- http://www.github.com/NimaLTD
- https://www.instagram.com/github.nimaltd/
- https://www.youtube.com/@nimaltd
This is the DHT (Humidity-Temperature) sensors STM32 HAL Library
How to use this Library:
- Select "General peripheral Initalizion as a pair of '.c/.h' file per peripheral" on project settings.
- Enable a gpio pin as external interrupt on both Rising and Falling edge.
- Enable a timer as normal mode.
- Include Header and source into your project.
- Config "dhtConf.h".
- Create your DHT_t struct.
- Put DHT_pinChangeCallBack(your struct) in external callback function.
- Call DHT_init( .. .. .. ).
- Read data by DHT_readData(&temp,&humid)
#include "DHT.h"
DHT_t am2301;
bool am2301_ok;
void HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Callback(uint16_t GPIO_Pin)
if(GPIO_Pin == am2301.pin)
int main()
float t,h;
am2301_ok = DHT_readData(&am2301,&t,&h);
Reversion History:
rewrite completly and Add external interrupt to reading pulses.
First Release.