP_PROTO, or CLIENT_IP_PORT_PROTO. When the protocol is UDP, this field is not used.


How many seconds to wait for the backend before considering it a failed request. Default is 30 seconds. Valid range is [1, 86400].

Output-only properties
  • creation_timestamp: Output only. Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.

  • id: Output only. The unique identifier for the resource.


Represents a DiskType resource. A DiskType resource represents the type of disk to use, such as a pd-ssd or pd-standard. To reference a disk type, use the disk type's full or partial URL.


gcompute_disk_type { 'pd-standard':
  default_disk_size_gb => 500,
  deprecated_deleted   => undef, # undef = not deprecated
  zone                 => 'us-central1-a',
  project              => '',
  credential           => 'mycred',


gcompute_disk_type { 'id-of-resource':
  creation_timestamp     => time,
  default_disk_size_gb   => integer,
  deprecated_deleted     => time,
  deprecated_deprecated  => time,
  deprecated_obsolete    => time,
  deprecated_replacement => string,
  deprecated_state       => 'DEPRECATED', 'OBSOLETE' or 'DELETED',
  description            => string,
  id                     => integer,
  name                   => string,
  valid_disk_size        => string,
  zone                   => reference to gcompute_zone,
  project                => string,
  credential             => reference to gauth_credential,

Name of the resource.


Required. A reference to Zone resource

Output-only properties
  • creation_timestamp: Output only. Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.

  • default_disk_size_gb: Output only. Server-defined default disk size in GB.

  • deprecated_deleted: Output only. An optional RFC3339 timestamp on or after which the deprecation state of this resource will be changed to DELETED.

  • deprecated_deprecated: Output only. An optional RFC3339 timestamp on or after which the deprecation state of this resource will be changed to DEPRECATED.

  • deprecated_obsolete: Output only. An optional RFC3339 timestamp on or after which the deprecation state of this resource will be changed to OBSOLETE.

  • deprecated_replacement: Output only. The URL of the suggested replacement for a deprecated resource. The suggested replacement resource must be the same kind of resource as the deprecated resource.

  • deprecated_state: Output only. The deprecation state of this resource. This can be DEPRECATED, OBSOLETE, or DELETED. Operations which create a new resource using a DEPRECATED resource will return successfully, but with a warning indicating the deprecated resource and recommending its replacement. Operations which use OBSOLETE or DELETED resources will be rejected and result in an error.

  • description: Output only. An optional description of this resource.

  • id: Output only. The unique identifier for the resource.

  • valid_disk_size: Output only. An optional textual description of the valid disk size, such as "10GB-10TB".


Persistent disks are durable storage devices that function similarly to the physical disks in a desktop or a server. Compute Engine manages the hardware behind these devices to ensure data redundancy and optimize performance for you. Persistent disks are available as either standard hard disk drives (HDD) or solid-state drives (SSD).

Persistent disks are located independently from your virtual machine instances, so you can detach or move persistent disks to keep your data even after you delete your instances. Persistent disk performance scales automatically with size, so you can resize your existing persistent disks or add more persistent disks to an instance to meet your performance and storage space requirements.

Add a persistent disk to your instance when you need reliable and affordable storage with consistent performance characteristics.


gcompute_disk { 'data-disk-1':
  ensure              => present,
  size_gb             => 50,
  disk_encryption_key => {
    raw_key => 'SGVsbG8gZnJvbSBHb29nbGUgQ2xvdWQgUGxhdGZvcm0=',
  zone                => 'us-central1-a',
  project             => '',
  credential          => 'mycred',


gcompute_disk { 'id-of-resource':
  creation_timestamp             => time,
  description                    => string,
  disk_encryption_key            => {
    raw_key => string,
    sha256  => string,
  id                             => integer,
  last_attach_timestamp          => time,
  last_detach_timestamp          => time,
  licenses                       => [
  name                           => string,
  size_gb                        => integer,
  source_image                   => string,
  source_image_encryption_key    => {
    raw_key => string,
    sha256  => string,
  source_image_id                => string,
  source_snapshot                => string,
  source_snapshot_encryption_key => {
    raw_key => string,
    sha256  => string,
  source_snapshot_id             => string,
  type                           => string,
  users                          => [
  zone                           => reference to gcompute_zone,
  project                        => string,
  credential                     => reference to gauth_credential,

An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource.


Any applicable publicly visible licenses.


Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression a-z? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash.


Size of the persistent disk, specified in GB. You can specify this field when creating a persistent disk using the sourceImage or sourceSnapshot parameter, or specify it alone to create an empty persistent disk. If you specify this field along with sourceImage or sourceSnapshot, the value of sizeGb must not be less than the size of the sourceImage or the size of the snapshot.


The source image used to create this disk. If the source image is deleted, this field will not be set. To create a disk with one of the public operating system images, specify the image by its family name. For example, specify family/debian-8 to use the latest Debian 8 image: projects/debian-cloud/global/images/family/debian-8 Alternatively, use a specific version of a public operating system image: projects/debian-cloud/global/images/debian-8-jessie-vYYYYMMDD To create a disk with a private image that you created, specify the image name in the following format: global/images/my-private-image You can also specify a private image by its image family, which returns the latest version of the image in that family. Replace the image name with family/family-name: global/images/family/my-private-family


Required. A reference to Zone resource


Encrypts the disk using a customer-supplied encryption key. After you encrypt a disk with a customer-supplied key, you must provide the same key if you use the disk later (e.g. to create a disk snapshot or an image, or to attach the disk to a virtual machine). Customer-supplied encryption keys do not protect access to metadata of the disk. If you do not provide an encryption key when creating the disk, then the disk will be encrypted using an automatically generated key and you do not need to provide a key to use the disk later.


Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource.


Output only. The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.


The customer-supplied encryption key of the source image. Required if the source image is protected by a customer-supplied encryption key.


Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource.


Output only. The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.


The source snapshot used to create this disk. You can provide this as a partial or full URL to the resource. For example, the following are valid values:


The customer-supplied encryption key of the source snapshot. Required if the source snapshot is protected by a customer-supplied encryption key.


Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource.


Output only. The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.

Output-only properties
  • creation_timestamp: Output only. Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.

  • id: Output only. The unique identifier for the resource.

  • last_attach_timestamp: Output only. Last attach timestamp in RFC3339 text format.

  • last_detach_timestamp: Output only. Last dettach timestamp in RFC3339 text format.

  • type: Output only. URL of the disk type resource describing which disk type to use to create the disk. Provide this when creating the disk.

  • users: Output only. Links to the users of the disk (attached instances) in form: project/zones/zone/instances/instance

  • source_image_id: Output only. The ID value of the image used to create this disk. This value identifies the exact image that was used to create this persistent disk. For example, if you created the persistent disk from an image that was later deleted and recreated under the same name, the source image ID would identify the exact version of the image that was used.

  • source_snapshot_id: Output only. The unique ID of the snapshot used to create this disk. This value identifies the exact snapshot that was used to create this persistent disk. For example, if you created the persistent disk from a snapshot that was later deleted and recreated under the same name, the source snapshot ID would identify the exact version of the snapshot that was used.


Each network has its own firewall controlling access to and from the instances.

All traffic to instances, even from other instances, is blocked by the firewall unless firewall rules are created to allow it.

The default network has automatically created firewall rules that are shown in default firewall rules. No manually created network has automatically created firewall rules except for a default "allow" rule for outgoing traffic and a default "deny" for incoming traffic. For all networks except the default network, you must create any firewall rules you need.


gcompute_firewall { 'test-fw-allow-ssh':
  ensure      => present,
  allowed     => [
      ip_protocol => 'tcp',
      ports       => [
  target_tags => [
  source_tags => [
  project     => '',
  credential  => 'mycred',


gcompute_firewall { 'id-of-resource':
  allowed            => [
      ip_protocol => string,
      ports       => [
  creation_timestamp => time,
  description        => string,
  id                 => integer,
  name               => string,
  network            => string,
  source_ranges      => [
  source_tags        => [
  target_tags        => [
  project            => string,
  credential         => reference to gauth_credential,

The list of ALLOW rules specified by this firewall. Each rule specifies a protocol and port-range tuple that describes a permitted connection.


Required. The IP protocol to which this rule applies. The protocol type is required when creating a firewall rule. This value can either be one of the following well known protocol strings (tcp, udp, icmp, esp, ah, sctp), or the IP protocol number.


An optional list of ports to which this rule applies. This field is only applicable for UDP or TCP protocol. Each entry must be either an integer or a range. If not specified, this rule applies to connections through any port. Example inputs include: ["22"], ["80","443"], and ["12345-12349"].


An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource.


Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression a-z? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash.


URL of the network resource for this firewall rule. If not specified when creating a firewall rule, the default network is used: global/networks/default If you choose to specify this property, you can specify the network as a full or partial URL. For example, the following are all valid URLs: networks/my-network projects/myproject/global/networks/my-network global/networks/default


If source ranges are specified, the firewall will apply only to traffic that has source IP address in these ranges. These ranges must be expressed in CIDR format. One or both of sourceRanges and sourceTags may be set. If both properties are set, the firewall will apply to traffic that has source IP address within sourceRanges OR the source IP that belongs to a tag listed in the sourceTags property. The connection does not need to match both properties for the firewall to apply. Only IPv4 is supported.


If source tags are specified, the firewall will apply only to traffic with source IP that belongs to a tag listed in source tags. Source tags cannot be used to control traffic to an instance's external IP address. Because tags are associated with an instance, not an IP address. One or both of sourceRanges and sourceTags may be set. If both properties are set, the firewall will apply to traffic that has source IP address within sourceRanges OR the source IP that belongs to a tag listed in the sourceTags property. The connection does not need to match both properties for the firewall to apply.


A list of instance tags indicating sets of instances located in the network that may make network connections as specified in allowed[]. If no targetTags are specified, the firewall rule applies to all instances on the specified network.

Output-only properties
  • creation_timestamp: Output only. Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.

  • id: Output only. The unique identifier for the resource.


