DRCNN: Hyperspectral data reduction in supervised deep learning
DRCNN (Data Reduction Convolutional Neural Network) is a deep learning architecture for tasks on hyperspectral images. The network is designed to compress the hyperspectral images in a data reduction layer after which a conventional CNN carries out the image task. By connecting both components and applying end-to-end training, optimal data compression can be learned for a given image task (e.g. segmentation or classification).
This package provides scripts for applying DRCNN with simulated hyperspectral X-ray images and hyperspectral remote sensing based images. Both modalities can be tested on provided scripts for DRU-Net and DRMSD. In addition, the package provides scripts for complete reproduction of results of the experiments in the associated paper titled 'Task-Driven Learned Hyperspectral Data Reduction Using End-to-End Supervised Deep Learning', in which the data reduction method is demonstrated and analyzed on numerical hyperspectral X-ray and remote sensing data with DRU-Net and DRMSD.
Running the scripts requires a number of major and minor packages:
- MSDNet (version 1.0.0): https://github.com/dmpelt/msdnet
- PyTorch: https://pytorch.org/
- ASTRA Toolbox (for X-ray experiments): https://github.com/astra-toolbox/astra-toolbox
Minor (but essential): csv, matplotlib, numpy, scipy, sklearn, tifffile
Optional: cudatoolkit (recommended), physdata.xray, pyqtgraph (useful for plotting and examining intermediate results)
The code has been tested with Python version 3.6.10 on Fedora 36, with Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU, GeForce GTX 1070 GPU, CUDA version 11.8 and CUDA toolkit 10.1.243.
For running the remote sensing experiments, it is required to download the USGS library (usgs_splib07.zip) and store it in the data/RemoteSensingDatasets/RemoteSensingSpectra/ folder
The scripts/X-ray/generation/ folder contains an operations.c file to speed up computations. This can be used by compiling by running 'gcc -shared -fopenmp -fPIC operations.c -o operations.so -lm'
The msdnet code needs a small modification in the logging code. Instructions for this can be found in msdnetInstructions.txt.
The package contains code to generate X-ray and remote sensing based images, as well as to apply PCA, NMF and LDA reductions on the generated data for comparison with the DRCNN method. Furthermore, (DR)MSD and (DR)U-Net scripts are provided to train on each configuration (the X-ray segmentation problem has a few- and many-material setting, while the remote sensing problem has a non-overlapping and partially overlapping setting). For the resulting trained networks, testing and plotting scripts are provided to replicate the results in the paper. The scripts folder is organized in the following manner:
├── scripts
├── RemoteSensing
│ ├── generation
│ │ ├────────────── EnvironmentsGenerator.py
│ │ ├────────────── EnvironmentsGeneratorPartiallyOverlapping.py
│ │ ├────────────── SpectralRemoteSensingDataGenerator.py
│ │ ├────────────── ApplyNoise.py
│ │ ├────────────── PCAFromDataset.py
│ │ ├────────────── NMFFromDataset.py
│ │ └────────────── LDAFromDataset.py
│ ├── training
│ │ ├── MSD
│ │ │ ├── PartiallyOverlappingFalse
│ │ │ │ └────── RemoteSensingDRMSDPartiallyOverlappingFalse_train_segm.py
│ │ │ └── PartiallyOverlappingTrue
│ │ │ ├────── RemoteSensingDRMSDPartiallyOverlappingTrue_train_segm.py
│ │ │ └── RobustnessExperiment
│ │ │ └── RemoteSensingDRMSDPartiallyOverlappingTrue_train_segmRobustnessExp.py
│ │ └── UNet
│ │ ├── PartiallyOverlappingFalse
│ │ │ └────── RemoteSensingDRMSDPartiallyOverlappingFalse_train_segm.py
│ │ └── PartiallyOverlappingTrue
│ │ ├────── RemoteSensingDRMSDPartiallyOverlappingTrue_train_segm.py
│ │ └── RobustnessExperiment
│ │ └── RemoteSensingDRMSDPartiallyOverlappingTrue_train_segmRobustnessExp.py
│ ├── testing
