This project is a sample project for controlling sphero via Processing2.
Note: This is not a pure Processing code, directly controlling sphero via bluetooth serial communication, but a java wrapper of python sphero package using Py4j package.
To use this package, you should install the following packages and libraries
- py4j: the python, java gateway package to use both codes from each other.
- which can install from
- sphero: the python package to controll sphero
- which can install by
$ pip install sphero
- slf4j: the java logging interface package
- which can install from
- download the latest version tarball
- extract it and copy the following packages into the code directory
- slf4j-api.jar
- logback: the implementation of logging package
- which can install from
- download the latest version tarball
- extract it and copy the following packages into the code directory
- logback-classic.jar
- logback-core.jar
The sources can be cloned from github,
$ git clone
After all preparation done, the source tree of the project should be like
├── GatewayServer.pde
├── SpheroControl.pde
├── code
│ ├── logback-classic-X.X.X.jar
│ ├── logback-core-X.X.X.jar
│ ├── py4jX.X.jar
│ └── slf4j-api-X.X.X.jar
└── engine
Then all you have to do is to execute the SpheroControl.pde. The behavior of the sphero will be
- Wakeup the sphero by shaking it.
- execute the PDE
- Waiting for the connection
- The light pattern of the sphero will be a bright blue to show the connection is established.
- Then the color of the light will be changed every draw timing.
- By pressing ESC key, you can finalize the application.
- Note: if you shutdown the application by close button operation, you should terminate python process from the activity monitor or kill command.