⚠️ This script is tested only on mac and linux. It's not tested on windows machines
✅ Your login credentials are saved on your local machine. They don't leave it at all. They are only sent to CMS platform. You can make sure by reviewing the code
Every developer has the coding superpower 😎. So, as a developer, you should automate all the boring stuff 😪 to free up some threads in your mind for the serious work. 👀🤓
This script is created to automate downloading the content from the GUC-CMS platform. It fetches the courses you are subscribed in, creates a folder for each course, downloads the content (ALL the content), each file in its corresponding week folder. Et voila! Everything is downloaded 🔥🔥
export CHROMIUM_EXECUTABLE_PATH=$(which chromium)
is set to true
, puppeteer skips downloading the binaries for chromium, however you must provide an executable path to a chromium binary (which is done via the CHROMIUM_EXECUTABLE_PATH
environment variable).
Download Node.js the LTS version then install it. The usual install just next next...
Download Git Bash the windows version and also the usual install. Just tick the option of creating a desktop icon
You should be ready to move to the next step (How to run)
Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/AhmedAshrafAZ/cms-downloader.git
Navigate to the script directory
cd cms-downloader
Install node modules
npm install
Add your username (without @student.guc.edu.eg) to the ".env" file
echo "GUC_SK_USERNAME=your_username" > .env
Add your password to the ".env" file
echo "GUC_SK_PASSWORD=your_password" >> .env
Run the script and let the magic begin 🎩🎩🔥🔥
npm start
This script is mainly based on web scraping 🕷🕸 and DOM manipulation.
- Get the login credintials form the '.env' file and test authentication
- Fetch the home page to get all the courses that the student is subscribed in.
- Navigate to each course
- Select (using querySelector) all the anchor tags that contains download attribute
- Rename the value of the download attribute to the name its card
- Select all the unrated courses (this is my flag for the non-downloaded content)
- Download the unrated courses after checking that the week folder and course folder do exist
- Rate each content after downloading it.
- And repeat until everything is DONE 🔥🎩💪🏻
You are very welcome to contribute to this repo. Just create the your Pull Request, I will review it & your updates will be merged ASAP insha'Allah. 💪🏻💪🏻