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dbus-mqtt-battery - Emulates a aggregated/physical battery from MQTT data

GitHub repository: mr-manuel/venus-os_dbus-mqtt-battery


  1. Disclaimer
  2. Supporting/Sponsoring this project
  3. Purpose
  4. Config
  5. JSON structure
  6. Install / Update
  7. Uninstall
  8. Restart
  9. Debugging
  10. Compatibility
  11. Screenshots


I wrote this script for myself. I'm not responsible, if you damage something using my script.

Supporting/Sponsoring this project

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The script emulates a battery in Venus OS. It gets the MQTT data from a subscribed topic and publishes the information on the dbus as the service com.victronenergy.battery.mqtt_battery with the VRM instance 41.

It also can be used to aggregate multiple batteries. In this case you can use Node-RED to read the data from multiple batteries and then feed the calculated data to this driver, which then is selected as battery monitor.


Copy or rename the config.sample.ini to config.ini in the dbus-mqtt-battery folder and change it as you need it.

JSON structure

Generic device

Minimum required to start the driver
    "Dc": {
        "Power": 321.6,
        "Voltage": 52.7
    "Soc": 63
Minimum required that the MTTP is controlled by BMS
    "Dc": {
        "Power": 321.6,
        "Voltage": 52.7
    "Soc": 63,
    "Info": {
        "MaxChargeVoltage": 55.2,
        "MaxChargeCurrent": 80,
        "MaxDischargeCurrent": 120
Full (with descriptions)

Please remove the --> * comments to get a valid JSON. Comments are not allowed in JSON structure, but for simplicity I added them.

    "Dc": {
        "Power": 321.6,                       --> Watt
        "Voltage": 52.7,                      --> Volt
        "Current": 6.10,                      --> Ampere - if missing in the JSON, than gets calculated from "power" and "voltage"
        "Temperature": 23                     --> Celsius
    "InstalledCapacity": 200.0,               --> Ampere hours - total battery capacity
    "ConsumedAmphours": 74.5,                 --> Ampere hours - consumed (only positive values) - if missing in the JSON, than gets calculated when "InstalledCapacity" and "Capacity" are set OR only "InstalledCapacity" is set
    "Capacity": 125.5,                        --> Ampere hours - remaining (only positive values) - if missing in the JSON, than gets calculated when "InstalledCapacity" and "ConsumedAmphours" are set OR only "InstalledCapacity" is set
    "Soc": 63,                                --> Percent (0-100) - state of charge
    "TimeToGo": 43967,                        --> Seconds - time until the battery is empty - if missing in the JSON, than gets calculated when "Capacity" is set or calculated
    "Balancing": 0,                           --> Int - 0 = inactive; 1 = active
    "SystemSwitch": 0,                        --> Int - 0 = disabled; 1 = enabled
    "Alarms": {
        "LowVoltage": 0,                      --> Int - 0 = ok; 1 = warning; 2 = alarm
        "HighVoltage": 0,                     --> Int - 0 = ok; 1 = warning; 2 = alarm
        "LowSoc": 0,                          --> Int - 0 = ok; 1 = warning; 2 = alarm
        "HighChargeCurrent": 0,               --> Int - 0 = ok; 1 = warning; 2 = alarm
        "HighDischargeCurrent": 0,            --> Int - 0 = ok; 1 = warning; 2 = alarm
        "HighCurrent": 0,                     --> Int - 0 = ok; 1 = warning; 2 = alarm
        "CellImbalance": 0,                   --> Int - 0 = ok; 1 = warning; 2 = alarm
        "HighChargeTemperature": 0,           --> Int - 0 = ok; 1 = warning; 2 = alarm
        "LowChargeTemperature": 0,            --> Int - 0 = ok; 1 = warning; 2 = alarm
        "LowCellVoltage": 0,                  --> Int - 0 = ok; 1 = warning; 2 = alarm
        "LowTemperature": 0,                  --> Int - 0 = ok; 1 = warning; 2 = alarm
        "HighTemperature": 0,                 --> Int - 0 = ok; 1 = warning; 2 = alarm
        "FuseBlown": 0                        --> Int - 0 = ok; 1 = warning; 2 = alarm
    "Info": {
        "ChargeRequest": 0,                   --> Int - 0 = inactive; 1 = active
        "MaxChargeVoltage": 55.2,             --> Volt - Maximum loading voltage that the MultiPlus/Quattro should use
        "MaxChargeCurrent": 80.0,             --> Ampere - Maximum charge current that the MultiPlus/Quattro should use
        "MaxDischargeCurrent": 120.0          --> Ampere - Maximum discharge current that the MultiPlus/Quattro should use
    "History": {
        "ChargeCycles": 5,                    --> Number - cycles for complete battery lifetime
        "MinimumVoltage": 40.8,               --> Battery voltage minimum over time
        "MaximumVoltage": 58.4,               --> Battery voltage maximum over time
        "TotalAhDrawn": 1057.3                --> Ampere hours - drawn ampere hours for complete battery lifetime
    "System": {
        "MinVoltageCellId": "C3",             --> String - ID of the cell with the lowest voltage - if missing in the JSON, than gets calculated when elements in "Voltages" are present
        "MinCellVoltage": 3.392,              --> Volt - Of the cell with the lowest voltage - if missing in the JSON, than gets calculated when elements in "Voltages" are present
        "MaxVoltageCellId": "C15",            --> String - ID of the cell with the highest voltage - if missing in the JSON, than gets calculated when elements in "Voltages" are present
        "MaxCellVoltage": 3.417,              --> Volt - Of the cell with the highest voltage - if missing in the JSON, than gets calculated when elements in "Voltages" are present