│ │ ├────────────── RemoteSensingDRMSDReductionsTest.py
│ │ ├────────────── RemoteSensingDRMSDComputeWeights.py
│ │ ├────────────── RemoteSensingDRUNetReductionsTest.py
│ │ └────────────── RemoteSensingDRUNetComputeWeights.py
│ └── plotting
│ ├────────────── PlotRemoteSensingDRMSDReductionChannelsResults.py
│ └────────────── PlotRemoteSensingDRUNetReductionChannelsResults.py
├── X-ray
│ ├── generation
│ │ ├────────────── MaterialProjectionsGenerator.py
│ │ ├────────────── SpectralDataGenerator.py
│ │ ├────────────── PCAFromDataset.py
│ │ ├────────────── NMFFromDataset.py
│ │ └────────────── LDAFromDataset.py
│ ├── training
│ │ ├── MSD
│ │ │ ├── ManyMaterialsFalse
│ │ │ │ └────── X-rayDRMSDManyMaterialsFalse_train_segm.py
│ │ │ └── ManyMaterialsTrue
│ │ │ ├────── X-rayDRMSDManyMaterialsTrue_train_segm.py
│ │ │ └── RobustnessExperiment
│ │ │ └── X-rayDRMSDManyMaterialsTrue_train_segmRobustnessExp.py
│ │ └── UNet
│ │ ├── ManyMaterialsFalse
│ │ │ └────── X-rayDRUNetManyMaterialsFalse_train.py
│ │ └── ManyMaterialsTrue
│ │ ├────── X-rayDRUNetManyMaterialsTrue_train.py
│ │ └── RobustnessExperiment
│ │ └── X-rayDRUNetManyMaterialsTrue_trainRobustnessExp.py
│ ├── testing
│ │ ├────────────── X-rayDRMSDReductionsTest.py
│ │ ├────────────── X-rayDRMSDComputeWeights.py
│ │ ├────────────── X-rayDRUNetReductionsTest.py
│ │ └────────────── X-rayDRUNetComputeWeights.py
│ └── plotting
│ ├────────────── PlotX-rayDRMSDReductionChannelsResults.py
│ └────────────── PlotX-rayDRUNetReductionChannelsResults.py
└── RobustnessTests
├────────────────── RobustnessTestMSD.py
└────────────────── RobustnessTestUNet.py
For the training of the networks there are scripting files available that allows for scheduling the training procedures on the GPU (named ScripterCUDAcoreindex). To replicate the results in the paper, change the training times in these scripts accordingly.
To reproduce the various results in the paper, follow the following scripts:
- Section 4.4.1: Run all data generation scripts for X-ray and remote sensing, then run all the training scripts, run the ReductionsTest.py scripts and finally the scripts in the plotting folders.
- Section 4.4.2: Run all data generation scripts for X-ray and remote sensing, then run all the training scripts (in the ManyMaterialsTrue folder for X-ray and the PartiallyOverlapping folder for remote sentings), run the ReductionsTest.py scripts in the testing folders and finally the scripts in the plotting folders.
- Section 4.4.3: Run all data generation scripts for X-ray and remote sensing, then run all the training scripts, and then the ComputeWeights testing scripts.
- Appendix B: Run all data generation scripts for X-ray and remote sensing, then run the training scripts in the RobustnessExperiments/ folders, and then scripts in the RobustnessTests.py to generate the resuls.
The resulting plots (see examples below) will be located /results folder.
Below are data samples and segmentation performances of trained networks for various data reduction methods on the X-ray (upper row) and remote sensing based (lower row) datasets:
The algorithms and routines implemented in this Python package are described in following paper published in Journal of Imaging. If you use (parts of) this code in a publication, we would appreciate it if you would refer to:
title={Task-driven learned hyperspectral data reduction using end-to-end supervised deep learning},
author={Zeegers, Math{\'e} T and Pelt, Dani{\"e}l M and van Leeuwen, Tristan and van Liere, Robert and Batenburg, Kees Joost},
journal={Journal of Imaging},
Code written by:
- Mathé Zeegers (m [dot] t [dot] zeegers [at] cwi [dot] nl).
Initial DRMSD code written by Daniël Pelt.
The MSD and UNet training scripts contain elements of MSD code (https://github.com/dmpelt/msdnet) by Daniël Pelt and PyTorch UNet code (https://github.com/usuyama/pytorch-unet) by Naoto Usuyama respectively.