[v3.2.2] (2023-03-03)
v3.2.2 brings some major project infrastructure changes
- Frontend is bundled using Vite JS
- Upgrade to Ant Design version 5
- NMRium moved to frontend project
- nomad-rest-api is set up to use automatic tests using Vitest
- nomad-rest-api refactored to use ES6 modules for export/import
Bug fixes
What's Changed
- Params edit by @tomlebl in #26
- Params edit by @tomlebl in #25
- Issue #24 by @tomlebl in #27
- Vite by @tomlebl in #28
- Testing by @tomlebl in #30
- NMRium moved to frontend project by @tomlebl in #36
Full Changelog: v3.2.1...v3.2.2