        "MinTemperatureCellId": "C2",         --> String - ID of the cell with the lowest temperature
        "MinCellTemperature": 22.5,           --> Celsius - Of the cell with the lowest temperature
        "MaxTemperatureCellId": "C9",         --> String - ID of the cell with the highest temperature
        "MaxCellTemperature": 23.5,           --> Celsius - Of the cell with the highest temperature
        "MOSTemperature": 23.5,               --> Celsius - Temperature of the Mosfets

        "NrOfModulesOnline": 0,               --> Number - How many modules are online
        "NrOfModulesOffline": 0,              --> Number - How many modules are offline
        "NrOfCellsPerBattery: 0,              --> Number - How many celle are in the battery

        "NrOfModulesBlockingCharge": 0,       --> Number - How many modules are blocking charge
        "NrOfModulesBlockingDischarge": 0     --> Number - How many modules are blocking discharge
    "Voltages": {
        "Cell1":  3.201,                      --> Volt - voltage of this cell
        "Cell2":  3.202,                      --> Volt - voltage of this cell
        "Cell3":  3.203,                      --> Volt - voltage of this cell
        "Cell4":  3.204,                      --> Volt - voltage of this cell
        "Cell5":  3.205,                      --> Volt - voltage of this cell
        "Cell6":  3.206,                      --> Volt - voltage of this cell
        "Cell7":  3.207,                      --> Volt - voltage of this cell
        "Cell8":  3.208,                      --> Volt - voltage of this cell
        "Cell9":  3.209,                      --> Volt - voltage of this cell
        "Cell10": 3.210,                      --> Volt - voltage of this cell
        "Cell11": 3.211,                      --> Volt - voltage of this cell
        "Cell12": 3.212,                      --> Volt - voltage of this cell
        "Cell13": 3.213,                      --> Volt - voltage of this cell
        "Cell14": 3.214,                      --> Volt - voltage of this cell
        "Cell15": 3.215,                      --> Volt - voltage of this cell
        "Cell16": 3.216,                      --> Volt - voltage of this cell
        "Cell17": 3.217,                      --> Volt - voltage of this cell
        "Cell18": 3.218,                      --> Volt - voltage of this cell
        "Cell19": 3.219,                      --> Volt - voltage of this cell
        "Cell20": 3.220,                      --> Volt - voltage of this cell
        "Cell21": 3.221,                      --> Volt - voltage of this cell
        "Cell22": 3.222,                      --> Volt - voltage of this cell
        "Cell23": 3.223,                      --> Volt - voltage of this cell
        "Cell24": 3.224                       --> Volt - voltage of this cell
    "Balances": {
        "Cell1":  0,                          --> Int - 0 = inactive; 1 = cell is beeing balanced
        "Cell2":  0,                          --> Int - 0 = inactive; 1 = cell is beeing balanced
        "Cell3":  0,                          --> Int - 0 = inactive; 1 = cell is beeing balanced
        "Cell4":  0,                          --> Int - 0 = inactive; 1 = cell is beeing balanced
        "Cell5":  0,                          --> Int - 0 = inactive; 1 = cell is beeing balanced
        "Cell6":  0,                          --> Int - 0 = inactive; 1 = cell is beeing balanced
        "Cell7":  0,                          --> Int - 0 = inactive; 1 = cell is beeing balanced
        "Cell8":  0,                          --> Int - 0 = inactive; 1 = cell is beeing balanced
        "Cell9":  0,                          --> Int - 0 = inactive; 1 = cell is beeing balanced
        "Cell10": 0,                          --> Int - 0 = inactive; 1 = cell is beeing balanced
        "Cell11": 0,                          --> Int - 0 = inactive; 1 = cell is beeing balanced
        "Cell12": 0,                          --> Int - 0 = inactive; 1 = cell is beeing balanced
        "Cell13": 0,                          --> Int - 0 = inactive; 1 = cell is beeing balanced
        "Cell14": 0,                          --> Int - 0 = inactive; 1 = cell is beeing balanced
        "Cell15": 0,                          --> Int - 0 = inactive; 1 = cell is beeing balanced
        "Cell16": 0,                          --> Int - 0 = inactive; 1 = cell is beeing balanced
        "Cell17": 0,                          --> Int - 0 = inactive; 1 = cell is beeing balanced
        "Cell18": 0,                          --> Int - 0 = inactive; 1 = cell is beeing balanced
        "Cell19": 0,                          --> Int - 0 = inactive; 1 = cell is beeing balanced
        "Cell20": 0,                          --> Int - 0 = inactive; 1 = cell is beeing balanced
        "Cell21": 0,                          --> Int - 0 = inactive; 1 = cell is beeing balanced
        "Cell22": 0,                          --> Int - 0 = inactive; 1 = cell is beeing balanced
        "Cell23": 0,                          --> Int - 0 = inactive; 1 = cell is beeing balanced
        "Cell24": 0                           --> Int - 0 = inactive; 1 = cell is beeing balanced
    "Io": {
        "AllowToCharge": 0,                   --> Int - 0 = disabled; 1 = enabled
        "AllowToDischarge": 0,                --> Int - 0 = disabled; 1 = enabled
        "AllowToBalance": 0,                  --> Int - 0 = disabled; 1 = enabled
        "ExternalRelay": 0                    --> Int - 0 = disabled; 1 = enabled


