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Dan Connolly edited this page Nov 29, 2015 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the typhon wiki!

How to dump AST files?

The utility dumps out AST files (*.mt, *.mast). It imports various bits of typhon which import from rpython.

What's an easy way to satisfy this dependency?

The vm.nix script shows getting the pypy source (a specific version; 5f8302b8bf9f as of this writing):

typhon$ hg clone -r 5f8302b8bf9f

But that doesn't seem to suffice.

Get our version of nixpkgs??

From the build inputs from a recent job, we see the nixpkgs version is 81e47bc. So:

$ git clone --depth 500 git://
$ cd nixpkgs
nixpkgs$ git checkout 81e47bc

Install pypy

nixpkgs$ nix-env -f . -i pypy

That didn't work either

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