UI Component. This is a copy swipe-panel from app: https://www.apple.com/ios/maps/
It can:
- Animately move top / middle / bottom
- Add multiple ContainerControlleron top of each other in self.view
- Add any type of ScrollView: Table / Collection / Text
- Control Gesture or Scroll
- Pin HeaderView to top / pin FooterView to bottom,
- Add Background Color / background blur transparency
- Adjust cornerRadius edges
- Adjust container shadow
- When raised to top = Add background shadow -
- Has the ability to adjust Left / Right margins
- And adjust Left / Right margins for landscape state.
Examples of use (ui swipe component ContainerController) in popular design applications.
It is used in different categories apps:
- Maps / Menu / Player Music / Market / Sports News / Taxi / Finance Banks Stock / Wallets / Analytics / Notes
- Alerts / Popups / Notifications
- Requirements
- Installation
- Design examples
- Getting Started
- Action
- Adding possible custom subviews in ContainerController view
- Settings ⚙️
- ContainerController
- Author
- License
✏️ ContainerController is written in Swift 5.0+. It can be built by Xcode 11 or later. Compatible with iOS 13.0+.
ContainerControllerSwift is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'ContainerControllerSwift'
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/mrustaa/ContainerController.git")
Follow this doc.
Designs are borrowed from Dribbble
To get the design, you need to add a branch ui_examples
git clone https://github.com/mrustaa/ContainerController.git
cd ContainerController/
git checkout ui_examples
URLs Author:
GIF Previews:
import UIKit
import ContainerControllerSwift
class ViewController: UIViewController, ContainerControllerDelegate {
var container: ContainerController!
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Create ContainerController Layout object
let layout = ContainerLayout()
layout.startPosition = .hide
layout.backgroundShadowShow = true
layout.positions = ContainerPosition(top: 70, middle: 250, bottom: 70)
// Create ContainerController object, along with the container.view
// Pass the current UIViewController
let container = ContainerController(addTo: self, layout: layout)
container.view.cornerRadius = 15
// Create subclass scrollView
let tableView = UITableView()
tableView.register(UITableViewCell.self, forCellReuseIdentifier: "cell")
tableView.delegate = self
tableView.dataSource = self
// Add scrollView to container
container.add(scrollView: tableView)
// Finishing settings ContainerController,
// Animated move position Top
container.move(type: .top)
override func viewDidDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
// Remove the subviews ContainerController
container = nil
container.move(type: .top)
container.move(type: .middle)
container.move(type: .bottom)
let tableView = UITableView()
tableView.register(UITableViewCell.self, forCellReuseIdentifier: "cell")
tableView.backgroundColor = .clear
tableView.tableFooterView = UIView()
tableView.delegate = self
tableView.dataSource = self
// Add scrollView to container
container.add(scrollView: tableView)
If you implement delegate ScrollView (TableView, CollectionView, TextView) to self
, then you need to call 4 functions in ContainerController
extension ViewController: UIScrollViewDelegate {
func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
func scrollViewWillBeginDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
func scrollViewDidEndDecelerating(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
func scrollViewDidEndDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView, willDecelerate decelerate: Bool) {
container.scrollViewDidEndDragging(scrollView, willDecelerate: decelerate)
extension ViewController: UITableViewDelegate {
extension ViewController: UITableViewDataSource {
let headerView = ExampleHeaderGripView()
headerView.height = 20
container.add(headerView: headerView)
let tabBarView = HeaderTabBarView()
tabBarView.height = 49.0
container.add(footerView: tabBarView)
// Add custom shadow
let layer = container.view.layer
layer.shadowOpacity = 0.5
layer.shadowColor = UIColor.red.cgColor
layer.shadowOffset = CGSize(width: 1, height: 4)
layer.shadowRadius = 5
// Add view in container.view
let viewRed = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 50, y: 50, width: 50, height: 50))
viewRed.backgroundColor = .systemRed
// Add view under scrollView container.view
let viewGreen = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 25, y: 25, width: 50, height: 50))
viewGreen.backgroundColor = .systemGreen
container.view.insertSubview(viewGreen, at: 0)
class NewContainerLayout: ContainerLayout {
override init() {
// Initialization start position.
