CAVE: This completion is obsolete. Hashicorp tools bring their own shell completion although it's opt-in by default. Consult the packer documentation on how to setup shell completion.
The script provides bash completion for packer
- template filename completion (*.json) in current working dir
- support for basic options (i.e.. -debug)
- support for options with choices (i.e. -parallel=[true|false]
Just copy the script to a decent place and source it in your ~/.bashrc
or ~/.profile
. <path-to>/packer
The scirpt has been successfully tested with packer-0.6.0 and the following OS:
- OS X 10.9 (bash < 4.0)
- CentOS-6.5 (bash > 4.0)
- Ubuntu 12.04 Server (bash > 4.0)
The script technically is heavily inspired by the git-completion.bash script. Kudos to Shawn O. Pearce and all other contributors for the inspiration and especially to the bash-completion team in general.
This software is licensed under the MIT license. The license is provided in the license file.
Copyright (c) 2014 IT Services Department, University of Bern