A ForwardingRule resource. A ForwardingRule resource specifies which pool of target virtual machines to forward a packet to if it matches the given [IPAddress, IPProtocol, portRange] tuple.


gcompute_forwarding_rule { 'test1':
  ensure      => present,
  ip_address  => gcompute_address_ref(
    'us-west1', ''
  ip_protocol => 'TCP',
  port_range  => '80',
  target      => 'target-pool',
  region      => 'some-region',
  project     => '',
  credential  => 'mycred',


gcompute_forwarding_rule { 'id-of-resource':
  backend_service       => reference to gcompute_backend_service,
  creation_timestamp    => time,
  description           => string,
  id                    => integer,
  ip_address            => string,
  ip_protocol           => 'TCP', 'UDP', 'ESP', 'AH', 'SCTP' or 'ICMP',
  ip_version            => 'IPV4' or 'IPV6',
  load_balancing_scheme => 'INTERNAL' or 'EXTERNAL',
  name                  => string,
  network               => reference to gcompute_network,
  port_range            => string,
  ports                 => [
  region                => reference to gcompute_region,
  subnetwork            => reference to gcompute_subnetwork,
  target                => reference to gcompute_target_pool,
  project               => string,
  credential            => reference to gauth_credential,

An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource.


The IP address that this forwarding rule is serving on behalf of. Addresses are restricted based on the forwarding rule's load balancing scheme (EXTERNAL or INTERNAL) and scope (global or regional). When the load balancing scheme is EXTERNAL, for global forwarding rules, the address must be a global IP, and for regional forwarding rules, the address must live in the same region as the forwarding rule. If this field is empty, an ephemeral IPv4 address from the same scope (global or regional) will be assigned. A regional forwarding rule supports IPv4 only. A global forwarding rule supports either IPv4 or IPv6. When the load balancing scheme is INTERNAL, this can only be an RFC 1918 IP address belonging to the network/subnet configured for the forwarding rule. By default, if this field is empty, an ephemeral internal IP address will be automatically allocated from the IP range of the subnet or network configured for this forwarding rule. An address can be specified either by a literal IP address or a URL reference to an existing Address resource. The following examples are all valid:


The IP protocol to which this rule applies. Valid options are TCP, UDP, ESP, AH, SCTP or ICMP. When the load balancing scheme is INTERNAL, only TCP and UDP are valid.


A reference to BackendService resource


The IP Version that will be used by this forwarding rule. Valid options are IPV4 or IPV6. This can only be specified for a global forwarding rule.


This signifies what the ForwardingRule will be used for and can only take the following values: INTERNAL, EXTERNAL The value of INTERNAL means that this will be used for Internal Network Load Balancing (TCP, UDP). The value of EXTERNAL means that this will be used for External Load Balancing (HTTP(S) LB, External TCP/UDP LB, SSL Proxy)


Required. Name of the resource; provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression a-z? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash.


A reference to Network resource


This field is used along with the target field for TargetHttpProxy, TargetHttpsProxy, TargetSslProxy, TargetTcpProxy, TargetVpnGateway, TargetPool, TargetInstance. Applicable only when IPProtocol is TCP, UDP, or SCTP, only packets addressed to ports in the specified range will be forwarded to target. Forwarding rules with the same [IPAddress, IPProtocol] pair must have disjoint port ranges. Some types of forwarding target have constraints on the acceptable ports:

  • TargetHttpProxy: 80, 8080
  • TargetHttpsProxy: 443
  • TargetTcpProxy: 25, 43, 110, 143, 195, 443, 465, 587, 700, 993, 995, 1883, 5222
  • TargetSslProxy: 25, 43, 110, 143, 195, 443, 465, 587, 700, 993, 995, 1883, 5222
  • TargetVpnGateway: 500, 4500

This field is used along with the backend_service field for internal load balancing. When the load balancing scheme is INTERNAL, a single port or a comma separated list of ports can be configured. Only packets addressed to these ports will be forwarded to the backends configured with this forwarding rule. You may specify a maximum of up to 5 ports.


A reference to Subnetwork resource


A reference to TargetPool resource


Required. A reference to Region resource

Output-only properties
  • creation_timestamp: Output only. Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.

  • id: Output only. The unique identifier for the resource.


Represents a Global Address resource. Global addresses are used for HTTP(S) load balancing.


gcompute_global_address { 'my-app-lb-address':
  ensure     => present,
  project    => '',
  credential => 'mycred',


gcompute_global_address { 'id-of-resource':
  address            => string,
  creation_timestamp => time,
  description        => string,
  id                 => integer,
  name               => string,
  region             => reference to gcompute_region,
  project            => string,
  credential         => reference to gauth_credential,

An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource.


Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression a-z? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash.

Output-only properties
  • address: Output only. The static external IP address represented by this resource.

  • creation_timestamp: Output only. Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.

  • id: Output only. The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the server.

  • region: Output only. A reference to Region resource


Represents a GlobalForwardingRule resource. Global forwarding rules are used to forward traffic to the correct load balancer for HTTP load balancing. Global forwarding rules can only be used for HTTP load balancing.

For more information, see


gcompute_global_forwarding_rule { 'test1':
  ensure      => present,
  ip_address  => gcompute_global_address_ref(
  ip_protocol => 'TCP',
  port_range  => '80',
  target      => gcompute_target_http_proxy_ref(
  project     => '',
  credential  => 'mycred',


gcompute_global_forwarding_rule { 'id-of-resource':
  backend_service       => reference to gcompute_backend_service,
  creation_timestamp    => time,
  description           => string,
  id                    => integer,
  ip_address            => string,
  ip_protocol           => 'TCP', 'UDP', 'ESP', 'AH', 'SCTP' or 'ICMP',
  ip_version            => 'IPV4' or 'IPV6',
  load_balancing_scheme => 'INTERNAL' or 'EXTERNAL',
  name                  => string,
  network               => reference to gcompute_network,
  port_range            => string,
  ports                 => [
  region                => reference to gcompute_region,
  subnetwork            => reference to gcompute_subnetwork,
  target                => string,
  project               => string,
  credential            => reference to gauth_credential,

An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource.


The IP address that this forwarding rule is serving on behalf of. Addresses are restricted based on the forwarding rule's load balancing scheme (EXTERNAL or INTERNAL) and scope (global or regional). When the load balancing scheme is EXTERNAL, for global forwarding rules, the address must be a global IP, and for regional forwarding rules, the address must live in the same region as the forwarding rule. If this field is empty, an ephemeral IPv4 address from the same scope (global or regional) will be assigned. A regional forwarding rule supports IPv4 only. A global forwarding rule supports either IPv4 or IPv6. When the load balancing scheme is INTERNAL, this can only be an RFC 1918 IP address belonging to the network/subnet configured for the forwarding rule. By default, if this field is empty, an ephemeral internal IP address will be automatically allocated from the IP range of the subnet or network configured for this forwarding rule. An address can be specified either by a literal IP address or a URL reference to an existing Address resource. The following examples are all valid:


The IP protocol to which this rule applies. Valid options are TCP, UDP, ESP, AH, SCTP or ICMP. When the load balancing scheme is INTERNAL, only TCP and UDP are valid.


A reference to BackendService resource


The IP Version that will be used by this forwarding rule. Valid options are IPV4 or IPV6. This can only be specified for a global forwarding rule.


This signifies what the ForwardingRule will be used for and can only take the following values: INTERNAL, EXTERNAL The value of INTERNAL means that this will be used for Internal Network Load Balancing (TCP, UDP). The value of EXTERNAL means that this will be used for External Load Balancing (HTTP(S) LB, External TCP/UDP LB, SSL Proxy)


Required. Name of the resource; provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression a-z? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash.


A reference to Network resource


This field is used along with the target field for TargetHttpProxy, TargetHttpsProxy, TargetSslProxy, TargetTcpProxy, TargetVpnGateway, TargetPool, TargetInstance. Applicable only when IPProtocol is TCP, UDP, or SCTP, only packets addressed to ports in the specified range will be forwarded to target. Forwarding rules with the same [IPAddress, IPProtocol] pair must have disjoint port ranges. Some types of forwarding target have constraints on the acceptable ports:

  • TargetHttpProxy: 80, 8080
  • TargetHttpsProxy: 443
  • TargetTcpProxy: 25, 43, 110, 143, 195, 443, 465, 587, 700, 993, 995, 1883, 5222
  • TargetSslProxy: 25, 43, 110, 143, 195, 443, 465, 587, 700, 993, 995, 1883, 5222
  • TargetVpnGateway: 500, 4500

This field is used along with the backend_service field for internal load balancing. When the load balancing scheme is INTERNAL, a single port or a comma separated list of ports can be configured. Only packets addressed to these ports will be forwarded to the backends configured with this forwarding rule. You may specify a maximum of up to 5 ports.


A reference to Subnetwork resource


This target must be a global load balancing resource. The forwarded traffic must be of a type appropriate to the target object. Valid types: HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY, SSL_PROXY, TCP_PROXY

Output-only properties
  • creation_timestamp: Output only. Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.

  • id: Output only. The unique identifier for the resource.

  • region: Output only. A reference to Region resource


An HttpHealthCheck resource. This resource defines a template for how individual VMs should be checked for health, via HTTP.


gcompute_http_health_check { 'my-app-http-hc':
  ensure              => present,
  healthy_threshold   => 10,
  port                => 8080,
  timeout_sec         => 2,
  unhealthy_threshold => 5,
  project             => '',
  credential          => 'mycred',


gcompute_http_health_check { 'id-of-resource':
  check_interval_sec  => integer,
  creation_timestamp  => time,
  description         => string,
  healthy_threshold   => integer,
  host                => string,
  id                  => integer,
  name                => string,
  port                => integer,
  request_path        => string,
  timeout_sec         => integer,
  unhealthy_threshold => integer,
  project             => string,
  credential          => reference to gauth_credential,

How often (in seconds) to send a health check. The default value is 5 seconds.


An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource.


A so-far unhealthy instance will be marked healthy after this many consecutive successes. The default value is 2.


The value of the host header in the HTTP health check request. If left empty (default value), the public IP on behalf of which this health check is performed will be used.


Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression a-z? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash.


The TCP port number for the HTTP health check request. The default value is 80.


The request path of the HTTP health check request. The default value is /.


How long (in seconds) to wait before claiming failure. The default value is 5 seconds. It is invalid for timeoutSec to have greater value than checkIntervalSec.


A so-far healthy instance will be marked unhealthy after this many consecutive failures. The default value is 2.

