React Conditional Block is a light weight component that gives you a conditional block to help you clean up your react code. A common pattern in React is to have multiple conditions in your render method which control when certain blocks are rendered. This can turn into a mess quite quickly.
For example, with React Conditional Block, something which might originally have looked like this:
import React from 'react';
import {First, Second, Third, Other} from 'some-components';
const Component = ({first, second, third,}) => {
return (
first && (
<First {} />
second && (
<Second {}>
third && (
<Third {} />
Becomes something like this:
import React from 'react';
import {First, Second, Third, Other} from 'some-components';
import Conditional from 'react-conditional-block';
const Component = ({first, second, third,}) => {
return (
<Conditional predicate={first}>
<First {} />
<Conditional predicate={second}>
<Second {}>
<Conditional predicate={third}>
<Third {...third} />
The easiest way to use react-conditional-block is to install it from npm and build it into your app with Webpack
npm install --save react-conditional-block
Then use it in your app:
import React from 'react';
import Conditional from 'react-conditional-block';
const App = ({somethingTruthy, somethingFalsy}) => {
return (
I am rendered!
I am NOT rendered!
export default App;
Props you may want to specify include:
- Any renderable content. Will be displayed whenpredicate
is truthy.predicate
- Boolean. This determines whether or not to render the children wrapped byConditional
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MIT Licensed. Copyright (c) Matt Shirlaw 2019.