composer require nathanwooten\al
require_once 'al.php';
require_once 'vendor' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'autoload.php';
nathanwooten\al\Al::path_( 'TOP_DIR', [ dirname( __FILE__ ) ] );
nathanwooten\al\Al::path_( 'TOP_FILE', [ 'TOP_DIR', 'top.php' ] );
$return = nathanwooten\al\Al::file_( 'TOP_FILE' );
use nathanwooten\al\Al;
//... define public ...
// PathFind.php is in all dirs
$pathFind = require dirname( __FILE__ ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'PathFind.php';
// define public
$public = $pathFind->pathFind( __FILE__, [ 'public_html' ] ) . DS . 'public_html' );
Al::path_( 'PUBLIC_HTML', 'PUBLIC_HTML', $public );
Al::path_( 'TOP_FILE', 'PUBLIC_HTML', 'top.php' );
$containerOrApplication = Al::file_( 'TOP_FILE' );
return $containerOrApplication;
The config is FIFO or first-in, first-out.
Config can technically include any function but is meant to include methods of the Al object that are appended by an "_"