Output-only properties
  • creation_timestamp: Output only. Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.

  • id: Output only. The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the server.


An HttpsHealthCheck resource. This resource defines a template for how individual VMs should be checked for health, via HTTPS.


gcompute_https_health_check { 'my-app-https-hc':
  ensure              => present,
  healthy_threshold   => 10,
  port                => 8080,
  timeout_sec         => 2,
  unhealthy_threshold => 5,
  project             => '',
  credential          => 'mycred',


gcompute_https_health_check { 'id-of-resource':
  check_interval_sec  => integer,
  creation_timestamp  => time,
  description         => string,
  healthy_threshold   => integer,
  host                => string,
  id                  => integer,
  name                => string,
  port                => integer,
  request_path        => string,
  timeout_sec         => integer,
  unhealthy_threshold => integer,
  project             => string,
  credential          => reference to gauth_credential,

How often (in seconds) to send a health check. The default value is 5 seconds.


An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource.


A so-far unhealthy instance will be marked healthy after this many consecutive successes. The default value is 2.


The value of the host header in the HTTPS health check request. If left empty (default value), the public IP on behalf of which this health check is performed will be used.


Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression a-z? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash.


The TCP port number for the HTTPS health check request. The default value is 80.


The request path of the HTTPS health check request. The default value is /.


How long (in seconds) to wait before claiming failure. The default value is 5 seconds. It is invalid for timeoutSec to have greater value than checkIntervalSec.


A so-far healthy instance will be marked unhealthy after this many consecutive failures. The default value is 2.

Output-only properties
  • creation_timestamp: Output only. Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.

  • id: Output only. The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the server.


An HealthCheck resource. This resource defines a template for how individual virtual machines should be checked for health, via one of the supported protocols.


gcompute_health_check { 'my-app-tcp-hc':
  ensure              => present,
  type                => 'TCP',
  tcp_health_check    => {
    port_name => 'service-health',
    request   => 'ping',
    response  => 'pong',
  healthy_threshold   => 10,
  timeout_sec         => 2,
  unhealthy_threshold => 5,
  project             => '',
  credential          => 'mycred',


gcompute_health_check { 'id-of-resource':
  check_interval_sec  => integer,
  creation_timestamp  => time,
  description         => string,
  healthy_threshold   => integer,
  http_health_check   => {
    host         => string,
    port         => integer,
    port_name    => string,
    proxy_header => 'NONE' or 'PROXY_V1',
    request_path => string,
  https_health_check  => {
    host         => string,
    port         => integer,
    port_name    => string,
    proxy_header => 'NONE' or 'PROXY_V1',
    request_path => string,
  id                  => integer,
  name                => string,
  ssl_health_check    => {
    port         => integer,
    port_name    => string,
    proxy_header => 'NONE' or 'PROXY_V1',
    request      => string,
    response     => string,
  tcp_health_check    => {
    port         => integer,
    port_name    => string,
    proxy_header => 'NONE' or 'PROXY_V1',
    request      => string,
    response     => string,
  timeout_sec         => integer,
  type                => 'TCP', 'SSL' or 'HTTP',
  unhealthy_threshold => integer,
  project             => string,
  credential          => reference to gauth_credential,

How often (in seconds) to send a health check. The default value is 5 seconds.


An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource.


A so-far unhealthy instance will be marked healthy after this many consecutive successes. The default value is 2.


Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression a-z? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash.


How long (in seconds) to wait before claiming failure. The default value is 5 seconds. It is invalid for timeoutSec to have greater value than checkIntervalSec.


A so-far healthy instance will be marked unhealthy after this many consecutive failures. The default value is 2.


Specifies the type of the healthCheck, either TCP, SSL, HTTP or HTTPS. If not specified, the default is TCP. Exactly one of the protocol-specific health check field must be specified, which must match type field.


A nested object resource


The value of the host header in the HTTP health check request. If left empty (default value), the public IP on behalf of which this health check is performed will be used.


The request path of the HTTP health check request. The default value is /.


The TCP port number for the HTTP health check request. The default value is 80.


Port name as defined in InstanceGroup#NamedPort#name. If both port and port_name are defined, port takes precedence.


Specifies the type of proxy header to append before sending data to the backend, either NONE or PROXY_V1. The default is NONE.


A nested object resource


The value of the host header in the HTTPS health check request. If left empty (default value), the public IP on behalf of which this health check is performed will be used.


The request path of the HTTPS health check request. The default value is /.


The TCP port number for the HTTPS health check request. The default value is 443.


Port name as defined in InstanceGroup#NamedPort#name. If both port and port_name are defined, port takes precedence.


Specifies the type of proxy header to append before sending data to the backend, either NONE or PROXY_V1. The default is NONE.


A nested object resource


The application data to send once the TCP connection has been established (default value is empty). If both request and response are empty, the connection establishment alone will indicate health. The request data can only be ASCII.


The bytes to match against the beginning of the response data. If left empty (the default value), any response will indicate health. The response data can only be ASCII.


The TCP port number for the TCP health check request. The default value is 443.


Port name as defined in InstanceGroup#NamedPort#name. If both port and port_name are defined, port takes precedence.


Specifies the type of proxy header to append before sending data to the backend, either NONE or PROXY_V1. The default is NONE.


A nested object resource


The application data to send once the SSL connection has been established (default value is empty). If both request and response are empty, the connection establishment alone will indicate health. The request data can only be ASCII.


The bytes to match against the beginning of the response data. If left empty (the default value), any response will indicate health. The response data can only be ASCII.


The TCP port number for the SSL health check request. The default value is 443.


Port name as defined in InstanceGroup#NamedPort#name. If both port and port_name are defined, port takes precedence.


Specifies the type of proxy header to append before sending data to the backend, either NONE or PROXY_V1. The default is NONE.

Output-only properties
  • creation_timestamp: Output only. Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.

  • id: Output only. The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the server.


Defines an Instance Template resource that provides configuration settings for your virtual machine instances. Instance templates are not tied to the lifetime of an instance and can be used and reused as to deploy virtual machines. You can also use different templates to create different virtual machine configurations. Instance templates are required when you create a managed instance group.

Tip: Disks should be set to autoDelete=true so that leftover disks are not left behind on machine deletion.


# Power Tips:
#   1) Remember to define the resources needed to allocate the VM:
#      a) gcompute_disk_type (to be used in 'diskType' property)
#      b) gcompute_machine_type (to be used in 'machine_type' property)
#      c) gcompute_network (to be used in 'network_interfaces' property)
#      d) gcompute_subnetwork (to be used in the 'subnetwork' property)
#      e) gcompute_disk (to be used in the 'sourceDisk' property)
#   2) Don't forget to define a source_image for the OS of the boot disk
#      a) You can use the provided gcompute_image_family function to specify the
#         latest version of an operating system of a given family
#         e.g. Ubuntu 16.04
gcompute_instance_template { 'instance-template':
  ensure     => present,
  properties => {
    machine_type       => 'n1-standard-1',
    disks              => [
        # Tip: Auto delete will prevent disks from being left behind on
        # deletion.
        auto_delete       => true,
        boot              => true,
        initialize_params => {
          source_image =>
            gcompute_image_family('ubuntu-1604-lts', 'ubuntu-os-cloud'),
    metadata           => {
      'startup-script-url' => 'gs://graphite-playground/',
      'cost-center'        => '12345',
    network_interfaces => [
        access_configs => {
          name => 'test-config',
          type => 'ONE_TO_ONE_NAT',
        network        => 'mynetwork-test',
  project    => '',
  credential => 'mycred',


gcompute_instance_template { 'id-of-resource':
  creation_timestamp => time,
  description        => string,
  id                 => integer,
  name               => string,
  properties         => {
    can_ip_forward     => boolean,
    description        => string,
    disks              => [
        auto_delete         => boolean,
        boot                => boolean,
        device_name         => string,
        disk_encryption_key => {
          raw_key           => string,
          rsa_encrypted_key => string,
          sha256            => string,
        index               => integer,
        initialize_params   => {
          disk_name                   => string,
          disk_size_gb                => integer,
          disk_type                   => reference to gcompute_disk_type,
          source_image                => string,
          source_image_encryption_key => {
            raw_key => string,
            sha256  => string,
        interface           => 'SCSI' or 'NVME',
        mode                => 'READ_WRITE' or 'READ_ONLY',
        source              => reference to gcompute_disk,
        type                => 'SCRATCH' or 'PERSISTENT',
    guest_accelerators => [
        accelerator_count => integer,
        accelerator_type  => string,
    machine_type       => reference to gcompute_machine_type,
    metadata           => namevalues,
    network_interfaces => [
        access_configs  => [
            name   => string,
            nat_ip => reference to gcompute_address,
            type   => ONE_TO_ONE_NAT,
        alias_ip_ranges => [
            ip_cidr_range         => string,
            subnetwork_range_name => string,
        name            => string,
        network         => reference to gcompute_network,
        network_ip      => string,
        subnetwork      => reference to gcompute_subnetwork,
    scheduling         => {
      automatic_restart   => boolean,
      on_host_maintenance => string,
      preemptible         => boolean,
    service_accounts   => [
        email  => boolean,
        scopes => [
    tags               => {
      fingerprint => string,
      items       => [
  project            => string,
  credential         => reference to gauth_credential,

An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource.


Required. Name of the resource. The name is 1-63 characters long and complies with RFC1035.


The instance properties for this instance template.


Enables instances created based on this template to send packets with source IP addresses other than their own and receive packets with destination IP addresses other than their own. If these instances will be used as an IP gateway or it will be set as the next-hop in a Route resource, specify true. If unsure, leave this set to false.


An optional text description for the instances that are created from this instance template.


An array of disks that are associated with the instances that are created from this template.


Specifies whether the disk will be auto-deleted when the instance is deleted (but not when the disk is detached from the instance). Tip: Disks should be set to autoDelete=true so that leftover disks are not left behind on machine deletion.


Indicates that this is a boot disk. The virtual machine will use the first partition of the disk for its root filesystem.


Specifies a unique device name of your choice that is reflected into the /dev/disk/by-id/google-* tree of a Linux operating system running within the instance. This name can be used to reference the device for mounting, resizing, and so on, from within the instance.


Encrypts or decrypts a disk using a customer-supplied encryption key.


Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource.


