swnt provides a command line interface to the roll tables and generators found in Stars Without Number : Revised Edition (free version). While the code is MIT licensed, all roll table content (except the name.System table) is the copyright of Kevin Crawford, Sine Nominee Publishing.
- Generate sectors up to 99x99 hexes
- Export sectors as
- plain text (with directory structure)
- a hugo site using a fork of the docdock theme. This includes indexing and text search support
- Has generators for pretty much all tables in the Free edition of Stars Without Number (I don't think I missed any, let me know if I did)
swnt is available from the AUR at https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/swnt/ or via your favourite AUR helper. Personally I use yay.
yay -Syu swnt
You can build swnt yourself or use the binary release from the releases page.
Building from source
You will need the go compiler to install swnt. Once installed just run
go get github.com/nboughton/swnt
go install github.com/nboughton/swnt
swnt should build on other platforms but I'm not able to test them so I can't guarantee it'll work as expected on anything other than linux.
To make full use of swnt's hugo export function for generated sectors you'll also need Hugo
swnt is mostly for rolling on tables and generating content such as sectors, npcs, points of interest, quick encounters etc using the "new" sub-command:
$ swnt new -h
Generate content
swnt new [command]
Available Commands:
adventure Generate an Adventure seed
alien Generate an Alien
beast Generate a Beast
conflict Generate a Conflict/Problem
corporation Generate a Corporation
culture Generate a culture
encounter Generate a quick encounter
heresy Generate a Heresy
npc Generate a NPC
place Generate a place
poi Generate a Point of Interest
religion Generate a Religion
sector Create the skeleton of a Sector
world Generate a secondary World for a Sector cell
-f, --format string Set output format. (--format txt,md). Not all commands support this flag. (default "txt")
-h, --help help for new
Use "swnt new [command] --help" for more information about a command.
However it's fairly like the command users will want to play with most is "new sector":
$ swnt new sector -h
Create the skeleton of a Sector
swnt new sector [flags]
-d, --density string Set star density in sector. Options are sparse, average or dense (default "average")
-x, --exclude stringArray Exclude tags (-x zombies -x "regional hegemon" etc)
--export string Set export formats. Format types must be comma separated without spaces. Supported formats are txt, json and hugo (default "txt,json")
-h, --help help for sector
-l, --long-tags Toggle full world tag info in output
-o, --other-worlds-chance int Set % chance for a secondary world to be generated for any given star in the sector (default 15)
-p, --poi-chance int Set % chance of a POI being generated for any given star in the sector (default 40)
-e, --sector-height int Set height of sector in hexes (default 10)
-w, --sector-width int Set width of sector in hexes (default 8)
Global Flags:
-f, --format string Set output format. (--format txt,md). Not all commands support this flag. (default "txt")
Note new sector doesn't support the --format flag as export formats are covered by the export flag and output differently.
Make sure you use a monospace font in your terminal otherwise the output won't line up properly.
All commands can be queried for their available options with the -h flag. For example:
$ swnt -h
A simple application for generating content for Stars Without Number
swnt [command]
Available Commands:
bestiary List creature statblocks
help Help about any command
new Generate content
react Make a reaction roll for an NPC
show Print the text of a world tag, table text will be added in future
-h, --help help for swnt
Use "swnt [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Most sub-commands of "new" (and the bestiary) support markdown as an output option with the -f (--format) flag. This makes it easier to copy and paste content straight into a Hugo exported sector.
Because Sectors Without Number already exists and is an awesome tool. Also, I live on the CLI. It's where I work, where I'm comfortable and I suspect I'm not alone in that. swnt lets me just hammer a few keys and instantly get something back without having to faff around with GUIs and that's how I like it. I also like using screenshots of the player maps as my actual maps in Roll20. It's got that awful 80s retro-scifi look that just burns the retinas in all the right ways.