# getting the code
git clone git@github.com:nko5/slickage.git && cd ./slickage/
# developing
npm install
npm start
# setup your modulus account
npm install -g modulus
modulus login
# deploying to Modulus (to http://slickage.2015.nodeknockout.com/)
modulus deploy
# view the most recent logs from modulus
modulus project logs
Read more about this setup on our blog.
Use our "Vote KO" widget to let from your app directly. Here's the code for including it in your site:
<iframe src="http://nodeknockout.com/iframe/slickage" frameborder=0 scrolling=no allowtransparency=true width=115 height=25>
If you have any issues, we're on IRC in #nodeknockout on freenode, email us at help@nodeknockout.com, or tweet @nodeknockout.