Specifies an RFC 4648 base64 encoded, RSA-wrapped 2048-bit customer-supplied encryption key to either encrypt or decrypt this resource.


Output only. The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.


Assigns a zero-based index to this disk, where 0 is reserved for the boot disk. For example, if you have many disks attached to an instance, each disk would have a unique index number. If not specified, the server will choose an appropriate value.


Required. Specifies the parameters for a new disk that will be created alongside the new instance. Use initialization parameters to create boot disks or local SSDs attached to the new instance.


Specifies the disk name. If not specified, the default is to use the name of the instance.


Specifies the size of the disk in base-2 GB.


A reference to DiskType resource


The source image to create this disk. When creating a new instance, one of initializeParams.sourceImage or disks.source is required. To create a disk with one of the public operating system images, specify the image by its family name.


The customer-supplied encryption key of the source image. Required if the source image is protected by a customer-supplied encryption key. Instance templates do not store customer-supplied encryption keys, so you cannot create disks for instances in a managed instance group if the source images are encrypted with your own keys.


Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource.


Output only. The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.


Specifies the disk interface to use for attaching this disk, which is either SCSI or NVME. The default is SCSI. Persistent disks must always use SCSI and the request will fail if you attempt to attach a persistent disk in any other format than SCSI.


The mode in which to attach this disk, either READ_WRITE or READ_ONLY. If not specified, the default is to attach the disk in READ_WRITE mode.


A reference to Disk resource


Specifies the type of the disk, either SCRATCH or PERSISTENT. If not specified, the default is PERSISTENT.


Required. A reference to MachineType resource


The metadata key/value pairs to assign to instances that are created from this template. These pairs can consist of custom metadata or predefined keys.


List of the type and count of accelerator cards attached to the instance


The number of the guest accelerator cards exposed to this instance.


Full or partial URL of the accelerator type resource to expose to this instance.


An array of configurations for this interface. This specifies how this interface is configured to interact with other network services, such as connecting to the internet. Only one network interface is supported per instance.


An array of configurations for this interface. Currently, only one access config, ONE_TO_ONE_NAT, is supported. If there are no accessConfigs specified, then this instance will have no external internet access.


Required. The name of this access configuration. The default and recommended name is External NAT but you can use any arbitrary string you would like. For example, My external IP or Network Access.


Required. A reference to Address resource


Required. The type of configuration. The default and only option is ONE_TO_ONE_NAT.


An array of alias IP ranges for this network interface. Can only be specified for network interfaces on subnet-mode networks.


The IP CIDR range represented by this alias IP range. This IP CIDR range must belong to the specified subnetwork and cannot contain IP addresses reserved by system or used by other network interfaces. This range may be a single IP address (e.g., a netmask (e.g. /24) or a CIDR format string (e.g.


Optional subnetwork secondary range name specifying the secondary range from which to allocate the IP CIDR range for this alias IP range. If left unspecified, the primary range of the subnetwork will be used.


Output only. The name of the network interface, generated by the server. For network devices, these are eth0, eth1, etc


A reference to Network resource


An IPv4 internal network address to assign to the instance for this network interface. If not specified by the user, an unused internal IP is assigned by the system.


A reference to Subnetwork resource


Sets the scheduling options for this instance.


Specifies whether the instance should be automatically restarted if it is terminated by Compute Engine (not terminated by a user). You can only set the automatic restart option for standard instances. Preemptible instances cannot be automatically restarted.


Defines the maintenance behavior for this instance. For standard instances, the default behavior is MIGRATE. For preemptible instances, the default and only possible behavior is TERMINATE. For more information, see Setting Instance Scheduling Options.


Defines whether the instance is preemptible. This can only be set during instance creation, it cannot be set or changed after the instance has been created.


A list of service accounts, with their specified scopes, authorized for this instance. Only one service account per VM instance is supported.


Email address of the service account.


The list of scopes to be made available for this service account.


A list of tags to apply to this instance. Tags are used to identify valid sources or targets for network firewalls and are specified by the client during instance creation. The tags can be later modified by the setTags method. Each tag within the list must comply with RFC1035.


Specifies a fingerprint for this request, which is essentially a hash of the metadata's contents and used for optimistic locking. The fingerprint is initially generated by Compute Engine and changes after every request to modify or update metadata. You must always provide an up-to-date fingerprint hash in order to update or change metadata.


An array of tags. Each tag must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035.

Output-only properties
  • creation_timestamp: Output only. Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.

  • id: Output only. The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the server.


A License resource represents a software license. Licenses are used to track software usage in images, persistent disks, snapshots, and virtual machine instances.


gcompute_license { 'test-license':
  project    => '',
  credential => 'mycred',


gcompute_license { 'id-of-resource':
  charges_use_fee => boolean,
  name            => string,
  project         => string,
  credential      => reference to gauth_credential,
Output-only properties
  • name: Output only. Name of the resource. The name is 1-63 characters long and complies with RFC1035.

  • charges_use_fee: Output only. If true, the customer will be charged license fee for running software that contains this license on an instance.


Represents an Image resource.

Google Compute Engine uses operating system images to create the root persistent disks for your instances. You specify an image when you create an instance. Images contain a boot loader, an operating system, and a root file system. Linux operating system images are also capable of running containers on Compute Engine.

Images can be either public or custom.

Public images are provided and maintained by Google, open-source communities, and third-party vendors. By default, all projects have access to these images and can use them to create instances. Custom images are available only to your project. You can create a custom image from root persistent disks and other images. Then, use the custom image to create an instance.


# Tip: Be sure to include a valid gcompute_disk object
gcompute_image { 'test-image':
  ensure      => present,
  source_disk => 'data-disk-1',
  project     => '',
  credential  => 'mycred'


gcompute_image { 'id-of-resource':
  archive_size_bytes         => integer,
  creation_timestamp         => time,
  deprecated                 => {
    deleted     => time,
    deprecated  => time,
    obsolete    => time,
    replacement => string,
    state       => 'DEPRECATED', 'OBSOLETE' or 'DELETED',
  description                => string,
  disk_size_gb               => integer,
  family                     => string,
  guest_os_features          => [
  id                         => integer,
  image_encryption_key       => {
    raw_key => string,
    sha256  => string,
  licenses                   => [
  name                       => string,
  raw_disk                   => {
    container_type => TAR,
    sha1_checksum  => string,
    source         => string,
  source_disk                => reference to gcompute_disk,
  source_disk_encryption_key => {
    raw_key => string,
    sha256  => string,
  source_disk_id             => string,
  source_type                => RAW,
  project                    => string,
  credential                 => reference to gauth_credential,

An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource.


Size of the image when restored onto a persistent disk (in GB).


The name of the image family to which this image belongs. You can create disks by specifying an image family instead of a specific image name. The image family always returns its latest image that is not deprecated. The name of the image family must comply with RFC1035.


A list of features to enable on the guest OS. Applicable for bootable images only. Currently, only one feature can be enabled, VIRTIO_SCSI_MULTIQUEUE, which allows each virtual CPU to have its own queue. For Windows images, you can only enable VIRTIO_SCSI_MULTIQUEUE on images with driver version or higher. Linux images with kernel versions 3.17 and higher will support VIRTIO_SCSI_MULTIQUEUE. For new Windows images, the server might also populate this field with the value WINDOWS, to indicate that this is a Windows image. This value is purely informational and does not enable or disable any features.


The type of supported feature. Currenty only VIRTIO_SCSI_MULTIQUEUE is supported. For newer Windows images, the server might also populate this property with the value WINDOWS to indicate that this is a Windows image. This value is purely informational and does not enable or disable any features.


Encrypts the image using a customer-supplied encryption key. After you encrypt an image with a customer-supplied key, you must provide the same key if you use the image later (e.g. to create a disk from the image)


Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource.


Output only. The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.


Any applicable license URI.


Name of the resource; provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression a-z? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash.


The parameters of the raw disk image.


The format used to encode and transmit the block device, which should be TAR. This is just a container and transmission format and not a runtime format. Provided by the client when the disk image is created.


An optional SHA1 checksum of the disk image before unpackaging. This is provided by the client when the disk image is created.


The full Google Cloud Storage URL where disk storage is stored You must provide either this property or the sourceDisk property but not both.


A reference to Disk resource


The customer-supplied encryption key of the source disk. Required if the source disk is protected by a customer-supplied encryption key.


Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource.


Output only. The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.


The ID value of the disk used to create this image. This value may be used to determine whether the image was taken from the current or a previous instance of a given disk name.


The type of the image used to create this disk. The default and only value is RAW

Output-only properties
  • archive_size_bytes: Output only. Size of the image tar.gz archive stored in Google Cloud Storage (in bytes).

  • creation_timestamp: Output only. Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.

  • deprecated: Output only. The deprecation status associated with this image.


An optional RFC3339 timestamp on or after which the state of this resource is intended to change to DELETED. This is only informational and the status will not change unless the client explicitly changes it.


An optional RFC3339 timestamp on or after which the state of this resource is intended to change to DEPRECATED. This is only informational and the status will not change unless the client explicitly changes it.


An optional RFC3339 timestamp on or after which the state of this resource is intended to change to OBSOLETE. This is only informational and the status will not change unless the client explicitly changes it.


The URL of the suggested replacement for a deprecated resource. The suggested replacement resource must be the same kind of resource as the deprecated resource.


The deprecation state of this resource. This can be DEPRECATED, OBSOLETE, or DELETED. Operations which create a new resource using a DEPRECATED resource will return successfully, but with a warning indicating the deprecated resource and recommending its replacement. Operations which use OBSOLETE or DELETED resources will be rejected and result in an error.

  • id: Output only. The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the server.


An instance is a virtual machine (VM) hosted on Google's infrastructure.


