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Native Modules

a list of 2742 JavaScript modules with C++ addons

Find more datasets like this at nice-registry/about.


This list is created by consuming the entire npm registry using package-stream, collecting all packages that depend (or devDepend) on nan, node-pre-gyp, prebuild, or prebuildify. Then average daily downloads and direct dependents counts are added to the collected packages so they can be sorted by popularity.


top dependents of `nan` by dependent count

node-sassWrapper around libsass2713
sqlite3Asynchronous, non-blocking SQLite3 bindings870
bcryptA bcrypt library for NodeJS.510
serialportNode.js package to access serial ports. Linux, OSX and Windows. Welcome your robotic JavaScript overlords. Better yet, program them!471
hiredisWrapper for reply processing code in hiredis424
canvasCanvas graphics API backed by Cairo396
websocketWebsocket Client & Server Library implementing the WebSocket protocol as specified in RFC 6455.314
node-gypNode.js native addon build tool272
leveldownA Node.js LevelDB binding, primary backend for LevelUP271
deasyncTurns async function into sync via JavaScript wrapper of Node event loop238
microtimeGet the current time in microseconds207
iconvText recoding in JavaScript for fun and profit!190
libxmljslibxml bindings for v8 javascript engine184
zmqBindings for node.js and io.js to ZeroMQ182
nodegitNode.js libgit2 asynchronous native bindings182
sleepAdd sleep() and usleep() to nodejs139
ffiA foreign function interface (FFI) for Node.js115
refTurn Buffer instances into "pointers"109
pty.jsPseudo terminals for node.106
bignumArbitrary-precision integer arithmetic using OpenSSL100
node-hidUSB HID device access library95
ursaRSA public/private key OpenSSL bindings for node and io.js92
node-expatNodeJS binding for fast XML parsing.90
sharpHigh performance Node.js image processing, the fastest module to resize JPEG, PNG, WebP and TIFF images85
fseventsNative Access to Mac OS-X FSEvents83
lwipComprehensive, fast, and simple image processing and manipulation83
speakerOutput PCM audio data to the speakers78
couchbaseThe official Couchbase Node.js Client Library.76
msgpackA space-efficient object serialization library for node.js72
mdnsmulticast DNS service discovery71
mmmagicAn async libmagic binding for node.js for detecting content types by data inspection69
kerberosKerberos library for Node.js68
ref-structCreate ABI-compliant "struct" instances on top of Buffers68
bufferutilWebSocket buffer utils65
javaBridge API to connect with existing Java APIs.65
i2cNative bindings for i2c-dev. Plays well with Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone.62
lameNodeJS native bindings to libmp3lame & libmpg123.59
utf-8-validateCheck if a buffer contains valid UTF-858
edgeEdge.js: run .NET and Node.js in-process on Windows, Mac OS, and Linux57
v8-profilernode bindings for the v8 profiler56
time"time.h" bindings for Node.js55
usagesimple way to lookup linux process usage49
usbLibrary to access USB devices49
posixThe missing POSIX system calls48
dtrace-providerNative DTrace providers for node.js applications46
ref-arrayCreate C "array" instances on top of Buffers46
midiMIDI hardware IO42
protagonistAPI Blueprint Parser41
mapnikTile rendering library for node40
grpcgRPC Library for Node38

top dependents of `nan` by daily download count

fseventsNative Access to Mac OS-X FSEvents103325
node-gypNode.js native addon build tool96255
node-sassWrapper around libsass86027
evp_bytestokeyThe insecure key derivation algorithm from OpenSSL61884
dtrace-providerNative DTrace providers for node.js applications34063
bufferutilWebSocket buffer utils21758
utf-8-validateCheck if a buffer contains valid UTF-821707
kerberosKerberos library for Node.js20827
bcryptA bcrypt library for NodeJS.11130
refTurn Buffer instances into "pointers"8696
ref-structCreate ABI-compliant "struct" instances on top of Buffers8483
ffiA foreign function interface (FFI) for Node.js8453
diskusageGet total diskspace and free diskspace using bindings around platform specific calls.7830
ref-arrayCreate C "array" instances on top of Buffers7679
v8-profilernode bindings for the v8 profiler7499
sqlite3Asynchronous, non-blocking SQLite3 bindings7202
websocketWebsocket Client & Server Library implementing the WebSocket protocol as specified in RFC 6455.6458
contextifyTurn an object into a persistent execution context.6344
v8-debugv8 debugger extending API5508
hiredisWrapper for reply processing code in hiredis5492
node-zopfliBindings for Zopfli compressing lib. Compress gzip files 5% better than gzip.4650
node-expatNodeJS binding for fast XML parsing.3984
leveldownA Node.js LevelDB binding, primary backend for LevelUP3860
grpcgRPC Library for Node3732
canvasCanvas graphics API backed by Cairo3034
iconvText recoding in JavaScript for fun and profit!2866
deasyncTurns async function into sync via JavaScript wrapper of Node event loop2744
ursaRSA public/private key OpenSSL bindings for node and io.js2701
geoip2Maxmind GeoIP2 database reader for geolocating ip addresses. Fast native implementation by wrapping libmaxminddb.2369
serialportNode.js package to access serial ports. Linux, OSX and Windows. Welcome your robotic JavaScript overlords. Better yet, program them!2081
ttf2woff2Convert TTF files to WOFF2 ones.1997
usagesimple way to lookup linux process usage1923
sse4_crc32Hardware-accelerated CRC-32C with software fallback1892
memwatch-nextKeep an eye on your memory usage, and discover and isolate leaks.1652
snappyNodejs bindings to Google's Snappy compression library1622
libxmljslibxml bindings for v8 javascript engine1519
unix-dgramUnix datagram socket1510
gc-statsExposes node v8 garbage collection stats1496
sleepAdd sleep() and usleep() to nodejs1478
sharpHigh performance Node.js image processing, the fastest module to resize JPEG, PNG, WebP and TIFF images1457
zmqBindings for node.js and io.js to ZeroMQ1437
bignumArbitrary-precision integer arithmetic using OpenSSL1417
weakMake weak references to JavaScript Objects.1284
modern-syslogmodern syslog - streaming, async, uses nan1283
protagonistAPI Blueprint Parser1138
atom-patchA data structure to efficiently represent the results of applying patches.1066
libpqLow-level native bindings to PostgreSQL libpq1049
fs-extExtensions to core 'fs' module.932
lwipComprehensive, fast, and simple image processing and manipulation861
bson-extThe C++ bson parser for the node.js mongodb driver.860

