Monwarp is an open source HTML5 game engine.
An example of its use can be found here:
An example of its box2d integration could be found in the source code for this Simple Pool Game:
More documentation coming. Promise :)
Firstly: Since this is a dojo extension it requires dojo. I'm going to assume you already use dojo, and your site has a directory named "dojo". Your site should have a directory structure that looks roughly like:
/js /dojo /cldr /data /date /dnd /fx /io /nls /rsources /rpc /selector /store - dojo.js - other js files...
To install: put the /src/mwe from the src/ folder into your dojo directory
To use: here's a skeleton HTML file
<title></title> <script src="js/dojo/dojo.js" djConfig="baseUrl: 'js/dojo/', modulePaths: {mwe: 'mwe'}"> </script> <script> dojo.require('mwe.GameCore'); dojo.require('mwe.Sprite'); dojo.require('mwe.ResourceManager'); dojo.require('mwe.GameAction'); </script>This pulls in monwarp.
extra doc credit: @davidsiaw