# Power Tips:
#   1) Remember to define the resources needed to allocate the VM:
#      a) gcompute_disk_type (to be used in 'diskType' property)
#      b) gcompute_machine_type (to be used in 'machine_type' property)
#      c) gcompute_network (to be used in 'network_interfaces' property)
#      d) gcompute_subnetwork (to be used in the 'subnetwork' property)
#      e) gcompute_disk (to be used in the 'sourceDisk' property)
#      f) gcompute_address (to be used in 'access_configs', if your machine
#         needs external ingress access)
#   2) Don't forget to define a source_image for the OS of the boot disk
#      a) You can use the provided gcompute_image_family function to specify the
#         latest version of an operating system of a given family
#         e.g. Ubuntu 16.04
gcompute_instance { 'instance-test':
  ensure             => present,
  machine_type       => 'n1-standard-1',
  disks              => [
      auto_delete => true,
      boot        => true,
      source      => 'instance-test-os-1'
  metadata           => {
    'startup-script-url' => 'gs://graphite-playground/',
    'cost-center'        => '12345',
  network_interfaces => [
      network        => 'default',
      access_configs => [
          name   => 'External NAT',
          nat_ip => 'instance-test-ip',
          type   => 'ONE_TO_ONE_NAT',
  zone               => 'us-central1-a',
  project            => '',
  credential         => 'mycred',


gcompute_instance { 'id-of-resource':
  can_ip_forward     => boolean,
  cpu_platform       => string,
  creation_timestamp => string,
  disks              => [
      auto_delete         => boolean,
      boot                => boolean,
      device_name         => string,
      disk_encryption_key => {
        raw_key           => string,
        rsa_encrypted_key => string,
        sha256            => string,
      index               => integer,
      initialize_params   => {
        disk_name                   => string,
        disk_size_gb                => integer,
        disk_type                   => reference to gcompute_disk_type,
        source_image                => string,
        source_image_encryption_key => {
          raw_key => string,
          sha256  => string,
      interface           => 'SCSI' or 'NVME',
      mode                => 'READ_WRITE' or 'READ_ONLY',
      source              => reference to gcompute_disk,
      type                => 'SCRATCH' or 'PERSISTENT',
  guest_accelerators => [
      accelerator_count => integer,
      accelerator_type  => string,
  id                 => integer,
  label_fingerprint  => string,
  machine_type       => reference to gcompute_machine_type,
  metadata           => namevalues,
  min_cpu_platform   => string,
  name               => string,
  network_interfaces => [
      access_configs  => [
          name   => string,
          nat_ip => reference to gcompute_address,
          type   => ONE_TO_ONE_NAT,
      alias_ip_ranges => [
          ip_cidr_range         => string,
          subnetwork_range_name => string,
      name            => string,
      network         => reference to gcompute_network,
      network_ip      => string,
      subnetwork      => reference to gcompute_subnetwork,
  scheduling         => {
    automatic_restart   => boolean,
    on_host_maintenance => string,
    preemptible         => boolean,
  service_accounts   => [
      email  => boolean,
      scopes => [
  status             => string,
  status_message     => string,
  tags               => {
    fingerprint => string,
    items       => [
  zone               => reference to gcompute_zone,
  project            => string,
  credential         => reference to gauth_credential,

Allows this instance to send and receive packets with non-matching destination or source IPs. This is required if you plan to use this instance to forward routes.


An array of disks that are associated with the instances that are created from this template.


Specifies whether the disk will be auto-deleted when the instance is deleted (but not when the disk is detached from the instance). Tip: Disks should be set to autoDelete=true so that leftover disks are not left behind on machine deletion.


Indicates that this is a boot disk. The virtual machine will use the first partition of the disk for its root filesystem.


Specifies a unique device name of your choice that is reflected into the /dev/disk/by-id/google-* tree of a Linux operating system running within the instance. This name can be used to reference the device for mounting, resizing, and so on, from within the instance.


Encrypts or decrypts a disk using a customer-supplied encryption key.


Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource.


Specifies an RFC 4648 base64 encoded, RSA-wrapped 2048-bit customer-supplied encryption key to either encrypt or decrypt this resource.


Output only. The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.


Assigns a zero-based index to this disk, where 0 is reserved for the boot disk. For example, if you have many disks attached to an instance, each disk would have a unique index number. If not specified, the server will choose an appropriate value.


Required. Specifies the parameters for a new disk that will be created alongside the new instance. Use initialization parameters to create boot disks or local SSDs attached to the new instance.


Specifies the disk name. If not specified, the default is to use the name of the instance.


Specifies the size of the disk in base-2 GB.


A reference to DiskType resource


The source image to create this disk. When creating a new instance, one of initializeParams.sourceImage or disks.source is required. To create a disk with one of the public operating system images, specify the image by its family name.


The customer-supplied encryption key of the source image. Required if the source image is protected by a customer-supplied encryption key. Instance templates do not store customer-supplied encryption keys, so you cannot create disks for instances in a managed instance group if the source images are encrypted with your own keys.


Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource.


Output only. The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.


Specifies the disk interface to use for attaching this disk, which is either SCSI or NVME. The default is SCSI. Persistent disks must always use SCSI and the request will fail if you attempt to attach a persistent disk in any other format than SCSI.


The mode in which to attach this disk, either READ_WRITE or READ_ONLY. If not specified, the default is to attach the disk in READ_WRITE mode.


A reference to Disk resource


Specifies the type of the disk, either SCRATCH or PERSISTENT. If not specified, the default is PERSISTENT.


List of the type and count of accelerator cards attached to the instance


The number of the guest accelerator cards exposed to this instance.


Full or partial URL of the accelerator type resource to expose to this instance.


A fingerprint for this request, which is essentially a hash of the metadata's contents and used for optimistic locking. The fingerprint is initially generated by Compute Engine and changes after every request to modify or update metadata. You must always provide an up-to-date fingerprint hash in order to update or change metadata.


The metadata key/value pairs to assign to instances that are created from this template. These pairs can consist of custom metadata or predefined keys.


A reference to MachineType resource


Specifies a minimum CPU platform for the VM instance. Applicable values are the friendly names of CPU platforms


The name of the resource, provided by the client when initially creating the resource. The resource name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression a-z? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash.


An array of configurations for this interface. This specifies how this interface is configured to interact with other network services, such as connecting to the internet. Only one network interface is supported per instance.


An array of configurations for this interface. Currently, only one access config, ONE_TO_ONE_NAT, is supported. If there are no accessConfigs specified, then this instance will have no external internet access.


Required. The name of this access configuration. The default and recommended name is External NAT but you can use any arbitrary string you would like. For example, My external IP or Network Access.


Required. A reference to Address resource


Required. The type of configuration. The default and only option is ONE_TO_ONE_NAT.


An array of alias IP ranges for this network interface. Can only be specified for network interfaces on subnet-mode networks.


The IP CIDR range represented by this alias IP range. This IP CIDR range must belong to the specified subnetwork and cannot contain IP addresses reserved by system or used by other network interfaces. This range may be a single IP address (e.g., a netmask (e.g. /24) or a CIDR format string (e.g.


Optional subnetwork secondary range name specifying the secondary range from which to allocate the IP CIDR range for this alias IP range. If left unspecified, the primary range of the subnetwork will be used.


Output only. The name of the network interface, generated by the server. For network devices, these are eth0, eth1, etc


A reference to Network resource


An IPv4 internal network address to assign to the instance for this network interface. If not specified by the user, an unused internal IP is assigned by the system.


A reference to Subnetwork resource


Sets the scheduling options for this instance.


Specifies whether the instance should be automatically restarted if it is terminated by Compute Engine (not terminated by a user). You can only set the automatic restart option for standard instances. Preemptible instances cannot be automatically restarted.


Defines the maintenance behavior for this instance. For standard instances, the default behavior is MIGRATE. For preemptible instances, the default and only possible behavior is TERMINATE. For more information, see Setting Instance Scheduling Options.


Defines whether the instance is preemptible. This can only be set during instance creation, it cannot be set or changed after the instance has been created.


A list of service accounts, with their specified scopes, authorized for this instance. Only one service account per VM instance is supported.


Email address of the service account.


The list of scopes to be made available for this service account.


A list of tags to apply to this instance. Tags are used to identify valid sources or targets for network firewalls and are specified by the client during instance creation. The tags can be later modified by the setTags method. Each tag within the list must comply with RFC1035.


Specifies a fingerprint for this request, which is essentially a hash of the metadata's contents and used for optimistic locking. The fingerprint is initially generated by Compute Engine and changes after every request to modify or update metadata. You must always provide an up-to-date fingerprint hash in order to update or change metadata.


An array of tags. Each tag must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035.


Required. A reference to Zone resource

Output-only properties
  • cpu_platform: Output only. The CPU platform used by this instance.

  • creation_timestamp: Output only. Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.

  • id: Output only. The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the server.

  • status: Output only. The status of the instance. One of the following values: PROVISIONING, STAGING, RUNNING, STOPPING, SUSPENDING, SUSPENDED, and TERMINATED.

  • status_message: Output only. An optional, human-readable explanation of the status.


Represents an Instance Group resource. Instance groups are self-managed and can contain identical or different instances. Instance groups do not use an instance template. Unlike managed instance groups, you must create and add instances to an instance group manually.


# Instance group requires a network, so define them in your manifest:
#   - gcompute_network { 'my-network': ensure => present }
gcompute_instance_group { 'my-puppet-masters':
  ensure      => present,
  named_ports => [
      name => 'puppet',
      port => 8140,
  network     => 'my-network',
  zone        => 'us-central1-a',
  project     => '',
  credential  => 'mycred',


gcompute_instance_group { 'id-of-resource':
  creation_timestamp => time,
  description        => string,
  id                 => integer,
  name               => string,
  named_ports        => [
      name => string,
      port => integer,
  network            => reference to gcompute_network,
  region             => reference to gcompute_region,
  subnetwork         => reference to gcompute_subnetwork,
  zone               => reference to gcompute_zone,
  project            => string,
  credential         => reference to gauth_credential,

An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource.


The name of the instance group. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035.


Assigns a name to a port number. For example: {name: "http", port: 80}. This allows the system to reference ports by the assigned name instead of a port number. Named ports can also contain multiple ports. For example: [{name: "http", port: 80},{name: "http", port: 8080}] Named ports apply to all instances in this instance group.


The name for this named port. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035.


The port number, which can be a value between 1 and 65535.


A reference to Network resource


A reference to Region resource


A reference to Subnetwork resource


Required. A reference to Zone resource

Output-only properties
  • creation_timestamp: Output only. Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.

  • id: Output only. A unique identifier for this instance group.


Creates a managed instance group using the information that you specify in the request. After the group is created, it schedules an action to create instances in the group using the specified instance template. This operation is marked as DONE when the group is created even if the instances in the group have not yet been created. You must separately verify the status of the individual instances.

