- Allow users to upload csv files of upto 100 mb in size.
- In case csv files do not have explicit headers the tool infers the header names. More details can be read here.
- Allow users to define schemas (mapping of column names to data types) and store them in the tool to be reused.
- Allow users to associate a schema with an uploaded file.
- Allow users to view a schema associated with a file.
- In case a file did not have an user defined schema associated with the tool infers the schema to be used.
- Allow users to perform validation of the file contents against an user provided schema or an inferred schema.
- Mongodb was choosen as the document database to maintain schemas and file information.
- Make sure you have docker installed and running.
# Run the following commands from the root directory of the project.
docker compose build
docker compose up
- Tests can be run by attaching into the container
docker exec -it <container-id> bash
# Make sure you are in the code directory
pytest tests/
- Swagger docs can be viewed at
Schema Inference
The schema is inferenced by pandas when reading the csv. Unfortunately a lot of the times pandas results to object dtype for a lot of columns which are clearly float or int. Pandas to_datetime and to_numeric were used to check if object dtypes could be constrained to a more specific type during the schema inference process.
Column Inference
Some of the csv files might not have headers and therefore had to be inferenced. In order to do this the tool first checks to see if there is a schema that the user has uploaded that matches the current schema of the csv file - in that case the columns of the matched schema are applied to the current one. However in case no matching schema was found - the tool defaults to using Column0...ColumnN as headers.
Validation of a file is done with the help of Pydantic. If a file has an associated schema that is used, otherwise we default to the inferred schema. The schema is then used to create a dynamic pydantic model which validates each row of the Dataframe.
- Right now schema dtypes that are supported are int, float, datetime, and str. In case a dtype is not supported we default to using str.
- For column inference check uploaded files as well to see if they have the same dtype structure.
- Adding linting, and mypy to the repo.
- Separate out the BaseSchemaRequest model a bit more - right now the columns and dtypes are optional and populated through the model validator - but from the openapi spec perspective they seem like mandatory fields. Overall I think the pydantic basemodel hiearchy in the project could be cleaned up a bit more.
- Use Enum to indicate the supported dtypes.