startPosition = .hide
// Disables any moving with gestures.
movingEnabled = true
// Sets the new value for positions of animated movement (top, middle, bottom).
positions = ContainerPosition(top: 70, middle: 250, bottom: 70)
// Sets insets container.view (left, right).
insets = ContainerInsets(right: 20, left: 20)
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var container: ContainerController!
override func viewDidLoad() {
container = ContainerController(addTo: self, layout: NewContainerLayout())
container.move(type: .top)
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Create ContainerController Layout object
let layout = ContainerLayout()
layout.startPosition = .hide
layout.backgroundShadowShow = true
layout.positions = ContainerPosition(top: 70, middle: 250, bottom: 70)
container = ContainerController(addTo: self, layout: layout)
// Properties
container.set(movingEnabled: true)
container.set(trackingPosition: false)
container.set(footerPadding: 100)
// Add ScrollInsets Top/Bottom
container.set(scrollIndicatorTop: 5) // ↓
container.set(scrollIndicatorBottom: 5) // ↑
// Positions
container.set(top: 70) // ↓
container.set(middle: 250) // ↑
container.set(bottom: 80) // ↑
// Middle Enable/Disable
container.set(middle: 250)
container.set(middle: nil)
// Background Shadow
container.set(backgroundShadowShow: true)
// Insets View
container.set(left: 5) // →
container.set(right: 5) // ←
// Landscape params
container.setLandscape(top: 30)
container.setLandscape(middle: 150)
container.setLandscape(bottom: 70)
container.setLandscape(middle: nil)
container.setLandscape(backgroundShadowShow: false)
container.setLandscape(left: 10)
container.setLandscape(right: 100)
is generated automatically when you create ContainerController
Use a ready-made solution to change the radius, add shadow, and blur.
// Change cornerRadius global for all subviews
container.view.cornerRadius = 15
container.view.addShadow(opacity: 0.1)
// add blur UIVisualEffectView
container.view.addBlur(style: .dark)
// These parameters set the new position value.
container.layout.positions = ContainerPosition(top: 70, middle: 250, bottom: 70)
// Change settings right away
container.set(top: 70) // ↓
container.set(middle: 250) // ↑
container.set(bottom: 80) // ↑
// Sets insets container.view (left, right).
container.layout.insets = ContainerInsets(right: 20, left: 20)
container.layout.landscapeInsets = ContainerInsets(right: 20, left: 100)
// Change settings right away
container.set(left: 5) // →
container.set(right: 5) // ←
container.setLandscape(left: 10)
container.setLandscape(right: 100)
// Sets the background shadow under container. (Default: backgroundShadowShow).
container.layout.landscapeBackgroundShadowShow = false
// Sets the new value for positions of animated movement (top, middle, bottom). (Default: positions).
container.layout.landscapePositions = ContainerPosition(top: 20, middle: 150, bottom: 70)
// Sets insets container.view (left, right). (Default: insets).
container.layout.landscapeInsets = ContainerInsets(right: 20, left: 100)
// Change settings right away
container.setLandscape(top: 30)
container.setLandscape(middle: 150)
container.setLandscape(bottom: 70)
container.setLandscape(middle: nil)
container.setLandscape(backgroundShadowShow: false)
container.setLandscape(left: 10)
container.setLandscape(right: 100)
// Padding-top from container.view, if headerView is added, then its + height is summed.
container.layout.footerPadding = 100
// Tracking position container.view during animated movement.
container.layout.trackingPosition = false
// Change settings right away
container.set(footerPadding: 100)
container.set(trackingPosition: false)
class ViewController: UIViewController, ContainerControllerDelegate {
override func viewDidLoad() {
let container = ContainerController(addTo: self, layout: layout)
container.delegate = self
/// Reports rotation and orientation changes
func containerControllerRotation(_ containerController: ContainerController) {
/// Reports a click on the background shadow
func containerControllerShadowClick(_ containerController: ContainerController) {
/// Reports the changes current position of the container, after its use
func containerControllerMove(_ containerController: ContainerController, position: CGFloat, type: ContainerMoveType, animation: Bool) {
motionrustam@gmail.com 📩| mrustaa JUNE 2020
ContainerController is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.