A managed instance group can have up to 1000 VM instances per group.


gcompute_instance_group_manager { 'test1':
  ensure             => present,
  base_instance_name => 'test1-child',
  instance_template  => 'instance-template',
  target_size        => 3,
  zone               => 'us-west1-a',
  project            => '',
  credential         => 'mycred',


gcompute_instance_group_manager { 'id-of-resource':
  base_instance_name => string,
  creation_timestamp => time,
  current_actions    => {
    abandoning               => integer,
    creating                 => integer,
    creating_without_retries => integer,
    deleting                 => integer,
    none                     => integer,
    recreating               => integer,
    refreshing               => integer,
    restarting               => integer,
  description        => string,
  id                 => integer,
  instance_group     => reference to gcompute_instance_group,
  instance_template  => reference to gcompute_instance_template,
  name               => string,
  named_ports        => [
      name => string,
      port => integer,
  region             => reference to gcompute_region,
  target_pools       => [
    reference to a gcompute_target_pool,
  target_size        => integer,
  zone               => reference to gcompute_zone,
  project            => string,
  credential         => reference to gauth_credential,

Required. The base instance name to use for instances in this group. The value must be 1-58 characters long. Instances are named by appending a hyphen and a random four-character string to the base instance name. The base instance name must comply with RFC1035.


An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource.


Required. A reference to InstanceTemplate resource


Required. The name of the managed instance group. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035.


Named ports configured for the Instance Groups complementary to this Instance Group Manager.


The name for this named port. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035.


The port number, which can be a value between 1 and 65535.


TargetPool resources to which instances in the instanceGroup field are added. The target pools automatically apply to all of the instances in the managed instance group.


The target number of running instances for this managed instance group. Deleting or abandoning instances reduces this number. Resizing the group changes this number.


Required. A reference to Zone resource

Output-only properties
  • creation_timestamp: Output only. The creation timestamp for this managed instance group in RFC3339 text format.

  • current_actions: Output only. The list of instance actions and the number of instances in this managed instance group that are scheduled for each of those actions.


Output only. The total number of instances in the managed instance group that are scheduled to be abandoned. Abandoning an instance removes it from the managed instance group without deleting it.


Output only. The number of instances in the managed instance group that are scheduled to be created or are currently being created. If the group fails to create any of these instances, it tries again until it creates the instance successfully. If you have disabled creation retries, this field will not be populated; instead, the creatingWithoutRetries field will be populated.


Output only. The number of instances that the managed instance group will attempt to create. The group attempts to create each instance only once. If the group fails to create any of these instances, it decreases the group's targetSize value accordingly.


Output only. The number of instances in the managed instance group that are scheduled to be deleted or are currently being deleted.


Output only. The number of instances in the managed instance group that are running and have no scheduled actions.


Output only. The number of instances in the managed instance group that are scheduled to be recreated or are currently being being recreated. Recreating an instance deletes the existing root persistent disk and creates a new disk from the image that is defined in the instance template.


Output only. The number of instances in the managed instance group that are being reconfigured with properties that do not require a restart or a recreate action. For example, setting or removing target pools for the instance.


Output only. The number of instances in the managed instance group that are scheduled to be restarted or are currently being restarted.

  • id: Output only. A unique identifier for this resource

  • instance_group: Output only. A reference to InstanceGroup resource

  • region: Output only. A reference to Region resource


Represents a MachineType resource. Machine types determine the virtualized hardware specifications of your virtual machine instances, such as the amount of memory or number of virtual CPUs.


gcompute_machine_type { 'n1-standard-1':
  zone       => 'us-central1-a',
  project    => '',
  credential => 'mycred',


gcompute_machine_type { 'id-of-resource':
  creation_timestamp               => time,
  deprecated                       => {
    deleted     => time,
    deprecated  => time,
    obsolete    => time,
    replacement => string,
    state       => 'DEPRECATED', 'OBSOLETE' or 'DELETED',
  description                      => string,
  guest_cpus                       => integer,
  id                               => integer,
  is_shared_cpu                    => boolean,
  maximum_persistent_disks         => integer,
  maximum_persistent_disks_size_gb => integer,
  memory_mb                        => integer,
  name                             => string,
  zone                             => reference to gcompute_zone,
  project                          => string,
  credential                       => reference to gauth_credential,

Name of the resource.


Required. A reference to Zone resource

Output-only properties
  • creation_timestamp: Output only. Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.

  • deprecated: Output only. The deprecation status associated with this machine type.


Output only. An optional RFC3339 timestamp on or after which the state of this resource is intended to change to DELETED. This is only informational and the status will not change unless the client explicitly changes it.


Output only. An optional RFC3339 timestamp on or after which the state of this resource is intended to change to DEPRECATED. This is only informational and the status will not change unless the client explicitly changes it.


Output only. An optional RFC3339 timestamp on or after which the state of this resource is intended to change to OBSOLETE. This is only informational and the status will not change unless the client explicitly changes it.


Output only. The URL of the suggested replacement for a deprecated resource. The suggested replacement resource must be the same kind of resource as the deprecated resource.


Output only. The deprecation state of this resource. This can be DEPRECATED, OBSOLETE, or DELETED. Operations which create a new resource using a DEPRECATED resource will return successfully, but with a warning indicating the deprecated resource and recommending its replacement. Operations which use OBSOLETE or DELETED resources will be rejected and result in an error.

  • description: Output only. An optional textual description of the resource.

  • guest_cpus: Output only. The number of virtual CPUs that are available to the instance.

  • id: Output only. The unique identifier for the resource.

  • is_shared_cpu: Output only. Whether this machine type has a shared CPU. See Shared-core machine types for more information.

  • maximum_persistent_disks: Output only. Maximum persistent disks allowed.

  • maximum_persistent_disks_size_gb: Output only. Maximum total persistent disks size (GB) allowed.

  • memory_mb: Output only. The amount of physical memory available to the instance, defined in MB.


Represents a Network resource.

Your Cloud Platform Console project can contain multiple networks, and each network can have multiple instances attached to it. A network allows you to define a gateway IP and the network range for the instances attached to that network. Every project is provided with a default network with preset configurations and firewall rules. You can choose to customize the default network by adding or removing rules, or you can create new networks in that project. Generally, most users only need one network, although you can have up to five networks per project by default.

A network belongs to only one project, and each instance can only belong to one network. All Compute Engine networks use the IPv4 protocol. Compute Engine currently does not support IPv6. However, Google is a major advocate of IPv6 and it is an important future direction.


# Automatically allocated network
gcompute_network { "mynetwork-${network_id}":
  auto_create_subnetworks => true,
  project                 => '',
  credential              => 'mycred',

# Manually allocated network
gcompute_network { "mynetwork-${network_id}":
  auto_create_subnetworks => false,
  project                 => '',
  credential              => 'mycred',

# Legacy network
gcompute_network { "mynetwork-${network_id}":
  # On a legacy network you cannot specify the auto_create_subnetworks
  # parameter.
  # | auto_create_subnetworks => false,
  ipv4_range   => '',
  gateway_ipv4 => '',
  project      => '',
  credential   => 'mycred',

# Converting automatic to custom network
gcompute_network { "mynetwork-${network_id}":
  auto_create_subnetworks => false,
  project                 => '',
  credential              => 'mycred',


gcompute_network { 'id-of-resource':
  auto_create_subnetworks => boolean,
  creation_timestamp      => time,
  description             => string,
  gateway_ipv4            => string,
  id                      => integer,
  ipv4_range              => string,
  name                    => string,
  subnetworks             => [
  project                 => string,
  credential              => reference to gauth_credential,

An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource.


A gateway address for default routing to other networks. This value is read only and is selected by the Google Compute Engine, typically as the first usable address in the IPv4Range.


The range of internal addresses that are legal on this network. This range is a CIDR specification, for example: Provided by the client when the network is created.


Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression a-z? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash.


When set to true, the network is created in "auto subnet mode". When set to false, the network is in "custom subnet mode". In "auto subnet mode", a newly created network is assigned the default CIDR of and it automatically creates one subnetwork per region.

Output-only properties
  • id: Output only. The unique identifier for the resource.

  • subnetworks: Output only. Server-defined fully-qualified URLs for all subnetworks in this network.

  • creation_timestamp: Output only. Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.


Represents a Region resource. A region is a specific geographical location where you can run your resources. Each region has one or more zones


gcompute_region { 'us-west1':
  project    => '',
  credential => 'mycred',


gcompute_region { 'id-of-resource':
  creation_timestamp     => time,
  deprecated_deleted     => time,
  deprecated_deprecated  => time,
  deprecated_obsolete    => time,
  deprecated_replacement => string,
  deprecated_state       => 'DEPRECATED', 'OBSOLETE' or 'DELETED',
  description            => string,
  id                     => integer,
  name                   => string,
  zones                  => [
  project                => string,
  credential             => reference to gauth_credential,

Name of the resource.

Output-only properties
  • creation_timestamp: Output only. Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.

  • deprecated_deleted: Output only. An optional RFC3339 timestamp on or after which the deprecation state of this resource will be changed to DELETED.

  • deprecated_deprecated: Output only. An optional RFC3339 timestamp on or after which the deprecation state of this resource will be changed to DEPRECATED.

  • deprecated_obsolete: Output only. An optional RFC3339 timestamp on or after which the deprecation state of this resource will be changed to OBSOLETE.

  • deprecated_replacement: Output only. The URL of the suggested replacement for a deprecated resource. The suggested replacement resource must be the same kind of resource as the deprecated resource.

  • deprecated_state: Output only. The deprecation state of this resource. This can be DEPRECATED, OBSOLETE, or DELETED. Operations which create a new resource using a DEPRECATED resource will return successfully, but with a warning indicating the deprecated resource and recommending its replacement. Operations which use OBSOLETE or DELETED resources will be rejected and result in an error.

  • description: Output only. An optional description of this resource.

  • id: Output only. The unique identifier for the resource.

  • zones: Output only. List of zones within the region


Represents a Route resource.

A route is a rule that specifies how certain packets should be handled by the virtual network. Routes are associated with virtual machines by tag, and the set of routes for a particular virtual machine is called its routing table. For each packet leaving a virtual machine, the system searches that virtual machine's routing table for a single best matching route.

