TMDb Movie Search is a responsive React app that utilises Twitter's typeahead.js and Bloodhound suggestion engine, loading data via The Movie Database (TMDb) API.
Key tools used in this React project are:
Tool | Description |
React | A JavaScript library for building user interfaces |
Typeahead.js | A flexible JavaScript library that provides a strong foundation for building robust typeaheads |
Bloodhound | Bloodhound is the typeahead.js suggestion engine |
Bootstrap | Build responsive, mobile-first projects on the web with the world's most popular front-end component library |
SASS | Sass is the most mature, stable, and powerful professional grade CSS extension language in the world |
Browserify | Browserify lets you require('modules') in the browser by bundling up all of your dependencies |
Babel | Use next generation JavaScript, today |
Gulp | Gulp is a toolkit for automating painful or time-consuming tasks in your development workflow |
node.js is required to get npm
If you would like to download the code and try it for yourself:
- Clone the repo:
cd reactjs-tmdb-app
- Install packages:
npm install
andbower install
- Build project and launch:
gulp watch
- Open your browser at:
This project makes usage of the Fetch API, utilising a polyfill for older browsers.
- Chrome 42+
- Firefox 39+
- Safari 10+ (with polyfill)
- Internet Explorer 11+ (with polyfill)
- Edge 14+
Supports LTS version (v6).