Converts between object dataset formats.
Example: convert from data in KITTI format to Pascal VOC format:
$ python vod_converter/ --from kitti --from-path datasets/mydata-kitti --to voc --to-path datasets/mydata-voc
: Source dataset--from
: Type of source dataset. This flag only accepts 4 values:kitti
: KITTI.kitti-tracking
: KITTI tracking.voc
: Pascal VOCudacity-crowdai
: Udacity CrowdAI.udacity-autti
: Udacity AUTTI
: Destination path--to
: Type of destination dataset. This flag only accepts 2 values:kitti
: KITTI.voc
: Pascal VOC
for documentation on how to easily plug in additional data formats; you can define a function
that can read in your data into a common format, and it will be then ready to convert to any supported format.
Similarly, you can implement a single function that takes the common format and outputs to the filesystem in your format and you will be ready to convert from e.g VOC to yours.
This repository is a fork from vod-converter but has some changes to be compatible with both Python 2 and 3