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BlueLox is a tree-walking interpreter implemented in Golang for Lox.
Lox is a programing language by Robert Nystrom, introduced in his wonderful book Crafting Interpreters, where he constructs a Java version interpreter(jlox) line by line, with detailed tutorial, brilliant illustrations and a full pack of jokes about breakfast.
A web browser based Lox playground powered by WASM version of BlueLox.
You may find the Lox Playground helpful during your learning and coding as it may be your stage for trial-and-error and implementation reference.
go install github.com/nanmu42/bluelox/cmd/bluelox@latest
To use as a prompt:
To run a script file:
bluelox script.lox
Lox programing language and Crafting Interpreters are works by Robert Nystrom.
The Lox Playground borrows lots of ideas, code and styles from Go Playground.
Logo generated at Gopherize.me.
Copyright © 2022 LI Zhennan
Released under Apache License 2.0.