If you want to get the values from dbus-serialbattery without having to modify any data with Node-RED or other scripts, then with dbus-serialbattery version v2.0.20241223dev (or later) and dbus-mqtt-battery version v1.0.10-dev (20241223) (or later) this is easily possible.

To achieve this you need to:

  1. Make sure to enable PUBLISH_BATTERY_DATA_AS_JSON in the dbus-serialbattery config.ini, since it's disabled by default. Restart dbus-serialbattery after you made the changes.

    Now the aggregated data is published to /N/<VRM_ID>/battery/<BATTERY_INSTANCE>/JsonData on the Venus OS MQTT broker.

  2. In the config.ini of dbus-mqtt-battery set the Venus MQTT broker and the topic /N/<VRM_ID>/battery/<BATTERY_INSTANCE>/JsonData where the data is published.

Replace the placeholders <...> with your values.

This method will fetch automatically all available data for a specific battery from dbus-serialbattery. You cannot choose which data you need or not.

Install / Update

  1. Login to your Venus OS device via SSH. See Venus OS:Root Access for more details.

  2. Execute this commands to download and copy the files:

    wget -O /tmp/
    bash /tmp/
  3. Select the version you want to install.

  4. Press enter for a single instance. For multiple instances, enter a number and press enter.


    • Pressing enter or entering 1 will install the driver to /data/etc/dbus-mqtt-battery.
    • Entering 2 will install the driver to /data/etc/dbus-mqtt-battery-2.

Extra steps for your first installation

  1. Edit the config file to fit your needs. The correct command for your installation is shown after the installation.

    • If you pressed enter or entered 1 during installation:
    nano /data/etc/dbus-mqtt-battery/config.ini
    • If you entered 2 during installation:
    nano /data/etc/dbus-mqtt-battery-2/config.ini
  2. Install the driver as a service. The correct command for your installation is shown after the installation.

    • If you pressed enter or entered 1 during installation:
    bash /data/etc/dbus-mqtt-battery/
    • If you entered 2 during installation:
    bash /data/etc/dbus-mqtt-battery-2/

    The daemon-tools should start this service automatically within seconds.


⚠️ If you have multiple instances, ensure you choose the correct one. For example:

  • To uninstall the default instance:

    bash /data/etc/dbus-mqtt-battery/
  • To uninstall the second instance:

    bash /data/etc/dbus-mqtt-battery-2/


⚠️ If you have multiple instances, ensure you choose the correct one. For example:

  • To restart the default instance:

    bash /data/etc/dbus-mqtt-battery/
  • To restart the second instance:

    bash /data/etc/dbus-mqtt-battery-2/


⚠️ If you have multiple instances, ensure you choose the correct one.

  • To check the logs of the default instance:

    tail -n 100 -F /data/log/dbus-mqtt-battery/current | tai64nlocal
  • To check the logs of the second instance:

    tail -n 100 -F /data/log/dbus-mqtt-battery-2/current | tai64nlocal

The service status can be checked with svstat svstat /service/dbus-mqtt-battery

This will output somethink like /service/dbus-mqtt-battery: up (pid 5845) 185 seconds

If the seconds are under 5 then the service crashes and gets restarted all the time. If you do not see anything in the logs you can increase the log level in /data/etc/dbus-mqtt-battery/ by changing level=logging.WARNING to level=logging.INFO or level=logging.DEBUG

If the script stops with the message dbus.exceptions.NameExistsException: Bus name already exists: com.victronenergy.battery.mqtt_battery" it means that the service is still running or another service is using that bus name.


This software supports the latest three stable versions of Venus OS. It may also work on older versions, but this is not guaranteed.


MQTT Battery

MQTT Battery - pages

MQTT Battery - device list

MQTT Battery - device list - mqtt battery

MQTT Battery - device list - mqtt battery

MQTT Battery - device list - mqtt battery

MQTT Battery - device list - mqtt battery

MQTT Battery - device list - mqtt battery

MQTT Battery - device list - mqtt battery

MQTT Battery - device list - mqtt battery

MQTT Battery - device list - mqtt battery

MQTT Battery - device list - mqtt battery

MQTT Battery - device list - mqtt battery

MQTT Battery - device list - mqtt battery

MQTT Battery - device list - mqtt battery