Compile and Run! Execute source files directly without worrying at all about compiling.
Command-line utility for quickly executing files containing code in a compiled language such as C, C++, Java, etc.
Seamlessly execute files as if they were scripts, leaving no trace of binaries behind.
To install car enter the following command into a terminal:
sudo curl -sL "$(curl -s | sed -n -e 's/^.*"browser_download_url": "\(.*\)"$/\1/p')" | sh
Make sure that the containing directory of car is present in your ${PATH} environment variable
Write some code (check out the supported languages below)
Unless you want to execute your file explicitly using
car example.c
, add a shebang to the top of your source file like so:#!/usr/bin/env car
Change the permissions of the file to be executable
chmod ugo+x example.c
Run your source file like it were its own program or a script file
As mentioned, if you plan to execute the file using the car program explicitly, forget about the shebang and changing the file permissions.
- C (GCC)
- C++ (G++)
- C# (Mono)
- Go
- Java
- Rust
- Linux
- Mac OS X
- Windows? (Windows subsystem for Linux)
- Untested, but presumably the script should work on any Bash shell on a system that is supported by the compilers listed above, so my bet is that Windows is fair game (even though it's not really Windows...)
- Could maybe get it to work on Cygwin or MinGW too
car is only a shell script; it does not ship with the capability to compile source on its own.
car makes use of various other compilers, but does not in its current state ship with binaries for those compilers, thus it is up to the user to download and install compilers on their own.
In a future release, perhaps an installer for car will be included which will be able to fetch compilers as dependencies.