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project boilerplate

Analyzing the Bundle Size

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Making a Progressive Web App

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Advanced Configuration

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yarn build fails to minify

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Requirements and initialization

If you don't have vs code, search for commands in ./project.code-workspace

  1. Install docker, docker-compose, buildx
  2. Install node.js 16 with nvm. NVM GitHub
  3. Install yarn with npm i -g yarn
  4. Call task in VS code: Create new docker builder (call only once when pulling project)
  5. Call task in VS code: Use docker builder (call only once when pulling project)
  6. Call task in VS code: Install yarn dependencies (call only once when pulling project)


If you plan to develop and use own fs

  1. Call task in VS code for better typing support: Mount types/shared in native fs.
  2. Call task in VS code: Up dev

If you want to develop inside a container

  1. Call command in VS code: Dev containers: Reopen in container

How to run psql

  1. Call task in VS code: psql dev

Endpoint to execute mock


Useful Docker commands

  1. If you want to check that all containers are up :

    docker-compose ps
  2. Other Docker commands :

    # Start Docker
    docker-compose start
    # Restart Docker
    docker-compose restart
    # Stop Docker
    docker-compose stop
    # Delete all containers
    docker rm $(docker ps -aq)
    # Delete all images
    docker rmi $(docker images -q)
  3. How to get a Docker container's IP address from the host ?

    docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' <container>
    docker inspect $(docker ps -f name=<service> -q) | grep IPAddress


  • password recovery|reset
  • connect testing libraries
  • Move yarn dependencies one level higher
  • Merge typescript, prettier and eslint configs and place it in project root directory
  • write script for getting sql from all migrations into one .sql file which then will be fed to dbml documentation generator
  • add healthcheck
  • wrap mock into transaction
  • add removing expired tokens from whitelisted store
  • update customFetch in frontend to use latest version made in tda project
  • cache requests to db for user with joined all access scopes (don't forget to invalidate cache when updating user or access scopes)
  • move some logic of redis commands from js to lua right into redis itself


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