open-UST: An Open Source Manufacturing Framework for a Low-cost Ultrasound Tomography Research System.
There is a high barrier to entry for researchers starting ultrasound tomography (UST) experiments: UST hardware is not available off the shelf, and custom systems are expensive. The goal of the open-UST project is to lower the barrier to entry for experimental UST researchers, by providing a manufacturing framework that allows end users to build their own UST transducers in-house.
open-UST is part of an ongoing research project, guided by three objectives:
- High accessibility for end users.
- Nominal acoustic behaviour that supports UST imaging research.
- Low inter-element variation (IEV) in acoustic behaviour.
- Simple equipment requirements: No specialist equipment required, only a 3D-printer, vacuum chamber and standard workshop tooling.
- Low material cost: ~£2k (excluding DAQ hardware) for a 256-element system.
- Modular: Both 2D and 3D imaging setups can be configured.
- Low interelement variation: Recent testing showed that the individual sensing elements have uniform acoustic behaviour.
- Other:
- Fully waterproof
- Electromagnetically shielded
- Transducer modules feature threaded mounting points for repeatable positioning
- Includes option for a modular interface with the ITT Cannon DL5-260P connector (compatible with Verasonics)
To access the design and manufacture files, clone this repository locally:
git clone
The design and manufacture files are located in the hardware-distribution
For the accompanying manufacturing documentation, please visit
Please cite this article if you use open-UST in your research:
title = {open-UST: An Open-Source Ultrasound Tomography Transducer Array System},
author = {Roberts, Morgan and Martin, Eleanor and Brown, Michael D and Cox, Ben T and Treeby, Bradley E},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control},
year = {2023},
publisher = {IEEE},
doi = {10.1109/TUFFC.2023.3280635}
open-UST is an ongoing research project from the Biomedical Ultrasound Group (University College London).
For questions, suggestions and feedback, please contact Morgan Roberts at