Information Modal is vanilla JavaScript framework with SpringBoot server to show Information/Help modals in WebApplications.
The Core server library, Exposes Rest Enpoints.
Retorfit based client to interact with the service via REST API.
Common code shared by both Client and Api (DTOs etc)
Schema and Sample Data for the Database.
vanilla Js framework
- Import JQuery in your html.
- Import both Js and css files present under Js folder in your html.
- Call setFetchDataBaseUrl as soon as your application is launched. Pass your server baseUrl and module in this function.
- Wherever you want to use this Info Icon, add this HTML snippet.
<div class=\"infoIcon infotooltip\" data-identifier=\"Some-Identifier-Tag\" onmouseover=\"showTitle(this)\" onclick=\"openModalPopup(this)\">?</div>
The service depends on the following Environment Variables to be set:
- INFORMATION_MODAL_DB_HOST [defaults to localhost]
- INFORMATION_MODAL_DB_PORT [defaults to 3306]
- INFORMATION_MODAL_DB_NAME [defaults to InformationModalDB]
Optionally you can also overrider the port the service runs and the log file location with
- INFORMATION_MODAL_PORT [defaults to 8080]
- INFORMATION_MODEL_LOG_LOCATION [defaults to information_modal.log in current folder]
mvn clean install
mvn spring-boot:run
- The default persistence used is mysql
- Database Schema is present here
- If you want to schema to auto generate add this property to application.yml -
spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto: update
- Java 11
- Open an issue at:
- Email us at:
We welcome contributions to Information Modal. Please see our contribution guide for more details.
Copyright 2020 myKaarma
Licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3