Routes match packets by destination IP address, preferring smaller or more specific ranges over larger ones. If there is a tie, the system selects the route with the smallest priority value. If there is still a tie, it uses the layer three and four packet headers to select just one of the remaining matching routes. The packet is then forwarded as specified by the next_hop field of the winning route -- either to another virtual machine destination, a virtual machine gateway or a Compute Engine-operated gateway. Packets that do not match any route in the sending virtual machine's routing table will be dropped.

A Routes resources must have exactly one specification of either nextHopGateway, nextHopInstance, nextHopIp, or nextHopVpnTunnel.


# Route requires a network, so define them in your manifest:
#   - gcompute_network { 'my-network': ensure => presnet }
gcompute_route { 'corp-route':
  ensure           => present,
  dest_range       => '',
  next_hop_gateway => 'global/gateways/default-internet-gateway',
  network          => 'my-network',
  tags             => ['backends', 'databases'],
  project          => '',
  credential       => 'mycred',


gcompute_route { 'id-of-resource':
  dest_range          => string,
  name                => string,
  network             => reference to gcompute_network,
  next_hop_gateway    => string,
  next_hop_instance   => string,
  next_hop_ip         => string,
  next_hop_vpn_tunnel => string,
  priority            => integer,
  tags                => [
  project             => string,
  credential          => reference to gauth_credential,

The destination range of outgoing packets that this route applies to. Only IPv4 is supported.


Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression a-z? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash.


A reference to Network resource


The priority of this route. Priority is used to break ties in cases where there is more than one matching route of equal prefix length. In the case of two routes with equal prefix length, the one with the lowest-numbered priority value wins. Default value is 1000. Valid range is 0 through 65535.


A list of instance tags to which this route applies.


URL to a gateway that should handle matching packets. Currently, you can only specify the internet gateway, using a full or partial valid URL:


URL to an instance that should handle matching packets. You can specify this as a full or partial URL. For example:


Network IP address of an instance that should handle matching packets.


URL to a VpnTunnel that should handle matching packets.


An SslCertificate resource. This resource provides a mechanism to upload an SSL key and certificate to the load balancer to serve secure connections from the user.


# *******
# WARNING: This manifest is for example purposes only. It is *not* advisable to
# have the key embedded like this because if you check this file into source
# control you are publishing the private key to whomever can access the source
# code. Instead you should protect the key, and for example, use the file()
# function to read it from disk without writing it verbatim to the manifest:
# gcompute_ssl_certificate { ...
#   ...
#   private_key => file('/path/to/my/private/key.pem'),
#   ...
# }
# *******

gcompute_ssl_certificate { 'sample-certificate':
  ensure      => present,
  description => 'A certificate for test purposes only.',
  project     => '',
  credential  => 'mycred',
  certificate => '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
  private_key => '-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----
-----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----',


gcompute_ssl_certificate { 'id-of-resource':
  certificate        => string,
  creation_timestamp => time,
  description        => string,
  id                 => integer,
  name               => string,
  private_key        => string,
  project            => string,
  credential         => reference to gauth_credential,

The certificate in PEM format. The certificate chain must be no greater than 5 certs long. The chain must include at least one intermediate cert.


An optional description of this resource.


Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression a-z? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash.


The private key in PEM format.

Output-only properties
  • creation_timestamp: Output only. Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.

  • id: Output only. The unique identifier for the resource.


A VPC network is a virtual version of the traditional physical networks that exist within and between physical data centers. A VPC network provides connectivity for your Compute Engine virtual machine (VM) instances, Container Engine containers, App Engine Flex services, and other network-related resources.

Each GCP project contains one or more VPC networks. Each VPC network is a global entity spanning all GCP regions. This global VPC network allows VM instances and other resources to communicate with each other via internal, private IP addresses.

Each VPC network is subdivided into subnets, and each subnet is contained within a single region. You can have more than one subnet in a region for a given VPC network. Each subnet has a contiguous private RFC1918 IP space. You create instances, containers, and the like in these subnets. When you create an instance, you must create it in a subnet, and the instance draws its internal IP address from that subnet.

Virtual machine (VM) instances in a VPC network can communicate with instances in all other subnets of the same VPC network, regardless of region, using their RFC1918 private IP addresses. You can isolate portions of the network, even entire subnets, using firewall rules.


# Subnetwork requires a network and a region, so define them in your manifest:
#   - gcompute_network { 'my-network': ensure => present, ... }
#   - gcompute_region { 'some-region': ... }
gcompute_subnetwork { 'servers':
  ensure        => present,
  ip_cidr_range => '',
  network       => 'mynetwork-subnetwork',
  region        => 'some-region',
  project       => '',
  credential    => 'mycred',


gcompute_subnetwork { 'id-of-resource':
  creation_timestamp       => time,
  description              => string,
  gateway_address          => string,
  id                       => integer,
  ip_cidr_range            => string,
  name                     => string,
  network                  => reference to gcompute_network,
  private_ip_google_access => boolean,
  region                   => reference to gcompute_region,
  project                  => string,
  credential               => reference to gauth_credential,

An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource. This field can be set only at resource creation time.


The gateway address for default routes to reach destination addresses outside this subnetwork. This field can be set only at resource creation time.


The range of internal addresses that are owned by this subnetwork. Provide this property when you create the subnetwork. For example, or Ranges must be unique and non-overlapping within a network. Only IPv4 is supported.


The name of the resource, provided by the client when initially creating the resource. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression a-z? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash.


A reference to Network resource


Whether the VMs in this subnet can access Google services without assigned external IP addresses.


Required. A reference to Region resource

Output-only properties
  • creation_timestamp: Output only. Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.

  • id: Output only. The unique identifier for the resource.


Represents a TargetHttpProxy resource, which is used by one or more global forwarding rule to route incoming HTTP requests to a URL map.


gcompute_target_http_proxy { 'my-http-proxy':
  ensure     => present,
  url_map    => 'my-url-map',
  project    => '',
  credential => 'mycred',


gcompute_target_http_proxy { 'id-of-resource':
  creation_timestamp => time,
  description        => string,
  id                 => integer,
  name               => string,
  url_map            => reference to gcompute_url_map,
  project            => string,
  credential         => reference to gauth_credential,

An optional description of this resource.


Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression a-z? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash.


A reference to UrlMap resource

Output-only properties
  • creation_timestamp: Output only. Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.

  • id: Output only. The unique identifier for the resource.


Represents a TargetHttpsProxy resource, which is used by one or more global forwarding rule to route incoming HTTPS requests to a URL map.


gcompute_target_https_proxy { 'my-https-proxy':
  ensure           => present,
  ssl_certificates => [
  url_map          => 'my-url-map',
  project          => '',
  credential       => 'mycred',


gcompute_target_https_proxy { 'id-of-resource':
  creation_timestamp => time,
  description        => string,
  id                 => integer,
  name               => string,
  ssl_certificates   => [
    reference to a gcompute_ssl_certificate,
  url_map            => reference to gcompute_url_map,
  project            => string,
  credential         => reference to gauth_credential,

An optional description of this resource.


Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression a-z? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash.


A list of SslCertificate resources that are used to authenticate connections between users and the load balancer. Currently, exactly one SSL certificate must be specified.


A reference to UrlMap resource

Output-only properties
  • creation_timestamp: Output only. Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.

  • id: Output only. The unique identifier for the resource.


Represents a TargetPool resource, used for Load Balancing.


gcompute_region { 'some-region':
  name       => 'us-west1',
  project    => '',
  credential => 'mycred',

gcompute_target_pool { 'test1':
  ensure     => present,
  region     => 'some-region',
  project    => '',
  credential => 'mycred',


gcompute_target_pool { 'id-of-resource':
  backup_pool        => reference to gcompute_target_pool,
  creation_timestamp => time,
  description        => string,
  failover_ratio     => double,
  health_check       => reference to gcompute_http_health_check,
  id                 => integer,
  instances          => [
    reference to a gcompute_instance,
  name               => string,
  region             => reference to gcompute_region,
  session_affinity   => 'NONE', 'CLIENT_IP' or 'CLIENT_IP_PROTO',
  project            => string,
  credential         => reference to gauth_credential,

A reference to TargetPool resource


An optional description of this resource.


This field is applicable only when the containing target pool is serving a forwarding rule as the primary pool (i.e., not as a backup pool to some other target pool). The value of the field must be in [0, 1]. If set, backupPool must also be set. They together define the fallback behavior of the primary target pool: if the ratio of the healthy instances in the primary pool is at or below this number, traffic arriving at the load-balanced IP will be directed to the backup pool. In case where failoverRatio is not set or all the instances in the backup pool are unhealthy, the traffic will be directed back to the primary pool in the "force" mode, where traffic will be spread to the healthy instances with the best effort, or to all instances when no instance is healthy.


A reference to HttpHealthCheck resource


A list of virtual machine instances serving this pool. They must live in zones contained in the same region as this pool.


Required. Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression a-z? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash.


Session affinity option. Must be one of these values:

  • NONE: Connections from the same client IP may go to any instance in the pool.
  • CLIENT_IP: Connections from the same client IP will go to the same instance in the pool while that instance remains healthy.
  • CLIENT_IP_PROTO: Connections from the same client IP with the same IP protocol will go to the same instance in the pool while that instance remains healthy.

Required. A reference to Region resource

Output-only properties
  • creation_timestamp: Output only. Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.

  • id: Output only. The unique identifier for the resource.


Represents a TargetSslProxy resource, which is used by one or more global forwarding rule to route incoming SSL requests to a backend service.


gcompute_target_ssl_proxy { 'my-ssl-proxy':
  ensure           => present,
  proxy_header     => 'PROXY_V1',
  service          => 'my-ssl-backend',
  ssl_certificates => [
  project          => '',
  credential       => 'mycred',


gcompute_target_ssl_proxy { 'id-of-resource':
  creation_timestamp => time,
  description        => string,
  id                 => integer,
  name               => string,
  proxy_header       => 'NONE' or 'PROXY_V1',
  service            => reference to gcompute_backend_service,
  ssl_certificates   => [
    reference to a gcompute_ssl_certificate,
  project            => string,
  credential         => reference to gauth_credential,

An optional description of this resource.


Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression a-z? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash.


Specifies the type of proxy header to append before sending data to the backend, either NONE or PROXY_V1. The default is NONE.


