These are my dotfiles
It is currently a heavily modified version of cowboy/dotfiles
- osx getopt fails
- osx tmux default-terminal tmux-256color -> xterm-256color
- tig: interactive git history viewer
- apt
- dsf: better git diff
- bat: pretty formatted cat
- prettyping: A pretty ping
- fzf: fuzzy search, does bash history
- up: interactively run commands on piped input
- fuck: fix whatever it was you fucked up with the last command
- slackcat: send files or test to slack from the command line
,org / mate / panel / objects / clock / prefs
- Change
to "custom" custom-format
to%F | %a %b | %T
- Disable mate automounting:
gsettings set automount false
- Install udiskie
sudo apt install udiskie
- autostart
udiskie --no-automount
- 2015 cowboy/dotfiles
- 2017 justone/dfm
- perl script inside repo, I don't really remember much about it
- 2018 started adding on my own init bash scripts
- 2019 thoughtbot/rcm
- worked but controlling exactly what got linked was annoying
- I was installing via apt which was annoying
- 2024 back to cowboy/dotfiles but modified
- interesting plugin system for aliases that maybe have help?