Releases: nomad-nmr/nomad-server
Releases · nomad-nmr/nomad-server
[v3.2.1] (2022-11-18)
- Experimental time used in traffic control includes overhead time , closes #5
- Calculate overhead time from experiment history #20
- NMRium v0.33.0
- Conversion to .nmrium using nmr-load-save #14
- Manage group inactive user switch #14
- Default values for allowance #3
Bug fixes
What's Changed
- Nmrium update by @tomlebl in #16
- Maxnight by @tomlebl in #18
- Maxnight2 by @tomlebl in #19
- Overhead calc by @tomlebl in #22
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v3.2.0...v3.2.1
v3.2.0 (2022-09-22)
Implementation of Docker technology for both development and production environment. Consequently, to make further development more straightforward, three old repositories (nomad-front-end, nomad-rest-api, nomad-nmrium) were combined into this singe server side code repository.
Experimental time monitoring and accounting