A reference to BackendService resource


A list of SslCertificate resources that are used to authenticate connections between users and the load balancer. Currently, exactly one SSL certificate must be specified.

Output-only properties
  • creation_timestamp: Output only. Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.

  • id: Output only. The unique identifier for the resource.


Represents a TargetTcpProxy resource, which is used by one or more global forwarding rule to route incoming TCP requests to a Backend service.


gcompute_target_tcp_proxy { 'my-tcp-proxy':
  ensure       => present,
  proxy_header => 'PROXY_V1',
  service      => 'my-tcp-backend',
  project      => '',
  credential   => 'mycred',


gcompute_target_tcp_proxy { 'id-of-resource':
  creation_timestamp => time,
  description        => string,
  id                 => integer,
  name               => string,
  proxy_header       => 'NONE' or 'PROXY_V1',
  service            => reference to gcompute_backend_service,
  project            => string,
  credential         => reference to gauth_credential,

An optional description of this resource.


Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression a-z? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash.


Specifies the type of proxy header to append before sending data to the backend, either NONE or PROXY_V1. The default is NONE.


A reference to BackendService resource

Output-only properties
  • creation_timestamp: Output only. Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.

  • id: Output only. The unique identifier for the resource.


UrlMaps are used to route requests to a backend service based on rules that you define for the host and path of an incoming URL.


gcompute_url_map { 'my-url-map':
  ensure          => present,
  default_service => 'my-app-backend',
  project         => '',
  credential      => 'mycred',


gcompute_url_map { 'id-of-resource':
  creation_timestamp => time,
  default_service    => reference to gcompute_backend_service,
  description        => string,
  host_rules         => [
      description  => string,
      hosts        => [
      path_matcher => string,
  id                 => integer,
  name               => string,
  path_matchers      => [
      default_service => reference to gcompute_backend_service,
      description     => string,
      name            => string,
      path_rules      => [
          paths   => [
          service => reference to gcompute_backend_service,
  tests              => [
      description => string,
      host        => string,
      path        => string,
      service     => reference to gcompute_backend_service,
  project            => string,
  credential         => reference to gauth_credential,

Required. A reference to BackendService resource


An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource.


The list of HostRules to use against the URL.


An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource.


The list of host patterns to match. They must be valid hostnames, except * will match any string of ([a-z0-9-.]*). In that case, * must be the first character and must be followed in the pattern by either - or ..


The name of the PathMatcher to use to match the path portion of the URL if the hostRule matches the URL's host portion.


Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression a-z? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash.


The list of named PathMatchers to use against the URL.


A reference to BackendService resource


An optional description of this resource.


The name to which this PathMatcher is referred by the HostRule.


The list of path rules.


The list of path patterns to match. Each must start with / and the only place a * is allowed is at the end following a /. The string fed to the path matcher does not include any text after the first ? or #, and those chars are not allowed here.


A reference to BackendService resource


The list of expected URL mappings. Request to update this UrlMap will succeed only if all of the test cases pass.


Description of this test case.


Host portion of the URL.


Path portion of the URL.


A reference to BackendService resource

Output-only properties
  • creation_timestamp: Output only. Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.

  • id: Output only. The unique identifier for the resource.


Represents a Zone resource.


gcompute_zone { 'us-central1-a':
  project    => '',
  credential => 'mycred',


gcompute_zone { 'id-of-resource':
  creation_timestamp => time,
  deprecated         => {
    deleted     => time,
    deprecated  => time,
    obsolete    => time,
    replacement => string,
    state       => 'DEPRECATED', 'OBSOLETE' or 'DELETED',
  description        => string,
  id                 => integer,
  name               => string,
  region             => reference to gcompute_region,
  status             => 'UP' or 'DOWN',
  project            => string,
  credential         => reference to gauth_credential,

Name of the resource.

Output-only properties
  • creation_timestamp: Output only. Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.

  • deprecated: Output only. The deprecation status associated with this machine type.


Output only. An optional RFC3339 timestamp on or after which the state of this resource is intended to change to DELETED. This is only informational and the status will not change unless the client explicitly changes it.


Output only. An optional RFC3339 timestamp on or after which the state of this resource is intended to change to DEPRECATED. This is only informational and the status will not change unless the client explicitly changes it.


Output only. An optional RFC3339 timestamp on or after which the state of this resource is intended to change to OBSOLETE. This is only informational and the status will not change unless the client explicitly changes it.


Output only. The URL of the suggested replacement for a deprecated resource. The suggested replacement resource must be the same kind of resource as the deprecated resource.


Output only. The deprecation state of this resource. This can be DEPRECATED, OBSOLETE, or DELETED. Operations which create a new resource using a DEPRECATED resource will return successfully, but with a warning indicating the deprecated resource and recommending its replacement. Operations which use OBSOLETE or DELETED resources will be rejected and result in an error.

  • description: Output only. An optional textual description of the resource.

  • id: Output only. The unique identifier for the resource.

  • region: Output only. A reference to Region resource

  • status: Output only. The status of the zone.



Returns the IP address associated with the Address managed by a gcompute_address resource.

  • name: the name of the address resource

  • region: the region where the address resource is allocated

  • project: the project name where resource is allocated

  • cred: the credential to use to authorize the information request

gcompute_address_ip('my-server', 'us-central1', 'myproject', $fn_auth)

The credential parameter should be allocated with a gauth_credential_*_for_function call.


Builds a reference to the IP address associated with the Address managed by a gcompute_address resource.

  • name: the name of the address resource

  • region: the region where the address resource is allocated

  • project: the project name where resource is allocated

gcompute_address_ref('my-server', 'us-central1', 'myproject')

This function is useful for when a reference to a resource that have multiple facts, such as gcompute_forwarding_rule { ip_address }


Builds a reference to the global IP address associated with the Address managed by a gcompute_global_address resource.

  • name: the name of the address resource

  • project: the project name where resource is allocated

gcompute_global_address_ref('my-server', 'myproject')

This function is useful for when a reference to a resource that have multiple facts, such as gcompute_global_forwarding_rule { ip_address }


Builds a reference to a health check to be used in the backend service.

  • name: the name of the health check

  • project_name: the name of the project that hosts the check

gcompute_health_check_ref('my-hc', 'my-project')


Builds the family resource identifier required to uniquely identify the family, e.g. to create virtual machines based on it. You can use this function as source_image of a gcompute_instance resource.

  • family_name: the name of the family, e.g. ubuntu-1604-lts

  • project_name: the name of the project that hosts the family, e.g. ubuntu-os-cloud

gcompute_image_family('ubuntu-1604-lts', 'ubuntu-os-cloud')
gcompute_image_family('my-web-server', 'my-project')

Note: In the case of private images, your credentials will need to have the proper permissions to access the image. To get a list of supported families you can use the gcloud utility: gcloud compute images list


Builds a reference to a target HTTP proxy to be used in the global forwarding rule.

  • name: the name of the proxy

  • project_name: the name of the project that hosts the proxy

gcompute_target_http_proxy_ref('my-http-proxy', 'my-project')

Bolt Tasks


Resets a Google Compute Engine VM instance

This task takes inputs as JSON from standard input.

  • name: The name of the instance to reset

  • zone: The zone where your instance resides

  • project: The project that hosts the VM instance

  • credential: Path to a service account credentials file


Because sometimes you just want a quick way to get (or destroy) an instance

This task takes inputs as JSON from standard input.

  • name: Name of the machine to create (or delete) (default: bolt-)

  • image_family: An indication of which image family to launch the instance from (format: :) (default: centos-7:centos-cloud)

  • size_gb: The size of the VM disk (in GB) (default: 50)

  • machine_type: The type of the machine to create (default: n1-standard-1)

  • allocate_static_ip: If true it will allocate a static IP for the machine (default: false)

  • network_name: The network to connect the VM to (default: default)

  • zone: The zone where your instance resides (default: us-west1-c)

  • project: The project you have credentials for and will houses your instance

  • credential: Path to a service account credentials file

  • ensure: If you'd wish to quickly delete an instance instead of creating one (default: present)


Create a snapshot of a Google Compute Engine Disk

This task takes inputs as JSON from standard input.

  • name: The name of the disk to create snapshot

  • target: The name of the disk snapshot (default: -)

  • zone: The zone where your disk resides

  • project: The project that hosts the disk

  • credential: Path to a service account credentials file


This module has been tested on:

  • RedHat 6, 7
  • CentOS 6, 7
  • Debian 7, 8
  • Ubuntu 12.04, 14.04, 16.04, 16.10
  • SLES 11-sp4, 12-sp2
  • openSUSE 13
  • Windows Server 2008 R2, 2012 R2, 2012 R2 Core, 2016 R2, 2016 R2 Core

Testing on other platforms has been minimal and cannot be guaranteed.


Automatically Generated Files

Some files in this package are automatically generated by puppet-codegen.

We use a code compiler to produce this module in order to avoid repetitive tasks and improve code quality. This means all Google Cloud Platform Puppet modules use the same underlying authentication, logic, test generation, style checks, etc.

Note: Currently puppet-codegen is not yet generally available, but it will be made open source soon. Stay tuned. Please learn more about the way to change autogenerated files by reading the file.


Contributions to this library are always welcome and highly encouraged.

See for more information on how to get started.

Running tests

This project contains tests for rspec, rspec-puppet and rubocop to verify functionality. For detailed information on using these tools, please see their respective documentation.

Testing quickstart: Ruby > 2.0.0

gem install bundler
bundle install
bundle exec rspec
bundle exec rubocop

Debugging Tests

In case you need to debug tests in this module you can set the following variables to increase verbose output:

Variable Side Effect
PUPPET_HTTP_VERBOSE=1 Prints network access information by Puppet provier.
PUPPET_HTTP_DEBUG=1 Prints the payload of network calls being made.
GOOGLE_HTTP_VERBOSE=1 Prints debug related to the network calls being made.
GOOGLE_HTTP_DEBUG=1 Prints the payload of network calls being made.

During test runs (using rspec) you can also set:

Variable Side Effect
RSPEC_DEBUG=1 Prints debug related to the tests being run.
RSPEC_HTTP_VERBOSE=1 Prints network expectations and access.


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  • Ruby 93.2%
  • Puppet 6.5%
  • Shell 0.3%