all dependents of `prebuild`

bufferutilWebSocket buffer utils2175865
utf-8-validateCheck if a buffer contains valid UTF-82170758
leveldownA Node.js LevelDB binding, primary backend for LevelUP3860271
couchbaseThe official Couchbase Node.js Client Library.67876
farmhashNode.js implementation of FarmHash, Google's family of very fast hash functions60717
secp256k1This module provides native bindings to ecdsa secp256k1 functions57227
glCreates a WebGL context without a window24819
fridaInject JavaScript to explore native apps on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android2187
keccakKeccak sponge function family1460
zeromqPrebuilt bindings for node.js to ZeroMQ1374
leveldown-hyperA Node.js LevelDB binding, primary backend for LevelUP (HyperDex fork)1364
robotjsNode.js Desktop Automation.7923
node-hidUSB HID device access library7595
iohook-prebuild-testNode.js global keyboard and mouse hook630
sodium-prebuiltLib Sodium port for node.js633
rabinnode native bindings to a C rabin fingerprinting algorithm563
zmq-prebuiltPrebuilt bindings for node.js to ZeroMQ332
node-irsdkiRacing SDK implementation for Node.js240
fuse-bindingsFully maintained fuse bindings for Node that aims to cover the entire FUSE api1617
nodeos-cross-toolchainCross-toolchain to build NodeOS based on Compressed Linux From Scratch Embedded165
libfuselibfuse as a npm package140
rabin-prebuild-testnode native bindings to a C rabin fingerprinting algorithm120
libtorrent-nativeRasterbar-libtorrent bindings for Node.js110
gpii-pouchdbThis package provides [Fluid components]( that wrap [PouchDB]( and [express-pouchdb]( You102
nodeos-nodejsNode.js as a npm package for NodeOS103
logiledNodeJS Bindings for the Logitech LED SDK. The Logitech LED SDK is used to control the RGB-LEDs of various logitech hardware like keyboard or mouse.100
require-rebuildRebuild modules if built for a different node versions103
iohookNode.js global keyboard and mouse hook90
nodeos-barebonesGenerate a NodeOS barebones image92
nodeos-initramfsGenerate a NodeOS initramfs91
libblkidInterface for libblkid, a library to identify block devices80
hackrfControl a HackRF device (e.g. Jawbreaker, HackRF One, or Rad1o) from node81
mpv.jsmpv pepper plugin70
leveldown-basho-andrisA Node.js LevelDB (Basho fork) binding, a backend for LevelUP70
node-snap7Native node.js addon/wrapper for snap771
rocksdbA Node.js RocksDB binding, a backend for LevelUP61
flac-bindingslibflac bindings to node.js with easy to use API60
node-tk5Node.js GSTK5 API50
xbox-ctrlNode api for the xbox controller50
cylangCycript compiler51
mknodNode bindings for mknod54
nodeos-usersfsGenerate a read-write users filesystem for NodeOS for demo purposses40
qemuQEmu as a npm package for NodeOS35
clara-glModified gl package, Creates a WebGL context without a window30
leveldown-mipsA Node.js LevelDB binding, primary backend for LevelUP31
win-version-infoWindows-only native addon to read version info from executables30
genfatfsfat filesystem generator for embedded systems31
process-listCross-platform method to receive the list of the launched processes20
headless-glCreates a WebGL context without a window20
fit3d-glCreates a WebGL context without a window20
genext2fsext2 filesystem generator for embedded systems22
a-native-module-without-prebuildA Node.js LevelDB binding, primary backend for LevelUP11
flat-rocksA Node.js RocksDB binding for LevelUP10
hs-serialportNode.js package to access serial ports. Welcome your robotic javascript overlords. Better yet, program them!00
keytar-prebuildBindings to native Mac/Linux/Windows password APIs00
microtimeGet the current time in microseconds0207
ps-nativeNative binding for Node.js for manipulating processes00
robotjs-shadeNode.js Desktop Automation.00
screenjsVery small cross-platform library, to create a screenshot00
weakvaluemapA collection of key/value pairs in which the values are weakly referenced.00
wifi-networkCross-platform wireless network control00
@corbinu/couchbaseThe unofficial Couchbase Node.js Client Library.00
64High performance Base64 encoding and decoding for Node.js using SIMD acceleration00

all dependents of `prebuildify`

sodium-nativeLow level bindings for libsodium610
utp-nativeNative bindings for libutp582
libtorrent-nativeRasterbar-libtorrent bindings for Node.js110
a-native-exampleAn example Node.js native module00
node-natnetAddon for the NatNet SDK.00


JavaScript modules with C++ addons






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