A simple stack implementation to store JSON objects
npm install mini-stack --save
var Stack = require("mini-stack");
var stack = Stack();
stack.size(); // returns 0
stack.push({id: "First Person"}); // returns true
stack.push({id: "Second Person"}); // returns true
stack.size(); // returns 2
stack.peek(); // returns {id: "Second Person"}
stack.pop(); // returns {id: "Second Person"} and removes {id: "Second Person"}
stack.size(); // returns 1
stack.peek(); // returns {id: "First Person"}
stack.clear(); // returns true
stack.size(); // returns 0
npm test
- 1.0.0 Initial Release
- 1.0.1 Updated README.md
- 1.0.2 Minor bug fixes
- 1.0.3 Updated to use an IIFE to avoid polluting scope
- 1.0.4 Minor bug fix
- 1.0.5 Force update of README.md
- 1.0.6 Make data attribute private, expose accessible members at top
size() -> Returns the size of the stack, or number of items
clear() -> Clears all items in the stack
push(item) -> Pushes an new item onto the top of the stack
pop() -> Returns the item which is currently at the top of the stack and removes it
peek() -> Returns the item which is currently at the top of the stack but does not remove it