Most codes are for python3, most notebooks works on
- CycleGAN-lasagne
- CycleGAN-keras
- pix2pix-keras: pix2pix GAN Keras implementation
- pix2pix-lasagne: pix2pix GAN Lasagne implementation
- pix2pix-torch: pix2pix GAN pytorch implementation
- wgan-keras: Wasserstein GAN Keras implementation
- wgan-lasagne: Wasserstein GAN Lasagne implementation
- wgan-torch: Wasserstein GAN pytorch implementation based on
- wgan2-lasagne: improved WGAN Lasagne implementation (on CIFAR10)
- wgan2-keras: improved WGAN Keras implementation (on CIFAR10)
- wgan2-lasagne-anime: WGAN on anime face images, lasagne
- wgan2-AC-lasagne: improved WGAN Lasagne implementation with Auxillary classfier
- cifar10 dataset
- cifar10 dataset with Auxillary classfier
- anime face dataset
- mnist-infogan: InfoGAN Lasagne on MNIST dataset
- mnist-infogan-paper-uniform: InfoGAN Lasagne on MNIST dataset (fllowing the paper implementation)
- dcgan-lasagne: DCGAN in Lasagne