Version 0.01 alpha 11 April 2012
(c) 2012 Nick Penaranda
See LICENSE.TXT for license information.
- Description
Kokgee (Pronounced KOH-ghee) is a Tetris clone designed to be flexible and amenable to research. It is designed to be compliant with the original Tetris specifications, but adds some enhancements such as CW rotation, "speeded drop" and next piece preview. Scoring is simplified and only accounts for completed lines.
- Features/Specs
- Built with Java and uses LWJGL/Slick
- Complies with original Tetris specifications
- Sounds
- Controls
- Left/Right Arrow Move left/right
- Down Arrow Speeded descent
- Spacebar Instant ("Hard") drop
- D/F Rotate piece CCW/CW
- P Pause/unpause
- S Disable sound
- (DEV) F1/F2 Increase/decrease level
- (DEV) F4 Reset everything
- Escape Exit game (does nothing in applet mode)
- Menus
- Gameover screen, game end behavior
- Bugs
- Please report strange behavior and crashes (preferably with traceback info) to